"Congratulations on killing the super pupil of the evil family and obtaining 5000 evolution points!"

"Congratulations on killing the super pupil of the evil family and obtaining 5000 evolution points!"

"Congratulations on killing the super pupil of the evil family and obtaining 5000 evolution points!"

"Congratulations on killing the super pupil of the evil family and obtaining 5000 evolution points!"


Since the imperial dynasty of the great Zhou Dynasty limited copies, the difference between the identity and status of the super pupil in the copies was not so obvious. The evolution points obtained by killing were the same.

Maybe it's because the super pupil of the evil family is an insider. It's not easy to find them

Coupled with the special mechanism of limiting copies, every time you kill a super pupil of the evil family, you can get a huge amount of evolution points, up to 5000 each!

This time, there are 46 people with super pupil of the evil family in the copy of the imperial dynasty of the great Zhou Dynasty.

After killing all the super pupils of the evil family

Chu Feng has gained 230000 evolution points!

With the original 34010 evolution points, Chu Feng now has a total of 264010 evolution points!

This is a huge evolutionary point!

The system suddenly sends a prompt:

"Your evolution point has reached the standard of upgrading eternal God's eyes. Do you want to choose evolution?"

Chu Feng, relying on his many evolution points, did not hesitate to upgrade the eternal God's eyes to level 7!

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

With the rapid decline of the number of evolution points in the panel, the familiar palpitation appeared again when the eternal God eyes evolved.

He felt that the strength of his blood had been further strengthened.

Now, even in reality, the power that can be erupted by one's own flesh body is almost equal to that of a martial saint.

If you go back to reality, he may be the only warrior in Bluestar who can punch mountains and rivers!

Tut tut.

When other super pupil people can only use pupil technique to deal with the enemy, they can use their fists to tell each other what is truth!

It still seems like a great thing?


A brand-new super pupil panel appeared in Chu Feng's field of vision——

Super pupil: Eternal divine eye

Grade: Grade 7 (64010 / 500000)

Abilities: super vision, blood strengthening, divine memory, martial arts reproduction, thousand blade divine front, nether cold ice, distorted void, sky, pupil reproduction, one dream forever (New)

A dream lasts forever (incomplete): the eye of the gods is the eye left over from the ancient heaven. You can enter the ruins of ancient Tianting through dreams, where you may encounter some special opportunities!

(Note: every time you enter a copy, the opportunity to enter the ancient heaven will be refreshed. If you don't choose to enter the ancient heaven when entering a new copy, it will be regarded as giving up this opportunity automatically.)

(Note: your dream is in a damaged state. You need to find another eye with the eternal God's eye to unlock the complete dream.)

(warm tip: your one dream forever is the last skill after the upgrade of the eternal God eye. The subsequent upgrade can only improve the skill intensity and the exploration space of one dream forever. Please choose to upgrade this super pupil carefully!)

(your thousand blade divine blade can cast 128 divine blade attacks, and 512 in heaven state!)

Chu Feng's mind moved.

He never thought that he would get such a special skill when the eternal God's eyes were upgraded to level 7!

A dream lasts forever

According to the introduction of the system, if you use this ability, you can also enter another exclusive personal copy - Ancient Tianting.

Moreover, to enter this special small copy, it is best to use it when you enter the large copy.

From various precautions, it is not difficult for Chu Feng to guess that entering the ancient heaven must be dangerous, but it also has rich opportunities.

If you are in the copy, you should play a role and enter the ancient heaven, so that you can deal with the possible dangers of the ancient heaven under the condition of mastering special abilities.

Simple explanation

If Chu Feng chooses to use a dream forever in reality, then after entering the ancient Tianting, he uses his body in the ordinary people of blue star. If he dies in the ancient Tianting, he may really die.

If you use a dream forever in the copy of the great Zhou Dynasty, it is the body of the ninth prince.

Moreover, even if they die, they are also the characters in the copy. They will not die in reality.

Therefore, you must enter the copy to use a dream forever, and use your role to share the risk.

Before entering the next copy, Chu Feng has only one chance to enter the ancient heaven. If he misses it, he can only launch this ability again after entering the next copy.

It can be said that the seventh special ability of eternal God's eyes is to provide an additional personal copy!

That's great!

However, Chu Feng also noticed one thing

A dream lasts forever is a crippled ability.

In other words, we can't explore the complete ancient heaven just by relying on the eternal God's eyes.

And with the eternal God eyes, there is another divine eye from the ancient heaven. Together, a pair of eyes may be the truly complete eternal God eyes!

It's hard to do now

Another divine eye is estimated to be still in the original martial world, but you need to choose other tasks or enter the higher heavenly towers to get a chance.

I can't run back to the first floor of the heavenly towers, can I?

The super pupil can only attack the sky towers to higher and higher levels, and can't turn back.

Therefore, the ability accumulated by each step of action is very important.

Because it will determine where you can finally go.

"I need to make other plans to enter the ancient heaven. I can't be so urgent..."

He also needs to carry out a formal enthronement ceremony and rectify everything of the Zhou Dynasty. He can't find time to explore the ancient heaven in a short time.

"There are 60000 evolutionary points left."

Open the panel.

The eternal God's eyes evolve to level 7. It still needs 500000 sky high evolution points to rise to another level.

It takes 100000 evolution points to upgrade the pupil of destiny to level 5 to level 6.

Now, the pupil of Shura is just the fourth level. If you raise another level, you can break through the watershed of the fifth level.

According to the task of the replica, in the third stage of the final replica, the final boss is the whole foreign evil family, which is bound to a war.

The development of the two great powers will inevitably set off a bloody killing, and the pupil of Shura can play a great role on this occasion.

The fourth to fifth order of super pupil is also a key watershed for ability improvement

Therefore, Chu Feng no longer hesitated and spent 50000 evolution points.

Soon, a prompt popped up in front of me!

"Congratulations on successfully evolving the pupil of Shura to level 5!"