After Chu Feng left, the last place he went was Duanyue cliff.

It is said that the friend of the magic night crow fell from here.

He has a bold guess

It took a day for Chu Feng to walk to Duanyue cliff.

The cliff is a hundred feet high, the waterfall flows down, and the sound of the water is as dull as thunder.

If you fall from here without any protective measures, you will be dead

Chu Feng sat here quietly and waited all night.

He left the base camp of the anti imperialist alliance in order to broaden the vision of the large forces and find a way to return to the Empire.

The second is to go to the broken moon cliff.

According to the information of the Ninja copy, sign in here, maybe

The early morning quietly passed.

Chu Feng's system immediately prompts that the check-in has been refreshed.

"System, I sign in here."

"Ding! You sign in at the broken moon cliff and get [don't stop]!"

"Don't stop water in the sky: you can launch a supreme illusion against others. In this copy, you will control a target. Until the end of this copy, the other party will not be aware of being controlled by you."

"Note: Supreme illusion and supreme illusion will counteract each other. Please don't use them against too strong enemies."

right enough!

In Chu Feng's system, there is another "water stop in other days".

Of course, the items obtained by signing in are not inherited from heaven and have certain limitations.

That is

After the end of this copy, the items obtained by signing in cannot be taken back.

Therefore, Chu Feng will not lose money if he buys another Tianshui stop from brother Ji.

If you can't use it, you can sell it again.

However, in this copy, Chu Feng held this other heavenly water stop for other purposes.

Such a good thing, of course, one is not enough!

Only with another heavenly water stop and the current Chu seal can we have 100% confidence in completing the Tiantong route.

His mind moved slightly.

At the other end of the sky, a huge divine eye appeared.

However, the eye of the gods did not appear directly over Chu Feng, but on the other side of the Empire.

you 're right!

Chu Feng passed on his mind. Soon, when he returned to the separation of the Empire, he understood the meaning.

He just wants to send himself back directly with his separated "heaven" and "twisted void".

With the emergence of layers of water like empty ripples around.

Next second.

Chu Feng felt his body shake, and then his people fell to the ground.

Back to the main city of the Empire!

Next to him, Chu Feng's separated body walked over and reunited with him.

"I have to say, separation is really good enough!"

Chu Feng smiled at the corners of his mouth.

In particular, the incarnation outside the body can also use its own pupil technique, which is equivalent to two Chu Feng acting separately, and the efficiency is higher.

"Everything is ready!"

"Next, it's time to witness miracles!"



Yishou base.

Thousands of craftsmen, all around a machine room, produce with mechanical precision.

There is a dull hum of mechanical operation. The materials from rare mineral veins are made into extremely tough mechanical parts and thousands of machine umbrellas by the Yishou family with special technology.

Dada, dada!

Just then.

A dull footsteps came here.

"It's the commander!"

The ninja who welcomes the past is the craftsman super pupil who appears in the fate picture of Chu Feng.

When he saw Wei Mingxin coming, he quickly greeted him.

"How long will these thousand machine umbrellas be ready?"

"Back to the commander, if there is no accident, the first batch of goods can be made in three days."

The craftsman vowed.

"Three days? Your efficiency is completely beyond my expectation."

In the light of Wei Mingxin's eyes, a look of consternation appeared.

A few days ago, he heard that the transport forces of the Yishou nationality had been blocked and delayed for some time.

However, the progress of production is still a few days faster than the schedule!

It has to be said that this craftsman man is becoming more and more mysterious in the eyes of Wei Mingxin.

Like an outsider with powers, it brought an unprecedented industrial revolution to the Yishou people.

The craftsman smiled and didn't care.

Of course he made preparations for the back hand.

In fact, the surface schedule is a cover. He has prepared a succession of days behind his back, which can accelerate the work efficiency of the base, increase the speed ten times and make a thousand machine umbrella.

This can have a surprising effect.

"Cough!" Wei Mingxin suddenly lowered his head and made a violent cough.

"Commander, are you all right?" the craftsman asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Wei Mingxin looked a little ugly. After a pause, he took out a token from the bag and handed it to the Craftsman: "in the future, you will be in charge of the imperial Arsenal. I hope you won't let me down."


The craftsman took the token, and the smile on his face became more prosperous.

Open panel——

Yishou family: 223422

Spirit beast: 142333

Magic night clan: 19987

The life span of Wei Mingxin is only one week.



"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

North, near the spirit mountains.

The little fat man looked at the value change of the panel and stamped his feet in anger.

"Transport all these spirit beasts back to the Empire!"

"I can't bear it!"

"Even if I let the anti imperialist alliance win, I won't let the guy surnamed Luo win this copy."

"Immediately lead these thousands of spirit beasts, and we directly flatten the Yishou family, proving that we are the * * of the Empire!"


The super pupil of the spirit beast family listened to the order and responded loudly.

Thousands of winged and huge spirit beasts flew to the imperial capital from the fairy mountains in the north.

A cold wind suddenly blew from the north and swept the whole Ninja empire!



Empire, south of the city.

A group of Ninja troops sneaked into the neighborhood.

The Ninjas guarding the city seemed to be in a state of confusion.

Several figures suddenly appeared on the wall.

Then, all the Ninjas here fell to the ground, and none of them survived.

"Hurry up and paste these detonators!"


Although the number of ninjas is small, their speed is much faster than ordinary people think.

Detonating symbols flew out of their hands and pasted on the walls of the southern city.

So many detonating runes, as long as they are blasted together, even if the wall is reinforced twice, it will definitely be blasted!

"Well, now wait for those guys to come!"

The super pupil of the anti imperialist alliance sneered.

At a time when the empire is surging.

No one noticed

Thousands of miles above the sky, an illusory divine eye is watching all this.

Chu Feng sat in a corner and gently knocked the chess pieces in his hand.

"Everything is ready!"