During the period of Chu Feng's seclusion, "Chen" became the first-class combatant of the Investigation Corps, which was announced one after another.

For a few days, almost the whole psychic city was discussing it.

Of course, they also know about the engagement in a month, and they are looking forward to it.

"Fang Ping's psionic power should belong to destructive psionic power?"

"Yes, the guy's psionic characteristics are a little similar to the greatest psionic at the beginning, but they are much worse."

"All belong to explosive and destructive psionics. One person is up to one army!"

"What is Chen's psionic power? Is his psionic power level very high?"

"I don't know. The history book says that his psionics has reached a level and is the same level as the deputy head, so Fang Ping should be suspended."

"That's not necessarily true. It's said that Fang Ping's distance from A-level psionics is poor. He's making a full impact this month. Maybe when Chen comes out, they'll both be A-level psionics!"

"Wow, isn't that A-level psionic rivalry? That's nice!"

Canteens, psychic colleges, parks, teahouses, restaurants

All localities are discussing Chen and the Investigation Corps.

Soon, the historical data about Chen were also excavated.

The boy who died in the final battle of evil gods decades ago has miraculously resurrected!

But also mastered the ability to control demons!

This matter aroused thousands of waves with one stone and triggered an enthusiastic discussion.

Some people say that if this is true, there is hope for the future of the psionic city. They can control demons. Maybe they can gradually recapture human territory and no longer restrict their activity space to a small psionic city.

Others objected that there was something strange about this matter and that it was too suspicious to come back from the dead.

Anyway, Chen's joining the Investigation Corps has been hammered by insiders.


"Chen" recently entered the psionic control room. Everyone knows that he is going to repair psionics, so no other psionics go there to grab a position.

"The psychic genius who died decades ago has come back to life?"

In the corner, a recruit who was not noticed looked only seventeen years old and his skin was unusually white, but his eyes were evil. After hearing the news, his eyes twinkled and seemed to be guessing something.

"I don't know if the other three guys know this thing. It's really interesting!"

Then he went to the empty bathroom, suddenly turned into a shadow, and left here through the vent in the ceiling.

After about half an hour.

An ordinary recruit in the space manifest.

On the bed sat a white haired boy.

He was closing his eyes, just then, a shadow suddenly came in through the crack of the door and turned into a figure.

"Hey, hey, you should have heard about the recent news from the psionic city?"

The white haired boy opened his eyes slightly and said calmly, "my news is more informed than you."

"Well, you should have told the adult about it? What did he say?"

"My Lord told me not to touch the guy named Chen. If he had a chance, he would go and have a look in person."

"Hehe, things are getting more and more interesting. The adult won't go back like this?"

"Probably not... The adult now is not as simple as a soul. He knows what he wants to do."

"That's good." the shadow paused. "When are we going to destroy the psionic city?"

The white haired boy's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and his tone was angry: "I call those two fools. Don't use their ability casually. Last time, a psionic found it, and asked me to wash away each other's memory, and the psionic city also detected the fluctuation on me."

"Now, those guys are alert. If we want to do it again, we must wait... When the time is ripe."

"Keep an eye on that guy gray first. The urban defense army is the weakest weakness of the psionic city. As for the evil stars in Jinchuan air, we can't afford it for the time being."

"Well, you has the final say!" the dark shadow shrugged and continued to turn into a shadow, and disappeared from the door.

The white haired boy's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The appearance of this Chen, I hope it's not an abnormal number..."

"Hum, that adult is a little softhearted."

"If you want me to say, I should quickly solve him when the Chen spirit is broken!"

"Class a psionics... Another one... It's a headache!"



The seventh day Chu Feng entered the psionic control room


His body suddenly burst out a powerful breath!

Standing up, the space around Chu Feng was rippling like water waves, which made his figure look strange and incomparable, as if it would disappear at any time.

"I see. My psionic attributes are actually related to space!"

His brother's psionic power is phagocytosis.

His psychic power is space.

It's worthy of being a brother. All psionic attributes are at the same level.

Top level attribute!

Chu Feng took a step forward, and then his figure appeared 30 meters away.

This is only a preliminary application.

If you use more psionics, you can even go further!

"The repair time is faster than I thought. In only seven days, my psionic power has been completely restored!"

Chu Feng showed a rather satisfied expression.

This time has surprised him.

You know, it takes half a year for an ordinary psionic to recover after his psionic power is broken.

Considering the talent of "Chen", the head felt that one month was enough, not to mention his other abilities.


The real situation is that Chu Feng completely recovered in a week. This record can definitely rank first in the history of the psionic city!

"My space psionics can not only shuttle between two points in an instant, but also imprison space and lock the enemy's activities!"

Chu Feng's mind moved and the psionic control room switched to combat mode.

Dozens of demons immediately appeared around and rushed towards Chu Feng.

It is difficult for a psionic to deal with dozens of demons at the same time.

The psychic power within Chu Feng's communication suddenly flashed around the void!

All demons were imprisoned in place and could not move, as if they were controlled by the pupil of an evil god.

However, Chu Feng did not use any pupil power. He used the psionic power of "Chen" to imprison the surrounding space, so that the demon stopped his activities.

In a sense, Chen's psionic power is also very suitable for combat.

Unfortunately, he was born in the age of evil gods. This ability is very useful to deal with demons and semi spiritual bodies, but it is very weak to deal with invisible evil gods.

"Don't worry, I will take your body a hundred years later and return to the peak!"

Chu Feng stood in this space and muttered to himself.