Brother Jiong briefly introduced the ability to stop water in other days.

"This is the blood pupil technique left over from the inheritance of the ninja world."

"If the master of [don't stop water in the sky] doesn't die, maybe he will become the Tiantong in the ninja world?"

"His pupil technique ability can control others imperceptibly, and even the controlled person will not notice that he is controlled by pupil technique."

"Of course, such existence was regarded as a serious problem by the people at the top of the Ninja Empire, so they assassinated."

"The magic night crow is the ninja who witnessed all this."

"In the Ninja Empire, the magic night family is a family dominated by magic Tao. Especially after witnessing the death of their fellow people, their blood pupil power has changed."

"Since that war, the pupil of the magic night crow has been very advanced."

"In addition, I personally killed all my fellow races behind, which opened the top pupil of reincarnation!"

Chu Feng probably knows some background of the Ninja empire.

But he also had some doubts in his heart.

"According to what you mean, the pupil of reincarnation should be the most advanced pupil technique. Can't water stop control each other?"

"You're right, but you ignore one point. We don't need to control the magic night crow with another day's water stop, but to break the reincarnation dream, enter the real world, and then you kill him yourself." brother embarrassing explained in depth.

"I see."

Chu Feng nodded.

He was also secretly surprised.

No wonder the higher up, the task of Tiantong is so difficult.

For some tasks, it is even necessary to make extremely valuable preparations in advance before it is possible to attack the only route.

The more you get to the top, the harder it is for Tiantong to go.

Without this information, if I enter the ninja world on the fourth floor, I'm afraid I can't complete the Tiantong task.

Intelligence is still too important!

"Then, what should I do to find the magic night crow?" suddenly, Chu Feng thought of a key question.

If all this is a dream made by the magic night crow, where is the real body of the Tiantong?

"This is what I'm going to tell you..."

"You need to destroy the whole Ninja empire before the magic night crow will appear."

"It's not just the magic night family."

"Because what this Ninja really loves is the whole empire. Of course, he loves his family deeply, but at the critical moment, he still chose righteousness."

"If you destroy the whole Ninja Empire, he will use the pupil of reincarnation to refresh everything, and then appear in the magic night family to prevent you from destroying everything again."

"However, when he refreshes the reincarnation, only you who caused this scene will not be eliminated. All other super pupils will be refreshed and regarded as a copy task failure."

"At this time, your task will become [the real world]."

"The content of the task is also very simple. Go to the magic night family, find the magic night crow, kill him, and get his Tiantong, then this copy is over."

"So, after you enter the copy, you don't have to worry about all the stage tasks, just think about how to destroy the whole Ninja empire."

"Of course, it's easy to say, but it's still difficult to do."

"I'll send you a document later. There are details of ninja world. Before you enter the copy, you can think about the next action plan. I'll help you get [don't stop the water]."


Chu Feng nodded.

He made a super pupil connection with brother Jiong, added a friend, and then received information about the ninja world from each other.

A cursory glance.

The background of ninja world is much simpler than that of the Zhou Dynasty.

This is a big empire with Ninja as the basic unit to manage the country.

The whole country depends on ninjas to make a living.

Ninjas of the empire can accept missions and receive rewards. According to their life stories, they are divided into D-S ninjas.

Of course, the highest level seems to be level s, but there will certainly be SS and SSS demons!

However, in the ninja world on the fourth floor, the highest level Ninja is Wei Mingxin, who is about to end. At the peak of his ability, he can reach SS level, but in most cases, he is s level, which is not a very strong ninja.

The only thing that can reach SSS level is probably the magic night crow hidden behind it.

According to the normal process of the copy, the super pupil doesn't have to deal with such a terrible existence.

The main line of the task is not complicated.

Wei Mingxin is in his twilight years and has little vitality, and the empire is in urgent need of the next * * people.

According to the tradition of the Ninja Empire, the most prestigious family leader can serve as the next imperial commander.

In the Ninja Empire, there are three families, whose prestige has always remained in the top three in history, namely: Yishou clan, spirit beast clan and magic night clan.

When the imperial super pupil chose the initial camp, he chose one of the three families as the origin at the beginning, and then engaged in camp confrontation.

The Yishou clan is good at making all kinds of mechanisms. Through the powerful power of firearms and bombs, it is famous for its endless tricks.

Well, because in the Ninja Empire, most ninjas have mediocre talents. Only a few families with noble blood can open plug-ins.

Therefore, the Yishou family has been respected by the most people.

Everyone likes to enjoy the cool feeling of the addition of the righteous hand.

The spirit beast family is the spirit beast who controls the haunting spirit mountains in the north. By domesticating them, concluding contracts, and fighting with their opponents with the help of the powerful power of the spirit beast and the cooperation of their own ninja.

Thanks to the help of spirit beasts with spirit blood, the Ninjas of the spirit beast family fight to bully more and ignore martial ethics. Although their strength is at the peak of the current Empire, they are also criticized the most.

In short, strong strength and bad character.

The rest is the low-key magic night family.

Because this family is good at magic and generally performs confidential tasks, its reputation in the empire is not so high, and even the degree of discussion is not as large as that of ordinary families.

Feeling... How low is the sense of existence of the magic night clan in the Ninja empire.

However, the real Empire leaders all know that the magic night clan is the most terrible family.

Especially after seeing the terrible pupil surgery of that genius, even if the performance of this family is low-key, it is regarded as a heart trouble by the people at the top of the Empire.

Just because of this family, only one family can destroy the whole Ninja empire!

So, in addition to these three families, what forces are there?

you 're right!

Anti imperialist forces!

Beyond the borders of the Empire, there is also an anti imperialist alliance. After orphans who were mutilated by the Empire and lost their parents were trained into excellent ninjas, they used their anger and hatred for the Empire to organize an anti imperialist alliance.

However, unlike other copies.

In the ninja world, the anti imperialist alliance belongs to a relatively weak camp, and their task is to sneak into the Empire, assassinate Wei Mingxin, take the military order from the imperial commander, and launch a rebellion.

The camp confrontation of the whole copy is not very complicated.

The difficulty is how to find a way to destroy the Empire

Chu Feng could not choose the anti imperialist alliance, because according to the data, even if they obtained the military order, they only eliminated the super pupil of the imperial camp. In the third stage, they could not destroy the whole empire. If they won the military order, they were directly judged to have passed the copy.

In that way, the whole copy is over before the magic night crow comes out.


In this mission, if you want to destroy the Ninja Empire, you can't directly choose the anti imperialist alliance to push the Empire, but also beware of the super pupil of the anti imperialist alliance invading the Empire and taking away the military order from Wei Ming.

It's not that simple!

"By the way, according to what you say, the value of water stop in other days can be comparable to that of an additional super pupil. Can such inheritance of the heavens really come over?"

Chu Feng suddenly thought of something and put forward doubts.

In this way, the reward of brother Jiong is completely worth his efforts to help Jiang Xiaoyu obtain SS rating.

It's hard to get something of this level, even the fair, isn't it?

Brother Jiong smiled and said, "that's the supreme inheritance of water stop in other days for those with super pupils below the fourth floor of the heavenly tower. It may be equivalent to additional super pupils. However, if such resources are in the hands of top leaders, it's another value."

Chu Feng almost understood each other's meaning.

After all, those bigwigs have reached a higher level, and it is impossible to return to the bottom to complete the task.

Therefore, if they get other things, they must be used to exchange other things.

For example, human relations.

Moreover, the value of water stop in other days can not be equal to the additional super pupil.

First of all, this supreme inheritance is a one-time consumable. Although the quality is supreme, it will disappear after one use.

Secondly, how difficult is it to attack Tiantong route?

It's not that you can complete Tiantong's strategy route when you get other Tianshui.

The difficulty of destroying the entire Ninja empire is enough to dissuade most super pupil people.

Being able to spend hundreds of thousands of sky points to buy other sky water stops is actually an equivalent exchange.

During the time when brother Jiao was leaving Tianshui, Chu Feng had nothing to do. He planned to go to Kassel college.

His mind moved and his body moved immediately.

Next second.

Chu Feng found his body and came to a sacred courtyard.

The buildings around are inclined to the medieval Gothic style. The materials of bricks and tiles are different. Under the sunlight, they reflect golden light repeatedly.

"You have entered coordinates (0, 0) - Kassel college!"

"Detection, you are the first student to enter here and get the exclusive identity nameplate - 001!"

"When you connect with other super pupils of Kassel college, you can automatically choose whether the code displayed is the title of the towers or the number of Kassel college."

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

When I entered Kassel college, I had a special identification plate number.

Moreover, if you see the person in the opposite eye, after super pupil connection, you can also choose to display your own identity nameplate directly on the other party's panel instead of the identity of the towers.

He can choose to expose his identity as a God or hide it.

Of course, Chu Feng still tries to keep the origin of his divination. The fewer people know, the better.

The world of hypermydriasis is terrible.

As long as others know a little relevant information, they are likely to follow the clues.

To be conservative, Chu Feng did not use the ID plate No. 001 to deal with other students as a last resort.

"Welcome to Kassel college. You are the first student to come here."

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded behind Chu Feng.

Turning around, I saw a handsome young man with long white hair standing in the garden not far away with deep eyes and negative hands.

He walked over the fragrant flower bed, walked to Chu Feng, politely introduced himself and said, "I'm the president of Kassel college. The college has not been officially opened yet. The specific contents are under construction. You can ask me if you have any questions."

"It's the president. It's disrespectful." Chu Feng added a respectful title for his elders, paused, and asked, "I'd like to know what the development direction of cultivating super pupils in super pupil college is?"

"We intend to carry out batch culture according to different directions of hypermydriasis."

The president of Kassel college described the school's development model:

"For the time being, we plan to carry out different professional training for three different types of hypermydriasis."

"The first is to serve state organs and engage in high-level confidential work. This category includes the Department of culture and politics, the Department of information, and the management of super pupil, so as to move closer to the direction of authoritative institutions."

"The second is to serve for the replica of group strategy. This type of super pupil generally needs to form a team and develop into a professional strategy group to carry out pioneer activities such as replica reclamation."

"The third is the free strategist. For this part of the super pupil, our principle is to provide resources according to the pupil force and the level of layers. Intelligence can be exchanged with items such as celestial points. At the same time, some resources and courses are open and cooperate equally."

Chu Feng's eyes moved slightly. It can be guessed that the resources of Kassel college are not fair to everyone.

The most resources must be given to authoritative institutions, because after they develop, they will serve the country and should enjoy the most resource benefits.

The second strategy group is to form an internal team of Kassel college to gather excellent super pupil strength, which is also the main object of resource inclination.

However, the third free strategy group can't enjoy so many resources.

After all, the future path of the free strategy group is too unclear, and the super pupil resources of the school are very valuable.

As students here, open resources can be enjoyed unconditionally, but as for some higher quality resources and intelligence, we must pay in exchange.

For free strategists, Kassel college is a large high-quality resource exchange platform.

"Well, you should have a clear choice in mind?"

The white haired headmaster smiled. He saw that Chu Feng was a smart man and had a certain degree of confidence in his heart.

"Well, the direction is still relatively clear."

Chu Feng nodded.

"Then your direction is..."

"Free Raider."

Chu Feng said his choice almost without hesitation.

The white haired headmaster's smile solidified on his face.