Empire City, Arsenal.

The craftsman felt very comfortable playing with this token in his hand.

"If nothing happens, when the old man Wei Mingxin dies, the system will automatically give up the throne to the Yishou clan."

"If the spirit beast family dares to attack, these weapons will kill and hurt them badly!"

"Moreover, Wei Mingxin gave me the position of the old man's general fire storehouse manager, and the meaning was very clear..."

"Is to determine the next successor of the Empire!"

"Hehe, if the spirit beast family dares to move the righteous hand family, we must pass the old man Wei first."

"Moreover, the 100000 detonators in the Arsenal have not been lost. Although a few mice came that day, fortunately nothing went wrong."


The door of the arsenal is open.

The craftsman is going to take the 100000 detonating talisman.

Counting the days, it's almost time to start a decisive battle between the three families.

Maybe the rats from the anti imperialist alliance outside will also come in.

If you take out the 100000 detonating symbols early, they will always be useful.

Walking into the gate, a huge iron box was placed in front of him.

"Open the box."

The craftsman ordered coldly.


Several ninjas immediately stepped forward.

However, when they knocked open the ammunition box containing 100000 detonators, they were collective fools.

The military firebox is empty. It doesn't even have a detonator!


Just then, an earth shaking explosion came from outside!

The whole empire's ground shook violently like a magnitude 8 earthquake.

"What happened?"

The craftsman looked so cold that he immediately walked out of the arsenal.

In front of him, the firelight filled the whole eyes of the craftsman.

Just going in and out for a while.

The walls of the Empire had collapsed and turned into ruins. The smoke and dust in the distance filled the whole sky. In the direction of the walls, countless civilians screamed for their lives.

"Damn it... The rats of the anti imperialist Alliance... How is it possible?"

The craftsman was surprised and angry.

On that day, he clearly confirmed that 100000 detonators were still in the ammunition box.

How was this used by those guys of the anti imperialist alliance?

It's the inside story of the whole empire!

"Damn it!"

"Contact all the super pupils of the Yishou clan!"

"We took the thousand machine umbrella and killed them all!"

However, the super pupil of the Yishou family did not reply.

In a few seconds.

A message suddenly popped up in front of the craftsman——

"Our base has fallen!"


The craftsman is dull.

Who did it?

"Yes... Ninja of magic night clan!"

Magic night clan?

The craftsman was stunned.

Why can this family, which is the last in the list, punish their righteous hand clan?

You know, the magic night clan has few super pupils


The craftsman trembled and remembered a terrible thing.

Among the three camps, the magic night clan is one of the few aborigines with pupil surgery.

you 're right!


These aborigines are not straw without pupil power and slaughtered by others!


They are those who have top pupil surgery, and the more they die, the more terrible they are!

Most importantly, in the magic night clan, it is suspected that there is a very terrible super pupil. The shelter volunteers transported the materials for the thousand machine umbrella.

At first, he thought it was just a private grudge between hypermydriasis.

But now it seems

The super pupil hidden in the magic night clan is the most terrible opponent in this copy!



Yishou base.

Ninjas of the magic night family, like ghosts, appear here.

The Yishou aborigines didn't react at all. They were reaped by these ruthless killing machines in an instant!

After the remaining hypermydriasis patients reacted, they quickly performed pupil surgery.


The magic night family also knows pupil surgery!

Mind control pupil surgery is of no use to them at all.

The magic night clan itself is the ancestor of magic.

These mind control pupil techniques are nothing in front of the eye of the night!

What's more, they suddenly launched a surprise attack and grabbed all the thousand machine umbrellas at the first time.

Of course, the people who make thousand machine umbrellas are indigenous.

Have you ever seen a super pupil go to copy and work for the aborigines?

But just like this, the Yishou Ninja guarding next to the Qianji umbrella had no resistance at all in front of the magic night ninja and was knocked down by magic.

When the thousand machine umbrella fell on the hands of the magic night clan, it immediately became a terrible killer!

These super pupil people are immersed in the illusion that pupil surgery can easily eliminate indigenous people. In the face of this situation, they launch pupil surgery resistance at the first time.


The Ninja group of the magic night clan opened the thousand machine umbrella.

Mind control pupil surgery is immediately reflected!

The pupil technique of the physics department was resisted by the thousand machine umbrella.

The magic night clan is not vegetarian.

Several core members of the top floor opened the mecha and stood in front, just like the God of war.

Before Chu Feng made a move, the super pupil of the Yishou clan was killed by the aborigines of the magic night clan!

The remaining dozens of hypermydriasis who reacted immediately dispersed and ran away before they escaped.

Of course, they have little combat capability when they form scattered soldiers.

What's more, the strategic goals of the Yishou people this time are all on the thousand machine umbrella. The combat effectiveness of these super pupil people is basically only super pupil

The strength in the copy is at most a d-level ninja.

Well... Without plug-ins, ninjas at this level are miscellaneous fish!



"What's going on?"

When the little fat man rushed back to the Empire, he saw the scene of the city gate being blown open.

They landed at the Yishou base for the first time and found a large area of Ninja dead here, and the thousand machine umbrella disappeared.

"Hell, who can tell me what's going on?"

The little fat man is stupid.

He wanted to slap himself and wondered if he was dreaming.

The Lord walked away for a while, and the Empire died?

You're kidding!

In the light of the fire at the gate, a Taoist shadow came in to harvest the garrison soldiers of the Ninja empire.

"Anti imperialist alliance? How dare these people?"

The little fat man reacted. It turned out that these guys of the anti imperialist alliance created all this.

"Well, I happened to bring thousands of spirit beasts here. I just let you try the power of spirit beast army!"

The little fat man sneered.

He sounded his flute and planned to control the spirit beasts behind him and bite the rats of the anti imperialist alliance.


From another place, a more sacred flute came.

The sound of the flute has a wild smell.

When the spirit beast behind the little fat man heard the flute, he suddenly ran away!

"Ow, ow, Ow!"

Thousands of spirit beasts, out of control at the same time, turned into a destructive force and rolled up the whole empire!

"Lie down..."

The little fat man was stunned.

The next second, a huge claw patted him hard!