Chu Feng came to a holy temple.

According to legend, this is the world of guardian spirits.

When the guardian spirit completes his mission, he can enter the temple of God and get the position of spirit.

At this time, Chu Feng is no longer a simple spiritual body. If he wants to, he can temporarily have a complete form with the help of the power of the temple of God.

In front of him, there was a seed of evil suspended.

This is the "evil god seed" obtained from Hamasaki when he killed him.

The seed contains the power of evil gods. If this seed is allowed to remain in the world, it will give birth to new evil gods sooner or later.

"It's time."

Chu Feng thought and integrated the evil god into his body.

A breath of evil spirit immediately surged up, trying to erode Chu Feng's body.


The soul power of evil gods is blocked by the five pupil powers sealed by Chu.

Those five abilities constantly suppress the power of evil gods and turn them into new pupil power.

At first, the resistance of the evil god was very stubborn, which made Chu Feng's pupil power turbulent for several times.


The pupil power of five super pupil talents is incomparably powerful.

How easy it is to suppress the power of evil gods together.

Moreover, in the temple of God, it is full of holy power. Evil gods can't even exert 30% of their power here, so they are suppressed.

Gradually, this power was divided and integrated into Chu Feng's soul, and gradually became a new pupil power attribute.

"It worked."

Chu Feng's eyes moved, then opened the system panel, and saw one prompt pop up——

"Congratulations on passing the final test: eliminate evil gods!"

"The guardian spirit of Yutai quangu won the final victory in this play task!"

"Unlocking the achievements of this evil god world copy for you..."

"The object you protect, Yutai quangu, successfully left school and joined the psionic organization. He achieved [youth here] and rewarded the inheritance of the heavens: guarding the spirit jade pendant (Level 7)!"

"You have successfully completed the task of [eliminating strange talk of evil], integrated Lin Han's soul, achieved [seven strange talks], and rewarded the secret treasure of the heavens: strange talk summoning card (Level 6)!"

"You have eliminated evil gods. Finally, you integrate the power of evil gods into your body to obtain the achievement [evil god terminator] and reward additional super pupil talent [evil god's pupil]. You can open the super pupil panel to view the specific attributes."

"In this instance, you are the only one who lives to the end. You gain achievement [survivor], comprehensive reward, critical hit x2!"

"Reward heaven points + 300000!"

"Reward evolution point + 350000!"

"You have unlocked the exclusive reward for SSS score - [Zhutian space (99, 99)]"

"[heaven space (99, 99)]: in the super pupil era, you can open up a heaven space that belongs to you alone in this coordinate. Note: you can store things in reality in the heaven space. This is a small world that belongs to you alone. Make it better!"

"The pupil of evil god..."

Chu Feng moved and opened the super pupil panel——

Super pupil: the pupil of evil god

Level 1: Special - you already have one nether superpupil (when you have three different nether superpupils, you will merge into the supreme nether superpupil!)

Abilities: blood sacrifice ceremony, evil god control, soul locking, evil god coming

Blood sacrifice ceremony: when you use large-scale creatures for blood sacrifice ceremony, you will gain the power of evil gods. Consume the power of evil gods and can cast [curse], [summon evil objects], [crazy talk] and other super pupil abilities.

Evil god control: consume the blood sacrifice ceremony or soul power to forcibly control the evil god.

Soul lock: lock the soul breath of a target. No matter where the other party is, it will be locked and tracked. When locked, it will continue to consume fixed pupil force.

Evil spirit coming: consume the power of millions of blood sacrifice ceremony to let evil gods come to the body and obtain complete evil god power. Note: you may be swallowed up by evil gods and even run the risk of losing control. It is recommended not to use it in reality and be prepared to hang up at any time.

"I see. The super pupil upgrade route of the nether system does not need to spend evolution points, but to get more relevant super pupils!"

"This should be an extremely rare super pupil ability..."

"No wonder junsuke Hamasaki knew about Tiantong so early. It turned out that his super pupil panel was different from others."

"Hehe, it's also a guy with plug-in."

Chu Feng smiled and was surprised.

Super pupil of the nether system... The upgrade route is to gather enough super pupils with other related attributes, that is to take the route of integration.

The starting height is very high. It has four strong abilities at the beginning and does not need to be upgraded, but the subsequent upgrading is also very difficult, which can be described as gain and loss.

Chu Feng also noticed one point.

Since the superpupil of the nether system is related, is the copy of the nether system also related?

For example, the evil god world... May have some connection with the world where demons recover.


With the pupil of an evil god, you will have a lot of cards when you enter the copy of demon recovery.

Open the personal panel again, and there are many more things on it——

Name: Fengshen

Vest: editable

Age: 17

Super pupil: the most important pupil (the product level is unknown), eternal God's eye (Level 7), Shura's pupil (Level 5), destiny's pupil (Level 5), reincarnation's pupil (Level 6), evil god's pupil (Youming system)

The world has been unlocked: Wudao world, Xianxia world, Zhou Dynasty, ninja world and evil god world

Secret treasures of the heavens: ask wine pot (Level 3), imperial dragon talisman (Level 5), three pointed two edged knife (damaged supreme), destiny seal (Level 6), Kassel college pass (special), ancient Buddha talisman (unknown), strange talk calling card (Level 6)

Inheritance of the heavens: Daozhi immortal (supreme), sunset true sword (supreme), Wanyao pill (seventh level), guardian spirit jade pendant (seventh level)

Aura of the heavens: [a chance], [good life experience], [sign in in in seven days]

Heavens space: (99, 99)

Introduction copy: 5

Evolution point: 414010

Celestial points: 452000

"Unfortunately, I still need 100000 evolution points to upgrade my eternal God eyes to level 8."

Chu Feng sighed.

The ancient palace of heaven has been explored by yourself. If you want to explore more things, you must upgrade the eternal God's eyes.

Or find another divine eye that matches it.

However, there is no clue about the other divine eye.

The ancient Tianting can find many powerful secrets of the heavens, which is no worse than upgrading the super pupil.

Chu Feng thought about it and finally chose to enter the ancient heaven.

Exploration opportunities can't be wasted!

PS: the specific rules of silver ticket reward are in the comment area. You can go and have a look. Remember to vote in the latest chapter.