Then, a brand-new panel appeared in Chu Feng's vision——

Super pupil: pupil of Shura

Equal order: 5 orders (14010 / 100000)

Ability: kill meaning cohesion, cold blood, seal of Shura, bloodthirsty, kill meaning manifestation, kill meaning field (New)

Kill intention field: you can turn kill intention into a field to frighten your opponent and reduce his action force. When you are killing, the killing intention field will continue to stack effects according to the "bleeding" caused by you. The higher the equal order, the faster the stacking effect.

"This ability is very useful in war..."

Chu Feng thought and immediately judged the new ability of Shura's pupil.

This is a skill that can reduce the enemy's combat effectiveness through continuous killing in war.

Open the pupil of Shura. The more enemies you kill, the more your killing intention condenses, and the stronger the power of pupil technique released.

Moreover, the pupil of Shura does not consume pupil power, but consumes killing intention to release relevant skills.

As long as you are always in the state of killing, you can constantly supplement the killing intention and infinitely release the skills of Shura's pupil.

Compared with other pupil techniques, Shura's pupil may be one of the few super pupils that can carry out long-term combat.

After acquiring the skills of "killing Italy field", Chu Feng can not only kill stronger and stronger, but also reduce the opponent's ability through the continuously enhanced "killing Italy field"

This is an invincible skill in war!

No wonder Shura can kill all the ancient demons

The way of Shura is to improve yourself by killing. It really feels good to cut grass!

After all this

Chu Feng soon returned to the palace.



Palace, outside the gate.

All civil and military officials, as well as tens of thousands of forbidden guards, are waiting here.

When Chu Feng's figure just appeared here

Led by general Yulin, all the forbidden guards, including ministers, generals and maidens, knelt down.

"The minister's escort is unfavorable. Please punish the emperor!"

General Yulin's knee was kneeling into the floor, and his knee directly broke a crack in the floor tile.

"The emperor, as a general of protecting the country, he commands all armies, but he doesn't even have the ability to protect the emperor."

"Please deprive the emperor of his official position and break into Jiuyou prison!"

"Minister, I would like to suffer this crime!"

Chu Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "you Aiqing are flat."

"I had expected that these thieves would assassinate me because the plan failed."

"However, I have arranged the means in advance. Now these people of evil families outside the territory have been killed by me."

"It's over."

All officials were filled with emotion.

"The emperor is wise and powerful. He killed those thieves. They all dirty your noble hands!"

After killing dozens of evil people with super pupil, the borers and cancer of the Zhou Dynasty were almost removed.

Under the will of Chu Feng, Tiangong mansion immediately sent personnel to repair the palace.

When all waste is flourishing, the new emperor will ascend the throne.



Juxing building.

On this special day, today's guests are full. Even Jiang Xiaoyu can continue to sit here and drink tea through the position of a young man in white.

There was also a constant voice of conversation.

"Today is the day when the new emperor ascends the throne!"

"Well, the ninth Prince has finally ascended the throne. I'm afraid our big week has ushered in a new glorious era!"

"Some time ago, there were people of foreign evil families who used extremely terrible sorcery to murder the emperor, but they were anti killed. It's ridiculous!"

"They don't want to think about it. Today's emperor has integrated the destiny seal into his body. With these small foreign evil families, they also want to assassinate the rivers and mountains of the whole Zhou Dynasty. It's really fantastic!"

These contents from the Imperial Palace fell into the ears of Jiang Xiaoyu through the mouth of the children of these dignitaries. She also knew what had happened in the imperial palace.

Looking at the support rate of this area, Jiang Xiaoyu felt a little trance.

What did Feng Shen do to make the whole people of the great Zhou Dynasty lean towards the ninth prince?

Right here, there was an exclamation not far away!

"Look outside, our dragon luck has condensed into rain!"

When all the guests heard the sound, they all stood up and hurried to the window to look out.

The whole Juxing building was boiling at the end of the night, just like a noisy vegetable market.

The usually elegant and noble place also became grounded at this time.

"Wow, it's really dragon luck!"

"God bless the Zhou Dynasty!"

"The Dragon luck in the sky is definitely a sign of the brilliant fall of my week!"

"When the new emperor ascends the throne, good luck comes from heaven. All these visions show that my great week will usher in a golden age rarely seen in a thousand years!"

"Look, the golden cloud is raining. It's golden rain!"

"The Dragon gas condenses into clouds and falls into rain to moisten all things on the earth. I didn't expect to see this legendary scene in my lifetime!"

Jiang Xiaoyu's seat is next to the window. Through the next window, you can see the golden rain outside the building, falling on the earth.

The elderly, children, young workers, cake vendors, passers-by, shop owners... All stopped their actions, looked up at the sky, danced in the Golden Dragon rain and enjoyed this dazzling moment!

"Isn't that beautiful?"

Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't help but look crazy.

A girl of her age, seeing such a dreamy scene, was almost trapped in a beautiful dream. The whole person was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery of the day and lost himself for a moment.

The young man in white opened the feather fan in his hand, gently fanned it and whispered, "only the most holy emperor ascends the throne can make the golden rain fall on the whole week."

At that time.

All the farmland was moistened by the golden rain, with a bumper harvest of grain and a great increase in output. All the farmers in Dazhou knelt down and worshipped, thanking God, the new emperor and the love of Dazhou.

In some remote areas, the situation of land loss has also improved. It can even be used by farmers to move here to open up wasteland and improve the utilization rate of land in Dazhou.

This golden rain is a great blessing that the people of the whole Zhou Dynasty can enjoy, get blessings and benefits!

It's not just beautiful.

Moistened by the golden rain, the whole week continued to prosper for at least a hundred years, and the dynasty lasted for thousands of years.

Jiang Xiaoyu took a deep breath.

In her heart, she can be sure that no matter who changes to super pupil, or even her sister Jiang Xue, this copy of strategy may not be able to play this effect.

It's like mastering the most perfect strategy!

Changed the whole world!