"Do you know what will happen to the world if that person reappears?"

"Of course I know, but I have a way to deal with evil gods."

Chu Feng's words seemed extremely confident.

Huazi hesitated for a while and snorted, "so, what price are you going to pay for this wish?"

"It's very simple. When the evil god comes, I will die with the evil god, and Lin Han will return to normal, that is... Your soul."

The seven strange talks are Lin Han's soul. They are divided into seven strange talks. They say they don't care. It must be false.

Moreover, huazi can also see that Chu Feng's current form is a very special guardian spirit.

This spirit body... Maybe... Can really deal with the coming evil god.

Huazi can clearly feel that Chu Feng's soul power is very strong, and he may even devour the evil god.

"OK, I promise to cooperate with you."

Finally, huazi nodded and agreed.

The vast white space is falling apart

After the successful negotiation, Chu Feng cancelled the illusion of reincarnation, let huazi return to reality and led quangu Yutai.

He accompanied the young man in the form of a guardian spirit. He would not take action until the critical moment.

Consciousness sinks and returns to reality.

Huazi looked a little complicated at quangu Yutai.

"It seems that you know nothing about this school, don't you?"

Quangu Yu was stunned and nodded immediately.

"I don't know why your heart is so big... I thought you knew the inside story, so you weren't afraid, but now it seems that I need to tell you something..."

Huazi was speechless for a while, and then gave a brief overview of the seven strange talks of the school and Lin Han.

Although these things sound absurd, Yutai quangu, who has gained great power, easily accepted the information.

"I see. That is to say, those evil talks are the villains in the school. What we have to do next is to defeat them!"

Huazi shrugged, "well... It's a little secondary, but it's right to understand."

"In other words, if others see you floating like this, there should be a misunderstanding?"

Quangu Yutai felt strange. Wouldn't others be surprised to see the flowers floating like this?

"You know!" Hua Zi rolled his eyes and then explained, "only those who call me can see me. Others can't see me. Therefore, usually I will float around you. You'd better get used to my existence."

Quangu Yutai thought for a moment, nodded, and his tone suddenly became excited:

"Then we'll save the world later?"

Well, there's really no way to keep up with this guy's brain circuit!



The class bell rang unconsciously.

Quangu Yutai soon returned to the class.

When he passed the stairs of the old school building, he didn't hear any strange sounds for some reason.

After Hua Zi's explanation, the staircase should also be one of the strange talks.

Maybe he was afraid of the existence of huazi, so he shut up behind the stairs.

Dare not say a word.

Looking back on his experience along the way, quangu Yutai was a little surprised that his character seemed to have changed.

How to put it?

Just become more calm!

When he meets a situation that he can't understand, there is always a cold feeling in his left eye, which makes him calm down quickly, and his understanding ability also rises rapidly.

Go back to class.

The teacher has entered the classroom. Fortunately, he came back quickly and came in next to the class bell, so quangu Yutai entered the classroom smoothly.

He glanced at Fujiang and found that the girl's eyes were full of fear

No, exactly.

This vision looked at the flowers behind him.

With a joking smile on huazi's face, he should go up and look at Fujiang.

"Tut Tut, isn't this Fujiang classmate?"

"I haven't been out of the mountain for so long. Why did you change into a school uniform?"

"Oh, this tear mole is really attractive. No wonder it can confuse the boys in the class."

"You must enjoy this feeling and eat the students who are confused by you, right?"


Fujiang is one of the strange talks?

Quangu Yutai was a little surprised, but soon relieved.

No wonder I see those pictures.

It turned out that what I saw was the real side of Fujiang as a strange talk about cannibalism.

According to the seven strange talks, three good and three evil, Fujiang should be regarded as the strange talk of evil.

Moreover, huazi's ability to restrain Fujiang.

Fujiang has a strong temptation to the opposite sex. Just a glance can make a man fascinated, bow down under her skirt and become a licking dog without IQ.

She never really liked any man, but she enjoyed making each other fall in love with herself, especially the man who robbed other women.

After completely controlling them, Fujiang will do an extremely cruel thing - dismember them!

Moreover, Fujiang can't kill and won't get any pain when injured, but when angry, Fujiang's cells will divide and even form independent individuals, so it is an existence that kills more and more.


Huazi has a strange knife on his body.

As long as you are cut by this knife, no injury will recover.

It is the sharp weapon to restrain Fujiang!

Therefore, huazi is Fujiang's nemesis!

In front of huazi, Fujiang curled up in his seat, trembling, afraid to move a few times, or even angry.

If she gets angry in front of the whole class and the cells divide unconsciously, huazi will definitely cut her to death without hesitation!

of course.

Huazi also has a defect, that is, it can only act when called by the wishes of others.


In action, huazi can only do things related to the realization of his wishes.

What a coincidence this time!

Huazi's wish to accept the entrustment is to kill the strange talk of evil.

You can take Fujiang's first operation!

But it's not now.

"Teacher, I want to go to the bathroom!"

When the class bell just rang, Fujiang suddenly raised his hand.

In fact, there was some dissatisfaction in the male teacher's eyes.

What have you been doing after class for so long?

However, the male teacher did not dare to stop such a beautiful girl from making such a request.

"Go and come back quickly."

After ten minutes, Fujiang didn't come back.

After twenty minutes, Fujiang still didn't come back.

After thirty minutes, I still didn't come back

However, the whole class seems to have forgotten the existence of Fujiang, just like the male teacher.

As if

This girl has never appeared in class!