"Descendants of evil gods?"

Chu Feng deliberately asked in a confused tone, showing that he didn't know anything.

In fact, he noticed this particularity.

The world where demons recover has an inseparable relationship with evil gods.

They are all replica worlds in the same line, and there is nothing to overlap in settings.

However, Jin chuankong's unintentional mention of the extinction of evil gods attracted his attention.

"Well... Don't you mind, we psychics will instinctively hate the power of yin and evil." Yoshida lingnai shrugged.

"What's going on?" Chu Feng frowned.

After hesitating for a while, Zhitian lingnai explained to Chu Feng, "there were not so many demons a hundred years ago. Maybe, but these should be monsters made by evil gods using special sacrificial ceremonies."

"However, according to historical records, their main purpose should still be to summon evil gods."

"Finally... It seems that the psychic and the evil god fought a big war, and finally the evil god was eliminated."

"According to normal development, human beings should have a breathing time."


"After that, after a few months, the demon's recovery suddenly rolled over the world."

"No one knows how these demons appear. It seems that human beings are occupied by demons overnight."

"Those demons are more terrible than the children of evil gods and have natural aggression against mankind."

"If the children of evil gods carry out their activities according to specific rules, then the demon seems to have only one instinct - hunting and killing humans."

"In addition, they will not do redundant activities."

"Originally, the demon should be just an evil spirit, not so threatening, but I don't know why. Suddenly one day, the demon wreaked havoc on the world."

"At that time, the greatest human psychic, in the last battle with the evil gods, killed himself with the three evil gods and ended the battle."

"That's probably what the history book says. It's extremely vague about those things!"

About these things, the explanation of Zhitian lingnai is also vague. If it wasn't Chu Feng's role panel with the background information of "Chen", he probably couldn't understand what the other party was talking about.

In short

A hundred years ago, demons and evil gods were little brothers, which could not pose any threat at all. The main targets of psychics were evil gods.

After experiencing the copy of evil gods, Chu Feng also knew how terrible the power of evil gods was, no less than a disaster.

And psychics have also appeared in the evil god world, perhaps the same world, or

Is the world revived by demons the future of the evil god world?

However, after the cult was destroyed by the most powerful psychic, the demon came back!

Moreover, because the number was so large that it suddenly rolled up the whole world overnight, many people were slaughtered without reaction.

After entering the era of demon recovery, there are few human beings left. The only survivors have established the last psionic city and the last line of defense of human beings.

The ability of demons is different from that of evil gods.

Evil gods are more like a kind of spiritual pollution. After polluting human beings, disastrous forces are born on them. They are more like an immortal monster, and have their specific rules of activity.

The demon is a kind of evil spirit. In essence, it is purer than the evil god, and the way of action is simpler. It is to kill human beings, and they can be eliminated by using spiritual energy, which is much weaker than the evil god.

There are two reasons why human beings will be destroyed by demons——

1、 Too many to resist;

2、 The attack was so sudden that it rolled up all the cities overnight. It was completely different from the regular actions of evil gods to carry out crazy plans step by step and summon evil gods.

Whether it is a copy of evil gods or a recovery of demons, the number of psionic people is very limited, and their ability is not too strong. It is natural that they will lose.

But here comes the problem

It is a big doubt that so many demons have rolled up the whole world without warning.

Moreover, the recovery of demons happened to happen after the final World War I.

Combined with Chen's life experience, it is difficult not to doubt that the recovery of demons may be related to the last battle of evil gods.

However, this matter has spanned nearly half a year.

The truth of history has long been covered up by dust.

No one knows what the truth of demon recovery is!

At that time, most of the psychics had died in battle, or died of old age. How many people knew what had happened at that time?

"Do you want to know more?"

Zhitian lingnai saw Chu Feng lost in thought. It was obvious that she was very concerned about this matter and asked.

"It really makes people care. After all, if I have the power of evil gods, these things have something to do with my life experience. I also want to know what happened before."

Chu Feng seemed to unconsciously answer Zhitian lingnai's question.

Usually, in this state, the truth of what you say is also the strongest.

Like careless words after drinking, they can often better express their true thoughts.

Jinchuan Kong finished his dry food and glanced at Chu Feng.

"We don't know much about it. The woman's mind is full of machinery, and I don't care how history develops. Anyway, I'll kill a few demons if they come."

"If you want to know more, come back to the psionic city with us."

"But before that, we need to do one thing. You need to follow us first, and your strength should be very helpful to us."

The main thing is strength.

If Chu Feng didn't show the ability to kill all demons in an instant, then the two psionic people didn't talk about terms with themselves, but directly arrested them and tortured them. Where did they say so much nonsense?

"Well, although I don't know what happened to me, I feel I can control this power."

Chu Feng still answered the questions of the two psychics in the tone of "amnesia".

"What we're going to go next is a relic of a psionic..." Zhitian lingnai took out a flat plate with a clear map on it. "The Holy Church, which was once a division of a psionic, is about 200 kilometers away from us. There are many psionic minerals and relics, which are expected to provide enough energy for the psionic city for five years."

"As long as we get there and arrange a two-way psionic transmission array, the task is basically completed."

"Then we can directly return to the psionic city through the transmission array without wasting any extra time."

Chu Feng nodded, indicating that he probably understood the other party's plan.

"Relic of the psionic, coincidentally, this is also one of my main tasks!"