The wine Taoist left.

When he was born, he was unrestrained all his life. He was happy without wine. He founded Shushan alone. He is a mortal immortal beyond the reach of every friar.

When he left, he didn't drink at all. He also talked about a lot of heavy topics, which made people feel that he was just an ordinary old man. How can he have the style of a mortal fairy?

The death knell sounded throughout Shushan.

On this day, the nine elders came to the lock demon tower to mourn for the wine Taoist.

"Bury him on the sunset cliff."

Chu Feng said slowly.

This proposal was unanimously agreed by the high level of Shushan.

In the golden dusk, there is an unknown stone tablet on the sunset cliff.

Generally speaking, no one in Shushan knows what the common name of the wine Taoist is.

All the high-rise buildings in Shushan are called wine Taoist.

Some disciples who know the identity of the wine Taoist are called his ancestors.

Only two disciples called him a bad old man.

Well, when a generation of mortal immortals finally turned into a pile of loess, they even lost their name.

Anyway, it all belongs to a piece of dust. What name do you need?

The high-rise of Shu mountain went to the grave one by one. Many hermits who hid their heads in Shu mountain, who could not tell their identity, came to the sunset cliff and went to the grave of wine Taoist to worship one by one.

When he was alive, the lock demon tower was cold, with only one disciple as his companion.

But after his death, the lock demon tower became particularly lively.

It's ironic.

When the sacrifice was over, all the high-rise buildings in Shushan left here.

Leaving Chu Feng alone, he opened the last pot of wine left by the wine Taoist before his life, sprinkled half of it on the grave and toasted the Taoist priest.

The other half, take another sip!

He doesn't care what magical effect this pot of wine has, or what benefits it will get if he drinks less.

Just... I want to toast the old man in the way I like after he leaves!

The remaining half bottle of wine.

Chu Feng drank it all at once.

It's strange to say that the wine gourd doesn't look very big, but there seems to be a heaven and earth cave in the pot. You can't drink it all.

Fortunately, after reading the book "a sword in the world of mortals" sent by the wine Taoist, Chu Feng's Taoist heart had a new understanding.

He is already a friar in the later period of incarnation.

Can hold so much wine.

"Gulu Gulu!"

Although that's what I said, there are too many bottles of wine. It seems that you can't finish drinking. If you don't get drunk, you won't stop!

Even the body of the friar in the realm of God can't stand it!

When he finally drank the last drop of wine in the pot

The scene in front of me became blurred and hazy.

After Chu Feng's state became higher and higher, even if he drank more wine, this feeling had not appeared for a long time.

He mostly regarded the enlightenment wine as a kind of magic medicine for cultivating immortality.

However, this pot of wine is really like drinking fragments. If you can't even think about anything, you will be drunk unconscious.

Chu Feng's consciousness is becoming more and more empty.

He really couldn't support it and fell to the ground drunk.

At the moment of falling

He suddenly saw the way at the end of Xiuxian. What is it!


Outside Shushan.




The bell of Taisheng bell rings again.

The whole Shushan mountain is on alert.

"What happened?"

"There seems to be something wrong with Buddhism!"

"That evil spirit is too terrible, isn't there any ancient demon born?"

"What are you talking about? The ancient big demons are in the lock demon tower in Shushan. The demons outside have been killed by that man."

"Then this evil spirit..."

"Shit, isn't that man recovering?"

"Wait, the leader and elder seemed to say they were going to have a special worship. Shouldn't they... Our ancestor died!"


"Brother, tell us what's going on!"

When the Taisheng bell rings, all Shushan disciples, who have experienced outside, eat, drink and play outside, or are dying outside, must return to Shushan at the first time.

The dozens of Shushan super pupils who went out to accept the mission experience of the sect are no exception.

In fact, when the bell rang last time, they were forced to rush back from the Langya mountains.

Because the journey was far away, when I came back, I found that Shushan was all right.

When they are ready to return to Langya Mountain and practice again

Halfway through the journey, the Taisheng bell suddenly rang again!

What about us?

However, after seeing the magic gas in the distance, the super pupils of Shushan knew that something big had happened!

What exactly happened

Only some elders' true disciples seem to have the core information and gather together to gossip.

How can they miss important information?

After some questioning, I learned that there was another senior brother in Shushan who killed all the demons outside the lock demon tower, and the Shura behind him was established because of him.

Now, this demon is imprisoned in Buddhism.

This is very hot news!

Of course, they are not stupid. They immediately guessed that Haofeng was the devil!

"I'll go, that bastard. I didn't expect to hide such a deep plot!"

Tiannan scolded. They should have solved Haofeng immediately when they knew they were in Langya mountains.

Unexpectedly, he chose the camp of dead bald donkey, which originally had such a deep plan!

Haofeng's ability is to capture the soul. Tiannan, once a teammate, knows this.

Those with hypermydriasis can resist with pupil force.

However, the aborigines of the original world, that's hard to say!

Whether you are a Buddha or a demon, as long as you have a corresponding plan and have an appropriate inheritance of the heavens, it is not difficult to control the strongest combat power of the copy.

To put it bluntly, as super pupil players, they can use the rules of the world to complete tasks in different ways.

If you honestly follow the copy task, you can divide it from level E to SSS. You can push it directly.

When the senior guild has advanced intelligence, it is completely beyond the ability of the individual soldiers to enter the copy.

Tiannan is a little helpless.

Although he is also a powerful super pupil, there is no reliable guild behind him, so he is still too poor in information acquisition.

Just then.

In the distance, dozens of embarrassed figures suddenly ran to the door of Shushan mountain.

"Friends of Shushan, can you accept us!"

"Buddhism... Buddhism is dead!"

"We are the only remaining disciples of Buddhism!"

"If you don't mind, can we return to Shushan?"

Where are the fugitives?

Yelling outside Shushan gate?

When Ding Qing, a disciple here, saw that outside the gate of the mountain, dozens of shabby and embarrassed monks came to the foot of Shushan mountain like running for their lives, with panic and happiness for the rest of their lives on their faces.

When Tiannan's eyes fell on the monks, he was stunned.

He can recognize the monk headed by.

Isn't this Haofeng?

PS: this chapter is an additional change for 384 silver tickets, and another change will be added for 484 tickets. Now the number of votes is 429, 55 votes short. Please support me if you have silver tickets~~~