Ten days had passed, but Chu Feng did not leave the psionic control room.

He came to the front desk and changed all his power points to the use time of the power control room.

The staff at the front desk didn't say much. They all knew that psionics was broken and needed some time to recover.

Ten days, too little!

Whether it can recover in a month is completely up in the air.

However, Chu Feng had completely recovered as early as three days ago.

He continued to use the psionic control room because he felt he had reached a breakthrough bottleneck!

The psionic control room can not only restore psionics, but also simulate a variety of scenes to adapt to different psionics for cultivation.

Perhaps it was because all the psionics were slowly spliced back. Chu Feng felt that the psionics in his body were probably much stronger than Chen in those years!

He has reached the bottleneck of A-level. If he breaks it, he can be promoted to a + level smoothly!

After the a + level, it is the final holy power!

Also known as the Holy One!

There seem to be only three saints in the history of psionic city.

Yutai quangu is one of them.

Even if Chu Feng breaks through A-level and reaches a + level, he should be the limit he can reach.

After all, the talent of "Chen" can't be compared with that of Yutai quangu and his brother, and this copy has only a three-year time limit. It's not enough time to break through to the realm of the Holy One in such a short time.

However, as long as you break through the a + level and the ability of pupil surgery, there is no problem to achieve the Holy Level of comprehensive strength, and there are more means than ordinary saints!

"My psionic power is space. If I want to break through again, I must understand space and go to a higher level."

"In this world, there is both visible and invisible space."

"There is a distance in the visible space. For example, from a point to a point, you must pass a certain distance to reach it."

"This is the basic geometric space."

"However, in the invisible space, the distribution of each point is complex. One point is likely to be superimposed with another point in one space."

"My psionics can naturally feel the invisible space and control them."

"However, there is still a little distance..."

"What is this distance?"

Chu Feng pondered. He looked at the psionic control room and ordered, "turn on space simulation mode!"

Soon, the surrounding world has become a vast starry sky, and between these starry skies, there are all kinds of split spaces, which are constantly staggered.

Chu closed his eyes and felt the change of space attentively.

At the beginning, these invisible spaces were just changing. With his psionic talent, he could feel their changes and control them.

However, because we are born with perception, we have never tried to understand the essence of space.

Especially these invisible spaces.

What forces are driving it to change?

With his eyes closed, Chu Feng entered a state of selflessness.

It's like he realized the state of "Da Dao Zhi Xian" in the copy of Xianxia world.

It was because of that experience that Chu Feng preferred to explore the essence when thinking about problems.

When you don't see the essence, any understanding is extremely superficial, just a leaf of self deception.

Human beings are too small.

Even if you have cognitive ability, a lot of cognition is actually wrong or one-sided.

Human beings are still a long way from truth.

In this way, he fell into a state of selflessness, unaware of the changes of external time.

Day by day.

It is getting closer and closer to the period of the treaty.

After a period of cooling in the middle, due to the approaching date of the treaty, the first war between Chen and Fang Ping once again aroused fierce discussion.

On the 25th day

A shocking news came from the branch of the Investigation Corps——

"Fang Ping has successfully broken through to A-level psionics!"

Once the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation!

"True or false?"

"Fang Ping has broken through the class a psionic power, and there will be another class I combatant in the psionic city!"

"I felt that Fang Ping might be a little hung up when he wanted to defeat Class A psionics, but it's hard to say now!"

"Yes, although Chen has the special power to control demons, Fang Ping is not a demon!"

"His powers can't be restored in such a short time, can they?"

"I feel this engagement time is set a little early?"

"Indeed, it is impossible to restore broken psionics in a month, and the higher the psionic level, the more energy and time it takes..."

"Hey, hey, why don't we make a bet? I'll press Fangping!"

"Shit, I thought you wanted to talk about pressing Chen. I must also press Fangping. That guy's destructive psychic ability is terrible. When he was promoted to class A, his strength must have changed dramatically!"

Fang Ping is out of the customs.

When he was walking on the road, all the psionic people passing by felt that Fang Ping's breath had changed greatly.

The whole person is like a sharp sword about to leave the body, like cutting off all obstacles!

Some sensitive psychics will even be shocked by his breath when they are close to Fang Ping, so that their feet soften and even fall to the ground!

Fang Ping has just broken his psionic power to a level and has not learned to control it. Because his power is too strong, he will get out of control.

Just like a person who had only one hundred pounds of strength, but obtained two hundred pounds of strength overnight, according to the original way of output, the strength of thirty pounds has become sixty pounds, which is inevitable to be unable to hold.

It will take time for Fang Ping to control this force.

"I hope you won't let me down, Chen!"

Fang Ping looked at the direction of the psionic control room, and a strong sense of war flashed in his eyes!

Although Chen's psionics are still broken, he is one of the top ten psionic geniuses in history. Even the deputy commander of Jinchuan air, who is best at fighting, has no such qualification.

A strong opponent often inspires the strongest fighting intention of a belligerent!

On the thirtieth day

Psionic control room.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and smiled.

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding space immediately disintegrated layer by layer.

Break the void!

This is almost the ability to reach the Holy One!

Because the psychic attribute of "Chen" is very special, and Chu Feng suddenly realized the essence of space

His psionics successfully broke through to the a + level, and he has been able to use the holy means!