"How could it be that you didn't die!"

Annihilation's eyes were wide and unbelievable:

"I clearly see that you have been swallowed up!"

If any Prince ascends the throne, if he encounters annihilation of this kind of super pupil, he may fall.


Chu Feng himself is a super pupil.

The annihilated attack was resisted by the "imperial dragon talisman" on him.

Although the attack intensity of the other party did exceed Chu Feng's initial expectation.

If it's just a protective cover, it may not be able to stop it.


Huanglong talisman can store two protective shields at one time, so it can be cast twice continuously, and its defensive ability can be doubled.

Moreover, Chu Feng opened the pupil of Shura at that time. Even if there were still spilled damage, he would be resisted by the seal of Shura.

With so many layers of protective means, Chu Feng dared to use himself as bait to let the evil family super pupil attack on his own initiative.

"You're surprised that I'm alive?"

Chu Feng's face hung a faint smile, and there was a mockery in his eyes.

Annihilation sneered: "hum, I admit you do have some skills, but what you shouldn't do is arrogant enough to think you can deal with all of us alone."

He relies on dozens of superpupils behind him.

Although the nine princes are the strongest aborigines in the world, they are outsiders and despicable outsiders. They have many means to use.

"Let's go together and get rid of him!"

The dozens of superpupils behind all performed pupil surgery.

Various, diverse and colorful superpupils bloom a different light.

Dozens of different attacks, such as physical injury, mental control, or soul puncture, fell on Chu Feng one after another.


Chu Feng's eyes flashed a silver light.

The surrounding dragon luck Qi immediately turned into a powerful protective cover to resist all physical attacks.

The rest of the soul pupil technique can't play any role in Chu Feng.

Because his pupil force level has almost reached the eighth level of terror. There is no possibility for the third layer super pupil to defeat him in the field of pupil surgery.

"Why doesn't my pupil work?"

"This guy... Seems to have pupil surgery!"

"What's going on?"

Other people with hypermydriasis showed surprise and doubt one after another.

Can it be said that the ninth Prince is a super pupil?


In principle, shouldn't the starting template role of the copy to everyone be the same?

"No!" annihilation narrowed his eyes. "This guy is a special character in the copy - Tiantong!"


Hearing this strange term, the super pupil present was stunned.

"Yes, this special role is different from the boss, but the special reward obtained after killing is much richer than killing the general boss!"

"As long as we can kill Tiantong, we are likely to get a score above s level, even SS level."

"You help me kill Tiantong and share a large reward together!"


Hearing annihilation say so, everyone else was excited.

"Hehe, this guy can fool others to help him."

Chu Feng smiled in his heart and couldn't tell.

This annihilation, in fact, knew the intelligence of Tiantong, but the other party didn't mention anything about the extra super pupil, only said that they could get a large reward.

The purpose, of course, is to let other people with hypermydriasis help themselves as guns, and then he can get this killing.

The rewards of those who kill Tiantong and those who assist in killing Tiantong are not at the same level at all!

Annihilation of the pupil, has been unable to contain the joy, like a treasure.

It seems that if he finds Tiantong, he will be able to get this kill!


Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity suddenly came to his eyes, and anyone would feel extremely greedy.

Unfortunately, what they didn't expect is

Behind this Tiantong, there will be a real super pupil!

"Everyone, Tiantong may be more difficult to deal with than ordinary bosses. You all surround him and make him unable to move. I'll kill him with my last pupil power!"

Annihilation took a deep breath.

It can be seen that his face is a little pale. It is obvious that he lost money because of overdraft after overusing his pupils.

However, annihilation still drained his last bit of pupil power, that is, to kill Tiantong!

This will even be more valuable than any copy in the future!

Annihilation couldn't help licking his dry lips. It was an expression of excitement and over excitement. His eyes showed a greedy light, as if Chu Feng had Tang Monk meat on his body. If he ate it, he could live forever.

At the same time, facing dozens of super pupils, Chu Feng not only had no fear, but also smiled happily.

These are evolutionary points!

"Since I've found you all at once, let's catch you all quickly and save my time!"

Chu Feng said faintly, as if it was a small effort to destroy these dozens of people.


The super pupil of the evil family sneered.

They do not feel that they are facing an aborigine. With super pupil, dozens of people will be defeated by each other alone.

"Cover the annihilation boss and use the pupil technique!"

"We ate the pupil in one bite!"

"Hahaha, this may be the first time in my life that I approach the s-grade score!"

Everyone laughed.

But I didn't see a huge eye in the sky.

"Sweep empty pupil to cut!"

The eternal God's eyes have been upgraded to level 6. In the state of heaven, the thousand blade God front can differentiate into 256 at most!

Each thousand blade divine edge can reach a length of five feet.

So many thousand blade divine blades cut down across the void at the same time

Almost in an instant, the super pupil of the evil family, whose actions were still orderly, suffered a devastating blow in an instant!

"Ah ah ah!"

Countless screams echoed on the court.

Countless silver edges, cut out of thin air, crossed the bodies of all the super pupils present and divided them into two halves!

Annihilated smile, immediately frozen!

The picture in front of me seems to solidify at this moment!

He estimated that he would never forget the scene of the smiling prince killing all his subordinates in an instant!

The smile, like a devil, made his soul completely cold.

Next second.

Annihilation found his body, condensed layer after layer of frost!

It turned out that the coolness from the soul was not that he was too afraid, but because Chu Feng launched the "Youming cold ice"!

Then, the annihilated soul was completely frozen and completely withdrew from the stage of this copy.


A prompt sound appeared in Chu Feng's ear:

"Congratulations, you have killed all the super pupils in the evil clan camp."

When I opened the panel, I saw dozens of messages about killing super pupils pop up