At the same time.

Hundreds of Silver Blades run through junsuke Hamasaki's body at the same time!

Kill the empty pupil!

This is also Chu Feng's strongest physical pupil attack so far.

In the blink of an eye, junsuke Hamasaki's body was divided into countless sections by hundreds of silver blades.

However, he is still not dead!

The smell of evil was crazy around him, as if he had become an immortal.

"I see..."

"No wonder you didn't die. You brought something good."

"Even the supreme inheritance has been used. What a big hand!"

Chu Feng looked at the scene coldly.

Hamasaki junsuke's rotten body is constantly recovering, and sent out a sad strange laughter from his mouth: "it's worthy of your honor Feng Shen. You can see my secret at a glance."

"But what can you do?"

"I turned myself into a container for evil gods. You can't kill me."

"Although I can't pass this copy, you don't want to get SSS level evaluation so easily!"

"Really?" Chu Feng couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" junsuke Hamasaki frowned. He felt a little uneasy from each other's laughter.

"There is no so-called immortal body in this world. If there is, it is just that the destructive power is not strong enough."

As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, a weapon containing endless thunder was like a small sun, tearing open the night and turning it into a vast day.

Three pointed two edged knife!

If only evil gods can deal with evil gods, what about the same supreme weapon?

You have the supreme inheritance, and what I have is the supreme secret of the heavens!

Junsuke Hamasaki's pupils contracted in an instant and subconsciously had to run back!

Deadly breath!

He felt the threat of life from that weapon!

Indeed, in the world of evil gods, only evil gods can defeat evil gods in general.

However, evil gods are only the "supreme level" of this world. It's hard to say when they meet the "supreme level" of other worlds.

Although the three pointed two edged Sabre does not come from the evil god world, it comes from the more advanced ancient Tianting world, and also contains the thunder power of heaven robbery!

Lightning is the strongest attribute to restrain evil things.

And the thunder of heaven robbery is the king of thunder and the emperor of ten thousand thunder!

In the world of evil gods, there is no such setting as natural disaster.

If there is, the evil god is not an evil god, just a cloth doll that looks a little ferocious.

"No... impossible!" junsuke HAMAZAKI made a hysterical voice, "how can you have the supreme heaven..."

Before he finished, the three pointed and two edged knife immediately triggered the thunder of heaven's robbery. Trillions of thunder annihilated all around and destroyed everything here!

"Ah ah ah ah!"

The next second, junsuke Hamasaki's figure has been swallowed by Lei Guang and completely disappeared!


The leader of the psionic shouted. In his cry, the other team members reacted and retreated quickly to the back.

Tens of thousands of thunder surged towards the surrounding ground, creating a terrible attack. In the blink of an eye, the playground became a huge pit!

"What a terrible attack!"

The psionics who escaped the blow and turned around to see the scene in front of them were all frightened.

Especially the captain, he was about to despair.

There are two evil gods!

This is the rhythm to destroy the world!

As a result, a more terrible weapon appeared here and destroyed everything.

When Lei Guang disappeared, junsuke Hamasaki was gone.


Lin Han also disappeared.

Together with the guardian spirit will disappear.

When the carrier of the evil god dies

Evil gods will no longer exist!

In the sky, the surging dark clouds slowly faded, and the gentle moonlight enveloped the earth again.

In the horizon, there was a dawn breaking through the dark clouds.

The light reappears.

All the psychics stood still, feeling that the danger had passed before the brain reacted, and the world was at peace again.

I can't blame them for not understanding the scene.

Originally, the evil god was ready to recover from Lin Han.

However, after the resurrection of junsuke HAMAZAKI, he used the supreme inheritance to turn himself into a container of evil gods.

This is the last card he prepared when he came to the copy of evil god.

As long as he replaces Lin Han and becomes an evil god, the whole seven middle schools and even the copy world will be destroyed, but his task is not a failure.

HMM, isn't it a surprise?

Don't worry, explain!

Let's go back to the original super pupil mission.

Mission: the super pupil will then be selected as the guardian spirit of one of the children to help them live until the day they leave school.

As the guardian spirit of the child, junsuke HAMAZAKI used the supreme inheritance of the evil god world to turn the child he guarded into a container of the evil god, which is feasible.

After becoming an evil god, the child did not die.

With the help of evil gods, after destroying the seventh middle school, don't you even leave school?

Turning children into evil gods and destroying the whole school does not conflict with the main task.

Big deal, even a special guard!

Therefore, junsuke Hamasaki's plan to attack the copy of evil gods starts from this logic.

Because the evil god has the power of Tiantong, junsuke Hamasaki can still obtain the power of Tiantong after turning his guarded child into the carrier of the evil god.

Because he has become a pupil.

Evil gods are the source of Tiantong's power!

Lin Han is just a container.

If the container is changed, the Tiantong will be changed.

When junsuke Hamasaki used pupil surgery on Lin Han, the evil god transferred from Lin Han to the child he guarded.

It can be said that junsuke Hamasaki robbed the evil god from other containers!

Originally, junsuke Hamasaki will become an evil god and an immortal existence in this copy.

Unfortunately, he met Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's three pointed two edged Sabre is like a bug in attack power.


Take the evil god for seconds!

Of course, as a price, he gave himself seconds.

The psionic in the back managed to avoid the blow because he dodged quickly.

The whole playground no longer exists!



From the perspective of the psychic, the whole playground became a huge pit.

And the thunder clouds in the sky are slowly dissipating.

"Is everything... So... Over?"

All the psychics looked at the exaggerated scene in front of them and opened their mouths. It was incredible.

"Have a moment of silence for the child and the guardian spirit."

After a long time, the psionic captain slowly breathed out a breath.

Although he just arrived, he can probably guess what happened.

The guardian spirit came to a child in this school to help the strange talk of good, eliminate the strange talk of evil, and prevent the birth of evil gods.

The seven strange stories of the seventh middle school, the breeding of evil gods, and various events have developed to this day... Finally, it is completely over!

A story that ends in tragedy.

Perhaps, this is not a perfect story, but it is also vigorous enough.

"All staff, pay tribute to that great existence!"

The psionic captain roared.

All the psychics behind him stood in a military posture, lined up, the whole army, clenched their right hands and hit their hearts hard, paying a moment of silence and tribute to the guardian spirit who died with the evil god... And those children!

The surrounding air was filled with a sense of sadness.

This atmosphere lasted for about a few minutes

Suddenly, in the dark pit, three white lights appeared and slowly converged into human form!

"Captain... That... That is?"

A psychic looked at the slowly condensed white light in the pit in surprise.

No one answered that.

Even the captain, who has always been serious, couldn't help taking a step forward, holding his breath and quietly watching the next development.

The white light slowly turns into three figures!

Two of them are Lin Han and quangu Yutai.

Finally, the figure, although not condensed into the form of ordinary people, turned into a protective white light and appeared in front of everyone as an old man.

It was Chu Feng who turned into a wine Taoist.

He left three reincarnation opportunities for himself, Lin Han and Yutai quangu.

Hehe, this time junsuke Hamasaki, that madman, was a mistake!

He probably didn't expect that Chu Feng had so many cards, emerging one after another, and could help the target and himself revive.

Junsuke HAMAZAKI's attempt to kill chufeng's Guardian child and Lin Han and make this copy without a winner is a complete failure.

When the strength is strong to a certain level, any conspiracy will turn into clouds!

Quangu Yutai opened his eyes blankly and looked around.

What's going on?

I just

Aren't you dead?

Suddenly resurrected?

He turned his head and saw Lin Han, who also appeared in the white light, and the wine Taoist. He immediately showed a surprised expression.


Chu Feng smiled. "Young man, it's time to grow up. You've been sheltered by me for so long. It's time to learn to protect others."

After that, he put his eyes on Lin Han and motioned quangu Yutai to look over.

The girl was still a little bit trance, perhaps because she was reincarnated and revived, or she was still blending the strange memories of conversation.

In short

Lin Han's mind is a little confused.

The memory of strange talk may be preserved, but it is not a simple thing to accept, digest and understand them.


"You'll protect her, won't you?"

Quangu Yutai was stunned when she heard this sentence and suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Master, in fact, I don't have any powerful power. You're helping me, aren't you?"

Chu Feng did not answer this sentence.

The boy has seen it.

Sometimes the truth is cruel.

You think you are the Savior, but you find that this is just a play that others give you a chance to play. Everything is false.

Such a result seems to hurt people more than nothing.

"Boy, who says you have no ability."

Suddenly, a handsome young man came to the back of quangu Yutai and patted him on the shoulder. "Our captain just said that you have very good psionic potential and can consider joining us."

"Really... Really?"

Quangu Yutai turned his head and some couldn't believe it.

"Who do you think our captain is?" the young man came to the little Zhengtai's ear. "That guy, but he is famous for strictly screening his teammates. I was the first in the same group. When I first joined, Leng was trained by that guy to be worthless and can be liked by him... Hey, your talent must be very good."

Chu Feng also said, "from beginning to end, I'll help you. Only when you deal with the six enemies, they are enemies with me. If you don't have the talent to control the guardian spirit, you can't use my power."

"So it is!"

Quangu Yutai suddenly realized that her little face turned red.

I just said such a dejected thing... I said it in front of master... What a shame!

"Hoo!" quangu Yutai stood up, took a deep breath and came to Lin Han, "from now on, I will protect you!"

Lin hansu's white face was lifted up. Looking at the boy's face, he suddenly smiled.

Very innocent smile.


The leader of the psionic came to Chu Feng with respect.

"Sir, after the evil god is eliminated, its power..."

"You mean this?"

Chu Feng's heart moved, and a dark bead suddenly floated in the air.

Although the breath has been very weak, there is still incomparable evil power in this bead, but it is sleeping.

However, sleeping does not mean being completely eliminated.

In a sense, evil gods are also a kind of existence similar to rules. They are a little similar to strange talk. They may not be able to kill them by relying on strong external forces.

There must be a specific method.

"If you don't mind, can you give this bead to our psionic alliance?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "I'm going to completely destroy this thing. You don't have to stop it. This is my destiny."

"OK." the captain also saw the other party's determination and didn't say much.

In fact, their psychics have no completely reliable way to completely kill evil gods.

If this one... Really wants to, maybe he can really eliminate evil gods, but he has to pay a price.

Quangu Yutai realized something from their dialogue. Tears suddenly appeared in her eyes and took a few steps forward.

But in the end, he said nothing and lowered his head.

"Boy, you should learn to separate on the way of growth. You will have new partners in the future."

There was a kind smile on the old man's face.

The boy suddenly raised his head and wanted to say goodbye. However, the next second, the white shadow suddenly dissipated and disappeared into the air, leaving only a white bubble.

Quangu Yutai stood in place for a moment and bowed to the shadow left in the white light.

"Master, thank you!"

Drops of tears fell from the boy's face.

The sound echoed for a long time on the open playground.

A young, small, plain white hand gently leaned over and held the boy.

It snowed again in the snow country.

The wind and snow flooded the world.

But when he left, the boy's back was not alone.

PS: the story of the evil god world is not cool, but what I want to write is a story about the growth of a teenager. The whole protagonist didn't appear much. Maybe some readers won't adapt, but I still think this length has achieved the effect I want. Originally, I had a lot to say on the way, but I still refrained from saying it in order not to affect the viewing experience. Finally, there is nothing to say. If you see here, thank you for your company all the way!