Chu Feng immediately connected the super pupil connection. Soon, Jiang Xiaoyu's projection appeared in front of him.

"Feng Shen, brother embarrassing has inquired about the intelligence of the demon recovery copy. When will you be free to come over?"

"I can do it now."

"OK, meet me at the summer hotel of Zhutian space."

Hang up the connection and move your mind. Chu Feng's figure enters the space of the heavens.

Come to the small hotel where I met brother Jiong for the first time.

The man with the "embarrassing" mask has been waiting here for a long time.

"First of all, let's talk about the basic situation of demon recovery."

When Chu Feng came in, brother Jiong went straight to the point:

"The background and brief introduction of the recovery of demons have been clearly written. In this world, demons exist everywhere, and human beings have to fight against demons."

"However, these demons are in the state of spirit body, that is to say, physical attack has no effect."

"General pupil surgery, such as mind control pupil surgery, is difficult to harm demons. Even pupil surgery with restraint effect may not be able to deal with all problems."

"Because in that copy, if you encounter top demons or are besieged, your pupil power is not enough to kill all demons and you will die."

"I discussed with several leaders and felt that the personal copy of demon recovery should be the most difficult personal copy. The actual difficulty is likely to be at the level of the 10th to 11th floors of the Zhutian tower."

Chu Feng frowned when he heard this.

Mind control pupil surgery itself is what he lacks.

In the copy of demon recovery, ordinary pupil surgery and physical damage pupil surgery have no effect on the demons there.

Isn't the eternal God's eyes, the highest of their own rank, equivalent to a decoration?

Moreover, the world background of demon recovery should be very dangerous. There may be enemies everywhere. If one is careless and violates taboos, he may encounter the siege of demons or provoke the top existence.

It's not that I can't fight

But demons are everywhere in that world. Kill one and come another. Sooner or later, they will be consumed!

"At my current level, I should not be able to pass this level of copy."

Chu Feng can only admit this fact.

I really won the grand prize!

Got a personal copy of Hell difficulty.

The actual difficulty of customs clearance even reaches the tenth floor of the heavenly pagoda!

I'm only three levels!

He almost doubted that zhutianta arranged a personal copy of this difficulty for himself. Is it because his strength is too strong and he has won SSS level evaluation for three times in a row, so dig a hole and punish him?

If we hadn't known the information in advance and rushed in, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Indeed, even ordinary people with eight layers of super pupils will give special consideration to entering this copy, and they still have a team..."

Brother Jiong's meaning is obvious.

For this hell level difficulty copy, a team is OK. After all, their pupil power is exhausted, and other super pupil people can help.

If it is a personal copy.

The difficulty has risen another level

"But you don't have to worry. If the difficulty of this copy is so high, the corresponding reward will not be low. You can get great benefits from entering before the tenth floor of the heavenly towers."

"Moreover, I have an exclusive strategy here."

"If you can pass the SSS level evaluation of the two copies on the fourth and fifth floors of the heavenly tower, there may be capital to enter the copy of demon recovery."

"What strategy?"

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

Brother Jiong should not know his super pupil ability, but how does he determine that if he raids these two layers of copies, he will be able to successfully pass the customs and recover the demons?

"These two copies are the ninja world on the fourth floor and the evil god world on the fifth floor."

"Do you mean that by raiding the Tiantong task of these two copies, you can get the super pupil that can play a role in the demon recovery world?"

Chu Feng's mind moved and immediately guessed brother Ji's intention.

"Smart!" brother Ji praised, "no one can get the Tiantong of the fifth layer evil god world, but it is said that the extra super pupil ability is to control the existence of evil spirits."

"If the physical pupil technique can not play a substantive attack on the demons in the recovery of demons, it can be judged that the demons there belong to evil spirits and can be controlled by the Tiantong of the evil god world."

"No matter how bad it is, it should also hinder or cause harm."

"After all, these worlds come down in one continuous line. The role that Tiantong can play must be greater."

"However, to pass the evil god world, you must get the [reincarnation pupil] of the ninja world."

"Because the copy mechanism of [evil god world] is very special, if there is no reincarnation pupil, you can't lead your own actions, and you can't take the initiative to contact Tiantong."

"Unable to lead his own action?" Chu Feng felt a little confused.

Is this copy that special?

"It should be some kind of protection mechanism. After all, this is a world with a high degree of difficulty. If you challenge at the fifth level, the corresponding protection mechanism will be generated so that you will try not to die. However, if you want to complete the Tiantong task at the lower level, the difficulty will be doubled." John Gordon said, "I'll introduce the content of the evil god world to you later. Now let's talk about the ninja world first."

"The copy of ninja world is not very difficult, but the corresponding SSS level evaluation is the most difficult to get."

"Because that day the pupil had a very special pupil technique..."

"It's called the pupil of reincarnation!"

"Even if you find Tiantong and kill him, everything will refresh until you enter the copy at the beginning."


"In the real background of the four story ninja world, what happens at your mission site is just a fantasy created by this Tiantong with the pupil of reincarnation."

"This pupil of heaven is called the magic night crow."

"Because he was on a special mission, he was ordered to serve as a double-layer spy in the Ninja empire. He was ordered by the family to monitor the top of the Empire and the family at the same time."

"Later, in order to take the overall situation into account, he slaughtered his family!"

"However, that night, his eyes evolved into the pupil of reincarnation."

"When he came back to God and found this cruel fact, the magic night crow launched the power of the pupil of reincarnation and changed the fate of their family again."

"In fact, this reincarnation is just a dream. Reality has happened. Even if it is reversed with reincarnation, it can only repeat the occurrence of tragedy."

"However, because the other party has the pupil of reincarnation, you can never kill him in the world created by the other party."

"There is only one way, that is, there is a supreme inheritance in the ninja world, which can offset the illusion created by each other, enter the real world and kill him!"

"However, the price of this inheritance is also very expensive. It takes 100000 days."

Chu Feng looked at his panel and found that there were 150000 heavenly points, too many to use up.

He nodded without hesitation: "I can change it."

"However, what is the supreme inheritance that can offset the illusion of reincarnation value pupil?"

Brother Jiao replied lightly:

"Don't let the sky stop."

PS: cough, it's five o'clock, crazy hint! By the way, the later copy will be wonderful, and the pattern will not be repeated.