The city Lord leaned back in his wheelchair, raised his head, his eyes floating, and seemed to be trying to recall the past.

In a trance for a moment, he slowly said, "you should remember your brother's ability?"

"It's not very clear, and I don't have a deep image of many things."

"It doesn't matter." the city Lord said from the beginning, "your brother's psionic power is phagocytosis, which is only second to Yutai quangu."

"He can swallow the power of other attributes to enhance himself and even gain the characteristics of others."

"In the final war..."

"Seeing the scene of your death, your brother is almost half crazy."

"I originally intended to stop him and then retreat temporarily. As long as we keep the boy in quangu, we still have hope of victory in the battle with evil gods in the future."

"But your brother killed him directly!"

"When he sees an evil god, he swallows an evil god."

"He doesn't care what the consequences will be, but at that moment, it seems that everything is no longer important to him."

"He's completely crazy. There's only killing intention in his eyes. It's like becoming a black hole. He eats it crazily and swallows it when he sees people!"

"When I looked at his eyes, I was afraid and didn't dare to stop."

"At that time, quangu saw you dead. If your brother died again, there would be nothing. Therefore, he also killed him... And his psionic power evolved to the final form at that time."

"However, after killing the back, quangu was stopped by the three evil gods, but your brother took the opportunity to rush into the nest of evil gods."

"We have had enough trouble dealing with the three evil gods. In the end, we have to rely on the Spring Valley to destroy the three evil gods."

"Of course, the three evil gods are already the last cards of the cult believers. If their last cards are gone, the victory of our psychics will not be far away."

"But cultists are not so easy to deal with."

"In our state at that time, it is estimated that there will be a hard battle left for the final extermination."

"But when we copied to the nest of evil gods, we found that there was nothing there."

"Whether it's cultists, their classics, or some sacrificial rituals..."

"Including your brother..."

"Anything, everything has disappeared!"

"Therefore, the battle of evil gods was actually fruitless in the end, because the enemy evaporated out of thin air."

"However, in order to improve the morale of our psionic City, we must claim that we have won."

"Too many people died at that time!"

"If we put an unknown outcome in front of all psionic beings, how can we face the relatives of those comrades in arms? How can we prove the significance of this war? And what is the value of our painful efforts?"

"So... In the history book, the victory of our psychics was fixed on the most brilliant scene of the elimination of the three evil gods. We didn't mention anything about the subsequent extermination of evil gods."

"Although some psychics had doubts at that time, we even solved the three evil gods, so basically no one questioned the final victory."

"There have been many changes in the battlefield. It is not surprising that some accidents have occurred, but the victory is real."

"At that time... We really thought so."

"Because your brother's psionic attribute is phagocytosis, we guess that he should have died with all the cult believers. Everything there was swallowed up by his psionic power, together with his people..."

"However, we didn't suspect that your brother may not be dead until the demon recovers, and he may be the one who led the demon recovery."

"Doubt is only doubt. However, so far, we have not proved that your brother still lives in this world, and his ability is not directly related to the recovery of demons."

"But it cannot be ruled out that after devouring all the cult followers, he awakened his special ability and created new magic through the classics there."

"Very few people know this thing. Even the excellent generation of psychics like jinchuankong don't know this thing. The whole psychic city knows this thing with no more than one hand!"

"Because your identity is very special, I will tell you about it."

After hearing the city Lord's story, Chu Feng nodded and understood Gray's practice.

That year, Chen's brother disappeared, and his brother miraculously resurrected.

It's hard not to think of things in one place.

I'm afraid the city Lord should have more feelings in the past.

Chen's suspicion of coming back from the dead is too great!

It's more like what his brother can do.

After all, if Chen's brother can really revive demons and destroy all mankind, it is not impossible for him to revive his dearest brother.

After the resurrection, whether Chen is controlled or not, and whether there is the possibility of destroying the psionic City, are all suspected.

However, the city Lord's feelings for the three geniuses are too deep!

That's why he took the risk to meet Chen alone.

Even if Chen is controlled, it can be regarded as a dialogue with his brother. Anyway, they are comrades in arms.

Even if he died, it might be worth talking to his former comrades in arms.

The city Lord smiled and said, "but now it seems that you have nothing to do with your brother. If he can really help you revive, he won't do such paranoid things as demon recovery."

"Maybe I can stay in the Investigation Corps and carry out some exploration activities. Maybe I can find my previous memory and help." Chu Feng thought for a moment and seemed to make a serious decision, "I now have the ability to control demons and let them explode directly. It will only consume some mental power and can't be used all the time. I should be able to help the Investigation Corps complete the task."

"Well, your ability is really useful." the city Lord nodded without saying too much about it.

"The current psionic city will not raise waste. You can prove how much potential you have and how much resource support you can get."

"You have the ability to control demons. You must be able to shine."

The city master wrote a document and directly included Chu Feng as a member of the Investigation Corps and assigned him to the team of Jinchuan air force without much review.

They do not need to be promoted from scratch and are listed as members of the first level Investigation Corps.

After all, Chen was a strong psionic in those years, and after his resurrection, he had new abilities. He had fought with Jinchuan air force, and there was no better distribution choice.

Although the history is still foggy, "Chen"'s memory has not recovered. The young captain is old and has become the city master. He bears greater responsibility. It is impossible to sigh the past like Chen's comrades in arms.


The past is not important.

They have a future!