Chu Feng's words aroused thousands of waves, and soon spread out from the palace, startling the people of the whole Zhou Dynasty.

"Have you heard that the first emperor died because he integrated the destiny seal into his body, and now it has been passed to the ninth prince!"

"Wow! Isn't the life seal gone that day?"

"No, no, but the power of the ninth Prince seems to be no less than when holding the seal of destiny. Emperor Wu's decision is wise enough!"

"Yes, the seal of destiny may be stolen by the evil family in the outland, leading to the collapse of the whole Zhou Dynasty. Refining this treasure into blood is a more secure way."

"It's said that the ninth Prince didn't ascend the throne immediately, but first to wipe out the evil family ghosts hidden in the royal family!"

"What? When did Da Zhou sneak into the ghost?"

"Don't you say that one day, the ninth Prince used the art of global backtracking to find that concubine Luo you was talking to a dark shadow. He was recognized as a foreign evil family by the old heavenly order officer behind him. He put his hand into the imperial palace. I'm afraid the foreign evil family has moved a lot in the dark over the years!"

"From this point of view, I'm afraid the foreign evil clan has penetrated deeply into my big week!"

"Can the ninth Prince really fulfill his promise?"

"If the ninth prince can find out all the ghosts in the royal family, then I fully support the ninth Prince's accession to the throne!"

The news soon spread throughout the great Zhou Dynasty, and naturally into the Juxing building, from the mouth of the young man in white to the ear of Jiang Xiaoyu.

"This must be the work of Feng Shen!"

Jiang Xiaoyu was filled with emotion.

Before she entered the copy, she had guessed that Feng Shen would certainly do some operations that would make her stunned.


This operation is so fierce that I can't understand it!

Chose one of the most popular nine princes and played the most shocking operation!

And find out all the ghosts!

You know, there are only Chu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyu in the camp of the ninth prince.

After all, the imperial power value has not risen from beginning to end. Feng Shen is engaged in secret strategies, and Jiang Xiaoyu is fishing. When there are only two of them in this camp, the score is super high!

in other words......

Even if jiangxiaoyu fish all the way, he will get a super high score!

"Chengshen group pays attention to cooperation and fairness. Fengshen has helped me so much. My sister must lose money in order to repay Fengshen's pay!"

Jiang Xiaoyu said silently.



Chu Feng stood at the top of the highest palace of the Zhou Dynasty.

From here, you can close the whole palace to the bottom of your eyes at a glance.

In his eyes, a silver micro awn flashed.

Next second.

The world in front of us seems to have undergone great changes.

Endless golden dragon Qi flows in the palace like a river.

"Is this the luck of Da Zhou?"

Chu Feng murmured.

He glanced and found that there were several gray and black lines condensed in several corners of the Imperial Palace in the golden sea of dragon luck.

Among them, the luck of the Lu family is obviously gray, and there is even a hint of killing!

"Most of these gray lines are the loopholes of Da Zhou's Qi luck!"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly!

The next day.

The ministers went to court.

Due to the temporary absence of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, although Chu Feng has not officially ascended the throne, he has accepted the temporary throne and sat on the Dragon chair.

"Mr. Lu, what seems to be going on in your Lu family!"

As soon as he went to the court and waited for the ministers to make an audience ceremony, Chu Feng's cold eyes swept at Xiang Gong Lu.

Lu Xianggong's heart immediately clicked, and he felt that he had been seen through the secret.

However, he could only hold on with a smile: "emperor, you worry too much. Our Lu family is loyal to Da Zhou. How can there be a situation?"

Chu Feng smiled with a trace of mockery.

"Mr. Lu, I haven't said what's going on in your Lu family. Why is it loyal?"

Lu Xiang's heart sank.

The words of the ninth prince are so powerful!

"Send orders to the military aircraft office to let the forbidden guards check Shenwu pass, white tiger pass, yuxu pass and white bird pass. You can't let go of any corner, especially underground."

As soon as he said this, all the officials above the imperial court were moved and looked at each other. They all read their surprise from each other's eyes.

The four checkpoints mentioned by Chu Feng are important fortresses for entering and leaving the great Zhou Dynasty. If the outermost dragon wall cannot resist the evil families in foreign countries, these four Shenguan are the second line of defense of the great Zhou Dynasty.

Just half a month ago, the Lu family went to sishenguan to check the infrastructure.

Originally, the four God pass was inspected once every three months, minor repair once every three years and major repair once every five years.

The Lu family is only two months away from xiaoxiushenwu pass, but it has to remind people of the recent overhaul of the four God pass.

The eyes of the people swept to Prime Minister Lu.

Although the old man with a sharp face tried his best to keep calm, from his eyes, he could see that there was a problem.

After receiving the order, the forbidden guards immediately went to the four gods pass to check.

But half an hour.

The news came back from the four gods pass.

"Tell the emperor that after careful investigation by our forbidden guards, we found that there was a huge problem in the mechanism defense line designed by the Lu family in the four God pass!"

"Emperor, please look!"

A strangely structured mechanism armour was thrown on the court and in front of all civil and military officials.

When they looked, they found that there was indeed a problem with the structure of the mecha.

Originally, ordinary people wearing this mechanism armor can obtain incomparable action and combat effectiveness. It is an important weapon against the evil family in the foreign world.

As a result, the connection of various parts of the mecha is very astringent. After people go up, it is difficult to even take action.

"More than that, emperor, please look!"

General Yulin went forward, removed the mecha and took out the fuel.

"The mecha of the Lu family's mechanism is powered by the Longling spar rich in the north. However, these spars have been replaced with black oil that is extremely easy to ignite and explode!"

"People with a little knowledge of mechanism skills know that black oil is a dangerous energy that is extremely easy to detonate. It is not suitable for mechanism armor at all."

"Moreover, the launch of mechanism armor will generate great heat during high-speed operation, which is likely to ignite black oil and cause explosion."

"If the Outland evil family attacks the Zhou Dynasty, our soldiers at the four God pass use this mechanism armor to resist, it will explode in an instant!"

"Even the whole Shenguan will be destroyed!"

"As long as the Outland evil family breaks the defense line of the first dragon Great Wall, the second most heavily guarded four God pass will be in vain!"

That's it.

The backs of civil and military officials are cool!

Combined with the plan of concubine Luo you and dark shadow, anyone can think that the evil family in the foreign world is already planning to attack the Zhou Dynasty!

Unexpectedly, the Lu family, which played a key role in the Zhou Dynasty, turned out to be a traitor!