"Hehe, with Chen's participation, I will better formulate the next battle plan in the future. Maybe I can handle the next psionic relics with only a few transmission chips."

The bald commander laughed.

Other psionics, too.

Their positions are not low. It has been seen that the city Lord prefers Chen, and the Investigation Corps obviously means to protect Chen.

Unlike the urban defense army, the psychics of the Investigation Corps dance on the sword. They often fight outside. The wind of death often accompanies them. Every surviving member is a real and cruel role!

The urban defense army seems to be fully armed, but it is simply vulnerable in front of the soldiers of the Investigation Corps!

The ability of the psionic city to maintain such a long-term operation is inseparable from the fact that the Investigation Corps risked their lives and went outside to accept the relics of psionics.

If you annoy these people, half of the psionic city will turn over!

"I also think it's a good thing that such a powerful psionic can become a member of the Investigation Corps!"

"Although the ability to control demons is very exaggerated, it is still slightly inferior to the most powerful psionic, and there is no need to be so afraid."

"Yes, I was born in the city of psionics before, but I came back half a century later. Isn't that still a family?"

Other psionic leaders also spoke one after another.

The support rate on the field has fallen to Chen's side.

The city Lord turned his eyes to gray: "do you have any opinion?"

"Please obey the orders of the city Lord!"

Gray bowed.

"Well, that's it. Later, Chen will be arranged in the Investigation Corps to enjoy the treatment of first-class soldiers. He can receive 30000 power points every month. He can eat and live like other first-class soldiers."

The people present dispersed one after another.

The sensation caused by Chen's entry into the psionic city has come to an end for the time being.

Chu Feng followed the leader and Jin chuankong to the branch where the Investigation Corps was located.

"Our Investigation Corps is the most respected soldier in the psionic city. It is different from the rotten fish and shrimps in the greenhouse of the urban defense army, because we risk our lives to fight the demons outside."

"So, as long as you join us, you don't have to worry about being bullied by others. Your brothers must cover you."

"Since you are a first-class soldier, you can act together with Jinchuan Kong and Zhitian lingnai. After all, you are familiar with it."

"First-class soldiers can be said to be very high positions. There will be no more than 20 first-class soldiers in our entire Investigation Corps, and several are performing tasks outside."

"When you go to the base, you will meet them sooner or later."

"There are some second-class soldiers waiting for enough merit. If they are promoted to first-class soldiers, they may refuse to accept you when they see you rise all at once."

"Our Legion speaks with strength. If someone doesn't agree with you, you can choose to bear it first. When your psionics recovers, you can also choose to beat him down directly. As long as your fist is hard, others will shut up."

The leader is somewhat different from Jinchuan Kong. He talks endlessly. His tone of voice is a bit like that of the young city Lord. Maybe it is imitation, but he can't hide his essence of tuberculosis.

Chu Feng nodded as he listened and soon entered the base.

When we arrived at the gate of the base, there was a little sister in charge of reception at the front desk, who was responsible for registration. When we saw the head and Jinchuan air force coming, we quickly saluted.

"Hello, head, deputy head!"

"Lin, you input Chen's information. He will be the first-class combat member of our Investigation Corps in the future, and the relevant ID card will also be made for him."

"... yes!" Lin looked at Chu Feng with startled eyes.

Wait, why hasn't the boy met himself, and he looks too young. He's only about fifteen!

According to the normal age, teenagers at this age should still be studying in the psionic school. They will not consider joining the psionic branch until they are 18.

Joining the psionic division is only the beginning. It also requires strict review of merit, ability, character, mentality, decision-making power, courage and other factors. Only after passing the standards can we be promoted!

Attention, it's just a promotion!

From junior combat personnel to first-class combat personnel, we need to go through five repeated reviews. The difficulty of each level increases exponentially!

There are more than 100000 psychics who sign up for the Investigation Corps every year, and only a few thousand can be selected. Among these thousands, after a year's efforts, only a few hundred can be evaluated as * * combatants, and there are not even ten people at the second level.

So far, there are no more than 20 first-class combatants in the whole Investigation Corps!

And a young man, who was brought here by the regiment commander and Jinchuan air force, suddenly won the status of a first-class combatant. It's really incredible!

In fact, the city Lord used some private rights. Even if he assisted Jinchuan air to successfully complete the transmission and opening task of psionic relics, the merit points can only be upgraded to level II combatants at most.

Level two is far from level one.

However, if you add Chen's honor in the World War I of evil gods decades ago, that's enough.

However, the Investigation Corps is a branch set up after the era of demon recovery. Its functions are very different from those of the psionic warhead a hundred years ago, so it is not ruled out that some psionics will be unconvinced!

Of course, since it was the leader and the city Lord who spoke, Lin was responsible for registration. Naturally, he wouldn't have much words. He went to do it right away.

After a simple registration, Chen's personal information was entered soon.

Lin was startled when he saw each other's age!

A hundred years old!

Did the boy drink the elixir of immortality?

This is older than his grandfather's father. He looks like a 15-year-old boy. He can even be his own brother!

Lin suddenly felt that the world outlook was subversive!

The head saw at a glance that Lin was desperately restraining his facial expression, wanted to show a surprised look, and was forced to press the head and deputy head around, so the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

Tut Tut, what a lovely look!

It took about ten minutes. A brand-new ID card was pressed on the front desk with Lin's slender fingers like green onions.

"I have entered my identity."

"Chen's authority has now been fully opened to first-class combatants and has passed the system audit."

"From today on, this ID card can be used normally."