"By the way, there's one more thing to tell you..."

Before leaving, the city Lord stopped Chu Feng.

"You should not know about the legendary demons?"

"Legend level?"

"Yes..." the city Lord paused and explained, "we judge the level of demons mainly according to the fluctuation index of demons."

"Epic demons are the most advanced demons we can detect now."

"In our demon research, the epic demon index is not the highest."

"Above the epic demons, there should be legendary demons."

"However, none of us have seen such demons, so the legend is just a legend, a guess based on the research theory."

"However, according to our research, epic demons have a certain wisdom and can even perceive the characteristics of psionics to fight back differently."

"The higher the level of demons, the higher the wisdom. In addition to language, epic demons are even comparable to top psionics in IQ and strategy."

"Then, according to this law, can we judge that the intelligence quotient of legendary demons even crush ordinary psionic people, and have the ability to disguise as adults?"

"Even... Can you disguise your breath?"

Chu Feng's eyes moved. "Do you mean... There may be other legendary demons in the city of psionic powers?"

The city Lord said in a deep voice, "just a month ago, a demon wave with a very high data was suddenly detected in the psionic City, but it soon disappeared."

"By tracking this set of data, we found that this value is very close to the legendary demon index we speculated."

"This conjecture was actually put forward a few years ago, but it was not completely verified until the last month."

"We haven't announced this matter yet in order to avoid panic. We can't mess up ourselves when the enemy doesn't appear."

"However, legendary demons should exist, and have penetrated into our psionic City, and may even reach the top."

"During this period of time, our urban security is particularly strict, just to prevent trouble."

"Of course, because you are from the outside, and the legendary demons may have got through to us long ago, so you are not so suspected."

There should be such a thing

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

However, the words of legendary demons did not appear in the main task.

I'm afraid all the heavenly towers think they can't deal with enemies of this level, so they reduce the difficulty?

Of course, this task should be determined according to the number of layers of his strategy. His real strength must be above the ordinary six layers, or even more than a lot.

It must be easy to deal with legendary demons!

Chu Feng's copy requirements have always been SSS level, so legendary demons must kill one or two if they can kill them. Improve the score.

How can you get the highest score if you don't kill a few hidden and powerful enemies?

"By the way, I'll arrange where you live and clothes... Just wear the clothes of the Investigation Corps. Anyway, you will fight side by side with them in the near future."

Chu Feng looked at his clothes. His shoulders were wide open, and his arms and ankles were exposed outside. It was a good idea to be uninhibited, but it really seemed a little indecent in such a serious place as the command center of the psionic city.

Spent a few minutes changing clothes

He went out of the room with the mayor and took the elevator.

When the elevator door opened, there were many more people outside than just now.

Moreover, many people stood with the regimental commander, bald commander and gray, indicating that their status was the same.

At this glance, there were about a dozen people. It is estimated that today's scene shocked many senior executives.

When the elevator door opened, everyone looked at Chu Feng and the city master.

"I have confirmed his identity. Although I have lost part of my memory, it is true."

"Starting today, he will join the Investigation Corps. As a member of the first level Investigation Corps, he will be assigned to the team of Jinchuan air force, and will fight together for the psionic city in the future."

"If you have no opinion, then it's settled."

As soon as the voice fell, a burly man came out.

"If the city Lord confirms the identity of the other party, we naturally have no objection."

"However, the members of the first level Investigation Corps are at a higher level, and there are a lot of psionic resources allocated."

"I've heard that Chen's psionic power is still in a damaged state. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to take the position of combat member of the first level Investigation Corps!"

The city Lord patiently listened to the burly man finish, and then his eyes moved to Jinchuan Kong.

"Jinchuan, tell everyone what Chen has done for you in this mission!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Jinchuan Kong bowed slightly, stood up and described calmly: "when we were on the way, we killed an epic demon, but also provoked a demon nest, and thousands of demons chased us."

"When we were running away, we were accidentally intercepted by several demons in front, and the psionic armor hit out of the road."

"Just when we were surrounded by thousands of demons and were ready to pay the price of life and kill as many as we could, Chen appeared."

"His ability is to control demons and instruct demons to explode directly!"


The crowd couldn't help taking a breath.

Controlling demons, such a terrible ability, should appear in a psionic person?

What a horror!

Jin chuankong continued: "under friendly negotiation, Chen agreed to move forward with us because he wanted to find memory. We took the initiative to invite him..."

"When we were about to reach the temple, we detected an epic demon wave that blocked our way forward."

"At that time, our material and spiritual reserves were only enough to use for half a month. If we had to make a detour, we might face the risk of insufficient energy."

"At that time, we made a bold decision to kill the epic demon directly."

"Because Chen can control demons and even let epic demons hold for a few seconds, it only takes one second for my sword to kill a big fool who won't move."

"If it weren't for Chen's help, maybe lingnai and I could kill the epic demons, but we also faced the risk of being chased by the demon nest behind us."

"Therefore, if it weren't for Chen's help, we wouldn't have a chance to open the transmission array to the temple."

"And I won't talk to you here."

The head suddenly clapped his hands and said with a smile, "our Investigation Corps will never refuse people with excellent ability."

"Not to mention the partners who fought side by side!"

"Chen, welcome to join!"