The prince turned his hands, and the whole world set off a violent vigorous wind.

The endless dragon Qi makes the world surging. Waving his hands, he controls the general trend of the world, as if he could turn the Dragon Qi into a torrent of waves and defeat the enemy!

"Unexpectedly, the Grand Prince's art of resisting dragon Qi has reached the level of level 5!"

"This progress has the style of Emperor Wu in those days?"

"No wonder you can gather Da Zhou's Qi in your hands so quickly. The great prince's talent in dragon Qi control has also reached a very amazing level!"

"The ninth prince, who didn't know what to think, took the initiative to die!"

As long as people standing near the Apocalypse sacrificial platform witnessed this scene, basically no one would be optimistic about the ninth prince.

The scene of the great prince taking charge of the Dragon Qi, overturning the clouds and the sea and reversing the universe is really too shocking!

In contrast, the ninth Prince is just the illegitimate son of Emperor Wu of Zhou. Even if he has royal blood, he has no temperament of royal members.

He stayed in the palace, but he also regarded it as a disgrace to the royal family of the great Zhou Dynasty!

Seeing that the Dragon Qi surging like a tsunami is about to swallow the nine princes as small as a boat

Chu Feng didn't even bother to lift his eyelids. He turned his hand and took out the seal of destiny.


This burst of drink reverberated in the whole world, just like the words of gods, fixing the mountains and rivers!

The huge wave formed by the Dragon Qi was instantly restrained and dissipated.

Chu Feng turned his hand and took out the seal of destiny. The boundless dragon Qi immediately gathered around him.

He gently pointed to the dragon spirit as majestic as the sea, immediately fell from the nine days and suppressed it, pressing the great prince's body on the sacrificial platform!

"How is that possible?"

The big prince stared at the nine princes in front of him with unbelievable eyes. His eyes were full of blood!

"Fate seal... How can it be in your hand!"

The scene was silent.

After a brief silence, then the crowd below boiled like a frying pan!

"Destiny seal? Is that really destiny seal?"

"Why is such an important thing in the hands of the ninth prince?"

"Is it difficult? Emperor Wu has already prepared to let the ninth Prince inherit the throne?"

"Impossible! The ninth Prince is just a waste. Moreover, concubine Chen Luo is just a country woman with dirty and humble blood. How can such a woman's blood pollute the orthodoxy of our royal family?"

All members of the royal family who support the eldest prince are stunned, puzzled, frightened and angry

They not only felt incomprehensible about the appearance of the "destiny seal" in the hands of the ninth prince, but also had an inexplicable sense of fear in their hearts.

They are naturally afraid that they have chosen the wrong side. If the ninth Prince is really allowed to ascend the throne, those old ministers who used to bully the great prince and control the core resources of the Zhou Dynasty will definitely be targeted.

They must ensure that the Grand Prince can ascend the throne smoothly, so as to ensure their influence in the imperial court.

The great prince is extremely popular. He is also the eldest son of Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty. The art of resisting dragon Qi is unmatched among all princes.

Considering various factors, if there is no accident in this Apocalypse ceremony, it should be the successful accession of the great prince to the throne!

Unfortunately, an accident happened!

No one expected that the ninth prince, wanted by the whole Zhou Dynasty half a month ago, would appear at the scene of the Apocalypse ceremony.

Moreover, he also brought back the destiny seal of Emperor Wu of Zhou!

What the hell is going on?

"Shameless thief! Do you deserve the seal of destiny of the Zhou Dynasty? Give it to me quickly!"

The great prince stared at the fate seal in Chu Feng's hand and almost roared hysterically.

This crazy gesture really has his mother's style.

It is as like as two peas born by a madman.

Around countless officials, courtiers, door lords, dignitaries denounced, but also overwhelming.

"Yes, the seal of destiny must have been stolen by the ninth prince!"

"Shameless child, the supreme treasure of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, are you qualified to touch?"

"You killed empress Youfei, maimed the queen, and stole the seal of destiny. You are a sinner of the Zhou Dynasty!"

"If you don't want to harm all living beings, hand over the seal of destiny quickly!"

"Hand over the seal of destiny. For your sake of knowing your mistakes and being able to change them, maybe you can keep your whole body and your mother's life!"

"Don't be unkind and oppose the whole Zhou Dynasty!"

Chu Feng looked around coldly. Where his vision passed, the dark shadows were all enemies.

They looked angry and ridiculous, as if they wanted to eat themselves, and as if they were afraid of being eaten by themselves.

"A bunch of fools!"

The sound containing dragon Qi burst out of Chu Feng's mouth and suppressed the world. The whole audience was quiet.

Fate in hand, I have the world!

Chu Feng holds the seal of destiny, which is equivalent to controlling the mountains and rivers for half a week.

The nine Prince's cold eyes swept through the crowd below.

Everyone felt the extremely cold eyes and felt a chill in their body.

Among them, there are some super pupil pupils, which bloom a glimmer of light and use pupil surgery to control Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng's eternal divine eyes have reached the level of level 6. Any kind of mind control pupil technique is like throwing a stone into the sea, which is difficult to lift even a trace of wave.

The super pupil of the Grand Prince camp suddenly froze.

If the pupil technique is useless to the ninth prince, they have no means to use it at all.

In this world, power is in the hands of superiors. Their super pupil only uses a group of tricks to cooperate with pupil art to help their chosen Prince ascend the throne.

Even the art of resisting dragon Qi can't be used. How can we fight Chu Feng without relying on pupil art?

It's just an ant trying to shake a big tree!

"You said that I killed the empress Youfei, maimed the orthodox members of the royal family, and stole the seal of destiny..."

"Well, you can show me what happened!"

The seal of destiny overturned, and a light curtain fell over the sky, forming a huge picture.

In the picture, concubine Luo Youfei instigated her little maid to poison the ninth prince, threatened and lured concubine Chen Luofei, and the dialogue with the shadow all appeared on the screen.

When the picture ended, incredible expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

"It turned out that concubine you wanted to poison the ninth prince. As a result, the ninth prince saw through the plot and killed her?"

The prince looked at the picture on the screen, and the green tendons on his neck protruded with anger and roared:

"No! Impossible!"

"This must be the picture you used to show us!"

"It's all fake, it's all fake!"

"I'll kill you!"

After that, the great prince urged the art of dragon Qi again and rushed towards Chu Feng.