According to the introduction of HIDA lingnai, originally, the halls of psionics were distributed all over the world and controlled the inexhaustible psionic resources.

However, since the demon's recovery, many psionics have been forced to move positions, and all people have gathered in the psionic city.

Scattered outside the palace, there are many resources that have not been recycled.

For example, psionic minerals, classics, methods of using psionic skills, some relics containing magical abilities, and spiritual liquid that can transform the body are valuable psionic relics.

Although decades have passed, most psionic relics can still be used.

Psionics is an extremely precious ability in the world. It can even exist forever and continue as an inheritance.

Only a small number of people can awaken the psionics in their bodies.

Some people say that psionics is a power derived from spirit and soul, which changes the body.

Because everyone has different psionic characteristics.

Lingnai Toyoda's psionics is biased towards the mechanical and psionic research department, so her combat style is mainly to control psionic devices, and she is good at research.

The Jinchuan air's psionics have a strong explosion speed, and his reaction ability also belongs to the first echelon of psionics, so he is responsible for close combat, driving and dealing with emergencies.

Due to the demon gathering action, the more psionic people, the easier it is to attract more demons.

Therefore, the Investigation Corps of psionics generally does not take large-scale action, but divides the best psionics into groups, and forms complementarity or reinforcement according to different psionic abilities.

This is similar to the super pupil team.

After a night's rest.

The next day, the psionic armor continued on the road.

"There are three hours left before the church."


"There is an epic demon wave ahead!"

Yoshida lingnai couldn't help exclaiming!

A string of red numbers appeared on the dashboard of the psionic armor, and the index was still rising.

"Damn it, this mission encountered two epic demons. If they can go back alive, they must be paid more!" Jinchuan Kong scolded.

Chu Feng said faintly, "I can kill that demon!"

Jinchuan Kong and Zhitian lingnai turned back at the same time and looked at Chu Feng.

"It's not as simple as killing an epic demon..."

Jinchuan Kong hesitated for a moment and said, "there is often a demon nest next to an epic demon. If it's just an epic demon, it's enough for us to kill this enemy, but the trouble is the demon nest. These guys can't be killed. It's annoying!"

"Try it. I have the means to kill all the demons in the demon nest."

Chu Feng still insisted on expressing his opinions.

In his main task, he needs to kill four epic demons.

Now send up one. There's no reason not to kill it.

"... are you kidding?" Zhitian lingnai opened her mouth, and her tone was a little unbelievable.

However, thinking of the scene of the collective self explosion of demons yesterday, it seems that the boy does have incredible power.

"Lingnai, how long will it take to bypass the territory of epic demons and go to the temple from another intersection?" Jinchuan Kong asked in a deep voice.

"It will take another half a month."

"Too long!" Jin chuankong frowned.

He looked back at Chu Feng and his eyes moved: "if you can deal with groups of demons, this epic demon can kill."

Compared with the difficulty of hunting epic demons, the detour takes a greater risk in the judgment of the two psionics.

Because they don't know if there will be obstacles in other ways.

After all, the energy of psionic armor is limited. If there is any accident on the detour, there is really no way to use it. You must go home.

However, the consumption of killing epic demons is fixed. They have fought with demons for decades and have long formed a systematic killing method.

In the cooperation of two A-level psychics, epic demons are just a tricky enemy. What they can't deal with is the demon nests. There are too many of them, which can be directly crushed to death by quantity.

Originally, in their plan, they had hunted and killed an epic demon. If they hunted and killed another one, the energy would be completely insufficient.

However, the appearance of Chu Feng was an accident.

They have the capital to deal with epic demons!

"Can you control the epic demon for one second?" Jin chuankong suddenly said, "if I can, I can solve the big fool in one second, and then we rush directly into the temple without any stop."

"No problem." Chu Feng nodded.

Although I don't know what kind of state epic demons have reached, it's much easier to control each other for one second!

Not only the pupil of evil god

The cold ice of the nether world and the illusion of reincarnation are not only the means of Chu Feng, but also his pupil strength has been restored. Such a simple request is naturally not difficult.

"Lingnai, mark the location of epic demons."

"Eleven o'clock ahead, two kilometers."

"Well, it has only fifteen minutes left!"

Tsukawa's eyes narrowed and suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

The psionic armor rushed forward!

A huge demon, like a hill, stands straight ahead.

"Ready for control."

This sentence was said by Jin chuankong to Chu Feng.

"OK." Chu Feng nodded back.






When Jin chuankong counted to "0", his hand immediately released the steering wheel and jumped out of the window.

At the same time, Yoshida lingnai quickly came to the driving position and took over the steering wheel.

The sunroof is open.

Chu Feng poked his head out of the skylight and quickly switched three pupil colors in his eyes.

"The cold ice of the nether world!"

"Reincarnation fantasy!"

"Evil god control!"

The nether cold ice reduces the demon's soul defense first.

The demon was in a semi spiritual state. After being attacked by the nether ice of Chu Feng, there was a trace of cold air on his body.

Its mobility and resistance have been reduced.

Reincarnation illusion.

The demon's body suddenly lost control and froze in place, unable to move.

The last evil god control is equivalent to making up for the last time to prevent trouble!

And at this moment.

The figure of Jinchuan sky turned into a streamer, and came to the sky of epic demons in the blink of an eye!

Then his double swords spun like a top, but in the blink of an eye, countless swords and shadows appeared on the demon!

Next second.

Huge epic demons like hills were immediately divided into countless pieces!