"What's going on?"

When she opened her eyes again, quangu Yutai found that she had returned to the corridor door of the old school building.

"Didn't I just... Fall down the stairs?"

He soon recalled that he heard a sound at the entrance of the stairs, then walked over, stepped on a man's face, accidentally slipped and slipped down.

At that time, the head seemed to have hit a sharp cone.

Under normal circumstances, I should die, right?


"My body should be different from before."

"With my current ability, even if I fall down that stairs, I should also have the ability to react and stabilize my body."

"How could..."

Lenovo a series of things that happened today.

Quangu Yutai soon noticed a situation

This school may not be as simple as you think!

He took a deep breath and realized that it might be the fate fragment he saw just now.

If you really step on that staircase... Maybe... You'll really die?

When moving forward again, quangu Yutai immediately bypassed the stairs, went to another intersection and walked towards the women's toilet on the third floor of the old school building.

Vaguely, he also heard someone calling his name behind him.

However, quangu yudali ignored these voices.

Although I don't know what those things are, since the wine Taoist told himself to go to the women's toilet on the third floor of the old school building, he should not harm himself.

Before the action, he also used the method in his dream to test whether he could use these pupil techniques.

With a burst of changes in his pupils, he successfully used the "empty pupil cutting" to cut a steel pipe not far away into two sections.

Ability is true!

Following the words of the wine Taoist, he went to the third floor of the old school building and entered the women's toilet.

A ray of sunlight came in through the window at the end of the toilet.

Most of the toilet doors here have been broken, some have cracked directly, and some have even collapsed.


Only the toilet door next to the window is not broken, just like a brand-new one.

It's just

The door was closed as if someone were squatting inside.

Quangu Yutai walked over, knocked on the door three times according to the way the wine Taoist said, and whispered:

"Miss huazi, miss huazi, are you there?"

No movement.

Quangu Yutai frowned.

Is it the wrong way to summon yourself?

Or is it too weak to knock?

Or is the voice too low for the other party to hear and not energetic enough?

"Hey, did you call me?"

A neutral juvenile voice suddenly sounded from behind quangu Yutai.

Looking back, I saw a 12-year-old boy wearing an old student uniform and a Navy hat.

Beside him, there were two ghost fires, one blue and one red.

Those amber eyes, with a trace of playfulness and banter, looked at quangu Yutai. They seemed to be waiting to appreciate each other's surprised expression, and pointed to themselves and said loudly:

"You... What are you? How can you appear here? Is it a man or a ghost?"


After a few seconds

Quangu Yutai didn't show any surprise. Instead, he looked at himself with strange eyes, "are you really a flower?"

"Poof..." huazi couldn't hang his expression. He took the two ghost fires and threw them in front of quangu Yutai. "Hey! Look at these two things floating around normal people? I'm not huazi. Is it difficult for these two luminous things?"

"Why are you not surprised, not afraid, not talking, and questioning my identity!"

"You... You're not funny at all! You're so bored! Hum!"

Well, this tone really tastes like miss huazi.

However, quangu Yutai frowned: "but my master said, miss huazi is a woman, but you look like a boy."

"It's just that my name is like a woman. I happen to be very cute, so many people think I'm a girl. Most of the popular legend versions are also women. However, I'm really a boy. If I didn't appear in ghost form, I could show you there!"

Huazi floated up, trying to prove that he was indeed a ghost, staring at each other's face, trying to find a normal, fun and surprised expression from that face.

As a result, the other party is still very calm.

"Well, what you said is reasonable. It can be regarded as persuading me."

Hua Zi: "

The guest this time is a strange guy.

"Then, please say your wish." huazi's face finally showed a serious expression, "but I hope you have made preparations to pay enough price before that."


Huazi choked again. Looking at the other party's ignorant face, she was speechless in an instant.

"No, sir, you haven't even heard my legend, so you just come and call me?"

"Er... My master called me. He said you were his apprentice..."

"Boy, I think you've been cheated!"

Huazi turned his eyes.

Which fool can describe a strange talk as his apprentice?

Looking at this man's silly appearance, huazi can be said to be completely sure.

The so-called master must have heard a legend and specially asked him to have a try.

Try and die!

Boy, you don't know what you're dealing with!

Fortunately, I'm not talking about other strange things, or you'll die!

"Well, since you have no wish, go back quickly!"

Huazi's tone showed some impatience.

It was not easy to be called out, but there was a fool. There was nothing interesting.

However, when he looked into quangu Yutai's eyes again, he was suddenly stunned.

The pupil of the boy suddenly rippled circle after circle.

Those eyes

It seems more strange than strange talk!

Next second.

Huazi unexpectedly found that he came to a vast white space.

"Oh, hello." nearby, an old man's voice came.

Huazi turned around and saw an old man wearing sloppy clothes and drinking wine gourd.

"Are you the master in that boy's mouth?"

Huazi narrowed her eyes, guessed each other's identity, and noticed each other's magical ability.

It's not strange talk, but his ability can have an effect on strange talk.

Definitely not a good character!

The old man said, "I'll make a wish for you for the boy."

"Oh? Tell me, what wish?"

Huazi hugged his fist with both hands, showing an interested look.

Such an expansion is interesting!

The old man said faintly:

"Eliminate the strange talk of evil and let Lin Han's soul be one and reappear in this world."

Huazi's eyes moved.