Almost at this moment.

Chu Feng felt that the land veins of the mountains and rivers were connected with his body.

"Is this how the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty felt?"

"No wonder it's called destiny seal."

"Holding this seal, I really should have mastered the mountains and rivers of the whole Zhou Dynasty!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and felt an extremely happy feeling from this special experience.

It seems that as long as you move your mind, the Dragon luck of the whole Zhou Dynasty will gather around you.

At all times, it's up to you to turn over rivers and rivers and dance mountains and rivers!

Open the panel.

Although the "imperial power value" has not changed, if he spreads the news that he holds the seal of destiny and displays it in front of the world

Then, just this day's life seal, you can win endless imperial power for yourself!

"It's time to go to the palace!"

After he got up, Chu Feng thought a little. The Dragon luck spirit around him immediately turned into a magical chariot.

He sat on the chariot and fled towards the imperial palace of the Zhou Dynasty.



"I heard that the ninth Prince really killed the empress Youfei?"

"This is great news!"

"The great prince is at the height of the sun these days. The ninth Prince killed the great prince's mother. It's not fatal!"

"How does that loser dare to confront the prince? What do you think?"

"Shh! Don't talk about it. Soon, the eldest prince is likely to inherit the throne. If you don't open the pot here, you'll be afraid to go away!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, the recent dragon luck of the Zhou Dynasty is declining. I'm afraid... It's really time to decide the next emperor!"

"Why hasn't the emperor appeared yet?"

"Yes, it's reassuring for me to establish the next throne and choose the successor of the seal of destiny as soon as possible."

"It is said that the emperor has locked himself in a secret room since he was ill. If the situation is wrong, I'm afraid we have to hold an apocalypse ceremony before we can choose the next new emperor of the Zhou Dynasty!"

The Apocalypse ceremony was a special ceremony held when the old emperor of the Zhou Dynasty had an accident and did not choose the next successor.

All civil and military officials, as well as alternate successors, will compete for the Qi of the great Zhou Dynasty on a sacrificial platform.

These days, more than half of the officials of the imperial court have taken refuge on the side of the great prince.

Compared with other princes, the support rate is basically one-sided!

Although Emperor Wu of Zhou has not died yet, since he fell ill and returned to the palace, he suddenly locked himself in a secret room and hasn't come out for several months.

The chamber of secrets is extremely strong. It is a holy place for life preservation left over from the previous dynasty.

Only by using the power of the dragon vein of the whole Zhou Dynasty can the secret room be broken.

However, in order to gather all the Dragon Qi of the Zhou Dynasty, we must get the seal of destiny.

In other words, the seal of destiny is the key to this chamber of secrets.

Now, most civil and military officials, as well as several other princes, think that the seal of destiny is still in the hands of Emperor Wu of Zhou and is locked in a secret room.

However, with the Dragon movement of the great Zhou Dynasty, it can be seen that the vitality of Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty has become lower and lower.

A country cannot be ownerless.

Therefore, the great Zhou Dynasty needs to establish a new emperor, re gather the dragon vein of the whole country, open the secret room and recycle the destiny seal.

When the Apocalypse ceremony was held, at the moment when he became emperor, the next new emperor could gather the Dragon luck of the whole Zhou Dynasty in a very short time. He could open the secret room without the seal of destiny.

At that time, they can recycle the destiny seal and reorganize the mountains and rivers of the Zhou Dynasty.



as time goes on.

In the imperial court, more and more officials, door lords and dignitaries are impatient.

At the proposal of the ministers.

The next day.

The eight princes, the great officials and aristocratic families, the important officials of the imperial court and the powerful men of the door all gathered on the sacrificial platform of the great Zhou Dynasty to hold the apocalyptic ceremony.

In the sky, eight powerful dragon luck Qi are intertwined, just like a golden dragon intertwined with each other.

However, the Lucky Dragon on the big prince's head was obviously several times larger than the other seven princes, and his miraculous eyes looked down at him, which was quite invincible.

Although the other golden dragons have the intention to compete with them, the condensed formation is a little less than enough.

"This time, we should win!"

At the bottom, several figures gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

"Our imperial power is worth as much as 180000."

"Don't worry, the great prince will surely win the throne smoothly this time!"

"And we can easily enter the second stage."

"You should not relax. In addition to the camp of the great Zhou Dynasty, there are also the camp of foreign evil families. They enter the second stage unconditionally. Before the third stage begins, we must find out these internal ghosts in order to ensure the victory of the final battle."

"I see!"

These are the super pupil of the Grand Prince camp.

In fact, in this copy, the vast majority of super pupils choose the Grand Prince camp.

Because it's easier to get through customs.

Of course, there are also some super pupils who are keen to challenge and choose other princes, but there is no good strategy. The imperial power value is much worse than the camp of the big princes.

In the sky.

The great prince's Lucky Dragon has completely crushed several other princes.

A smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"It's over!"

Just when the Grand Prince was ready to devour several other golden dragons.

Suddenly, a magical chariot, like a bright golden meteor, rushed into the Apocalypse ceremony and beat back the lucky golden dragon that the Prince wanted to devour!


The great prince shouted angrily and Dingqing was stunned.

The ninth prince?

Isn't this trash missing after killing his mother?

After the accident happened on the spot.

Everyone present was stunned!

"The ninth prince, why is he here?"

"He seems to have killed concubine Luo you not long ago!"

"Who gave him the courage to appear in the Apocalypse ceremony?"

"If you do such a bold thing and don't find a place to hide well, you have to come here to die. I don't know what he thinks!"

Chu Feng appeared, causing everyone's exclamation.

Basically, no one expected that the nine princes pursued and killed by the whole imperial dynasty would appear in front of everyone today when the Apocalypse ceremony was held.

At the moment of seeing Chu Feng, the prince's expression was ferocious, and a terrible killing intention burst out in his eyes!

"Well, you appear here today. I will kill you to avenge my mother!"