"General Yulin, what are you doing?"

"Arrest all the people of the Lu family and detain them!"

"At that time, I will interrogate myself!"

Chu Feng's voice is equivalent to sentencing the fate of the Lu family.

Mr. Lu's face was as gray as death.

The whole palace has set off a storm.

All members of the Lu family, even every maid, did not escape being caught.

Some irrelevant Lu family members will scold Mr. Lu to death!

What's wrong with this guy? He has to infect the people of the evil family in the foreign world!

It's stupid!

Now, before the Outland evil family invades, their own family is finished first!

Few people in the whole Lu family don't hate Mr. Lu.

However, things are not over here.

Next, Chu Feng caught several betrayed family leaders and important officials of the evil family in the foreign world through the ability of the supreme pupil and the pupil of destiny!

More than that, the foreign evil families hidden in the great Zhou Dynasty were finally exposed.

Under the guidance of Chu Feng, the forbidden guards sent out collectively and arrested five foreign evil families.

However, the ability of these evil families is also strange enough. Just after being caught, their bodies turned into a black fog and detonated!

Dozens of guards were seriously injured in the operation.

This also made the people of the Zhou Dynasty completely vigilant.

The ability of foreign evil families is really difficult to deal with. Even the art of resisting dragon Qi is difficult to parry.

At the same time, in everyone's mind, the ninth Prince has incarnated as a famous detective.

A while ago, the whole imperial dynasty was still talking about the accession of the ninth prince to the throne, but now they are blowing about his investigative ability. It's really powerful!

"Have you heard that several aristocratic families have been copied!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that the Lu family had defected."

"The seemingly calm Dazhou Dynasty, in fact, there are so many undercurrents surging."

"The ninth Prince is really more wise and powerful than I thought. How did he find out such hidden news?"

"Maybe the seal of destiny has been integrated into the body of the ninth prince, which has brought him different abilities. It is even more powerful than simply using the seal of destiny."

"If I had such a holy emperor in the great Zhou Dynasty, the prosperity of the rivers and mountains that day would be just around the corner!"

"Support the ninth prince to ascend the throne!"

"Yes, only the ninth Prince is qualified to be our next new emperor!"



In another corner of the great Zhou Dynasty.

"Damn it, how could things be like this!"

If Chu Feng were here, he would recognize the man in black. He was the super pupil who went to talk about usurpation with Duke Lu that day.

His code name is "annihilation". Among the copies of the great Zhou Dynasty, he chose the lineup of foreign evil families.

His super pupil ability, just like the code name, can create a void collapse hole in the field of vision. Objects falling into the "annihilation" range will be swallowed up by the collapsed void.

With this level of super pupil, "annihilation" is also a big man. Although there is no super guild behind it, with his influence, he called on a group of senior people to jointly carry out this limited copy.

According to the ability of "annihilation", if he chooses the evil family in the outer world, he can break through the outermost defense line of the Zhou Dynasty at the first time, and it is easy to help the super pupil of the same camp to lurk inside for investigation.

Originally, the plan went the same way.

They sneaked into the great Zhou Dynasty smoothly, and secretly colluded with many families with conflicting interests.

Originally, when things came here, they were ready to inform the partners of the foreign evil family that they could almost launch the first round of attack on the Zhou Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, nine princes were killed on the way, and their layout was torn up at the beginning!

Now, the mechanism war armour of Sishen pass has been replaced with a normal version, and the people of the Lu family have also been detained

Not only that, there are several aristocratic families that can be of great help. Almost all of them have been destroyed!


The great Zhou Dynasty has completely blocked it. Anyone who wants to enter must show his pass and his own identity.

The super pupil of the evil family camp can't easily escape from the Zhou Dynasty. Now the situation is in a dilemma, and there is basically no way out!

"Annihilation" bit his teeth: "ghost, you protected me from entering the palace. I forcibly changed with the ninth prince!"

The super pupil, known as the "ghost", is similar to the "Yuehua" in Shushan, and also has the ability to hide the whereabouts of his teammates.

This kind of hypermydriasis is usually the most popular choice for team formation.

"Ghost" tone revealed a worry: "if you change the ninth prince, you can't escape from the palace!"

The other party shook his head.

"The ninth Prince has integrated into the pupil of destiny, which shows that there must be an extremely powerful super pupil in the camp of the great Zhou Dynasty, and found a special strategy."

"Although I can't deal with him, I can deal with the ninth prince."

"If I succeed in replacing the nine princes, the great Zhou Dynasty will lose the seal of destiny and the foundation of the whole mountain and river."

"Hehe, they probably can't imagine that I still have this ability?"

"If you don't kill the ninth prince, he will find our hiding place sooner or later."

"Although I may not be able to pass this copy, but the situation has become like this. It can also be said that my misjudgment has involved you together."

"So now I have nothing to say about paying the price for my behavior."

Other people with super pupil couldn't help looking stunned.

This "annihilation" is a real man.

It's no wonder this guy didn't organize a guild behind him. He can win so much reputation as a scattered soldier.

In terms of character, it is really admirable!

"Annihilation boss, if you are blind in the future, you can contact us and we will find a way to take care of you!"

A super pupil stood up and said.

Other people with hypermydriasis also nodded.

When a superpupil is abandoned, there will be no conflict of interest and threat to other superpupils.

Therefore, they said they would help "annihilation", which is also from the heart.

"Come on."

The rough man waved his hand and said in a cold voice, "it's just a copy. There are so many feelings. It's common to become a king and defeat a bandit. Even if I'm blind, there are some ways to deal with myself."

"Ghost, come with me!"

In this way, the back of "annihilation" gradually disappeared in the vision of the super pupil of the evil family.

There is a feeling that "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he goes".