"Cao, who on earth is always bad for Lao Tzu's plan?"

The little fat man was extremely depressed.

As the spirit beast clan who restrained the super pupil of the Yishou clan, they specially went to the northern mine to intercept the goods transported by the Yishou clan.


Every time I was about to succeed, I didn't know where a super pupil came out and directly frozen himself into an ice sculpture with pupil technique.

Fortunately, ice sculpture, not sand sculpture, can melt.

Otherwise, he would say goodbye to the mission.

Recently, the little fat man even doesn't hesitate to send someone to guard nearby to see who is opening his pupils.


After several tests.

Result: none.

The little fat man finally recognized it.

He realized that those who hide in the dark must completely crush themselves in strength!

The reason to stop him is to maintain the current balance of the Empire.

In the copy of ninja world, the super pupil of the three families need to eliminate the anti imperialist alliance in order to win the mission.

If you fight now, it's not good for anyone.

After several attempts.

The little fat man finally gave up.

He went to the plain and shouted at the area:

"Sir, I know you're here. Can you show up and let's talk about the situation?"

It's loud. It echoes in this area.

But no one bird him.

The little fat man feels very uncomfortable.

He meant to cooperate with the super pupil.

Judging from each other's performance, he must be a master.

But... Why do such masters choose the magic night clan?

Look at the poor power value

The little fat man is also very puzzled. Such a big master wasted an opportunity in vain?


Chu Feng's separation left here has already gone back.

The production materials of the Yishou have been transported back to the Empire.

The little fat man also stopped attacking the Yishou clan.

Then, his separation naturally doesn't need to waste time there.

The activity of monitoring the manufacture of thousand machine umbrella is naturally entrusted to the members of the magic night family.

After knowing the action of the Empire, basically, all members of the magic night family united together as never before.

They finally saw the ugly face of the Empire, even more disgusting than they thought!

What is the need to serve such an empire?

Then, before the demise of the magic night family, pull the whole empire to be buried!

When the magic night family forms a united front, its power will only be more terrible than everyone imagined!



"You... Where did you get it?"

Outside the Empire.

The headquarters of the anti imperialist alliance.

Hundreds of super pupil people, looking at the mountain of detonating symbols stacked behind ah Qiang, all elongated their chin and shocked to speechless.

"Oh, I also have the secret treasures of the heavens. When you fight with them, I quietly put them all away."

This sentence is made up, but it's OK.

Chu Feng's heart moved, and the 100000 initiation symbols disappeared out of thin air, like magic.

"I didn't expect you to have such a convenient storage treasure. I said so early!"

The disarmer breathed a sigh, smiled and patted Chu Feng on the shoulder.

"I thought everyone was busy in vain. Unexpectedly, brother, you gave us a surprise."

"Hahaha, I didn't do anything either."

Ah Qiang gave a simple smile, which made everyone happy.

Who would doubt such a naive dog family?

Sure enough, the charm of krypton gold is unimaginable.

If this guy hadn't been well equipped, their sneaking into the Empire would have really failed.

"Brother, how about your detonating charm? I'll send someone to blow up the city gate. If you win the copy at that time, you can also get the reward of the copy!"

He looked at Chu Feng with a bald head and a strange light in his eyes.

This is a 100000 detonator!

Enough for them to break through the gate.

Chu Feng suddenly smiled: "I'm short of everything recently. I wonder if you can deal with me?"

The bald smile froze.

"How much do you want?"

"Hehe, if you can win the copy of these four layers, there will be tens of thousands of heaven points at least."

"In this way, I don't have too many."

"Tonight's mission is so dangerous. I risked my life to get the detonator back."

"Each of you will give me 200 points for each day. As a small reward, I will give you 100000 detonating symbols. Is that all right?"

Chu Feng looks like an old profiteer.

Everyone looked at each other and said "good guy" in secret.

This is the first stage. There are still 500 super pupils in the anti imperialist alliance!

If everyone handed in two hundred, wouldn't it be a hundred thousand days?

This ah Qiang, the lion opened his mouth!

However, it is allocated to each person with hypermydriasis, that is, 200 days. Like drizzle, it is not much in cash.

"OK, two hundred is two hundred. You all call me the heavenly points. I'll deal with him!"

Bald heads don't bother to say anything.

In the world of hypermydriasis, everyone focuses on interests.

No one will blame ah Qiang for his greed.

On the contrary, everyone's view of a Qiang has changed.

This simple and honest guy on the surface is actually a little careful!

It seems that there are many hundred thousand heavenly points, but it is not much to share with everyone. I think it is acceptable.

And that guy got a lot of benefits!

No wonder we can find 100000 detonating symbols in the chaotic scene.

Look down on this simple!

When we see these people, they all get together and raise money from each other.

After the hundred thousand heavenly points were gathered together, the bald head came to Chu Feng and said, "well, start trading."

A message pops up immediately——

"North tiger invites you to trade."

Select OK.

The transaction panel immediately pops up in front of you.

North tiger glanced at each other's panel and was suddenly stunned.


"What code is this?"

you 're right!

Before the transaction, Chu Feng set his title to 001.

The purpose of nature is not to let them know that they are gods.

Joining Kassel college has this special advantage.

Make a deal.

Chu Feng gave the right to use 100000 initiation symbols to Beihu.

Correspondingly, he also obtained 100000 heaven points!

This is a huge sum!

"Well, I have to go to other places. I'll leave first!"

Chu Feng smiled and went in the opposite direction to the Empire.

"Boss, will he have a problem?"

A little brother came to the North tiger and asked quietly.

"I don't know, but looking at his direction, he went in the opposite direction of the Empire."

"If he was an insider sent by the Empire, he would not choose to go there."

"I guess it's a krypton gold copy, but I'm afraid of death."

"Anyway, he gave us 100000 detonating symbols, which is valuable enough, and that guy's pupil technique is general. It doesn't play much role in the back. Just let him get through the copy."

"We do our own!"

"OK." the little brother is actually a little sour.

In his eyes, ah Qiang was just lucky. If he got 100000 detonating symbols, he could knock 100000 heavenly points from their hands.

This is really envious!