On a stormy, electric night, a vortex appeared on the pale earth.

The boundless black air converged in a certain direction on the ground.


A moment later, a cough came from the ground.

When the black air dissipated, a girl lay on the ground, lying on the cold and wet floor, drenched with rain, her eyes full of confusion.

A dress suddenly fell on her.

The girl looked up and saw a young man's face.

He has white hair and dark eyes. He seems to have narrowed, looked at himself, and then said, "in the future, you will be a family with us."

"Who am I?"

The girl was pale and her voice trembled.

She felt that she had complete consciousness and cognitive ability, but she had no memory and didn't know where she came from.

"You were created by that adult."

"My lord?"

"Yes, you just need to know that your consciousness and life are given by that adult."

"Well... So?" the girl's eyes were a little confused. "Then who are you?"

"Like you, I was created by that adult."

The white haired boy paused, and seemed a little reluctant to say, "I'm your family."

"Family... Family..." the girl murmured the word. She seemed to understand the meaning of the word, but she didn't seem to understand it.

The white haired boy is a little impatient.

"Put on your clothes. After that, your name will be called Yushan. It is an abandoned baby in the city of psionics. Because your mother gave birth to you without permission, but was afraid of punishment, she threw you out of the wilderness."

"But this identity is just a disguise. What you need to do is to receive the education of psychics from childhood, join them, and play a talented psychic well."

"However, you should remember that you were created by that adult. Letting you join them is only part of the plan. Your real goal is to destroy them."

Yushan scratched his hair: "it's so complicated... I don't understand..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll teach you step by step. If you don't want to be discarded, don't talk nonsense and come with me."

The white haired boy turned his head enough without looking back.

The girl curled up on the ground seemed to tremble when she heard the word "discard". She quickly picked up the clothes on the ground, put them on, barefoot on the muddy road, and tried to keep up with the back of the white haired boy... It seemed that she fell several times on the road because she was just born and her balance was not very good.

The white haired boy turned his head and showed disgusting eyes, but he didn't take a few steps, turned his head coldly and carried Yushan on his back.

"Remember, you must obey me unconditionally if you don't want to die!"

"HMM... HMM..." the girl quickly nodded. Her young hand hugged the white haired boy's shoulder and held it tightly, as if she was afraid of losing something.

Later pictures flashed in front of Chu Feng like a lantern.

She successfully used this identity to enter the city of psionics. At first, although she was rejected because of identity, she was admitted to the best psionic college because she later showed strong psionic talent.

Later, Yushan carried out the task like a machine. Her every action was perfect as if she were a born soldier. She only knew to complete the task in the fastest and simplest way. In each task she led, the number of casualties and the speed of completing the task were always the fastest. Soon, her meritorious points accumulated rapidly. When she was only 20 years old, she became a first-class combatant of the Investigation Corps.

She has many honors, but she is incompatible with other psionics. Even her teammates fighting together are difficult to get close to her.

Even if she became a first-class combatant, she always ate alone, and no one would sit with her.

One day.

When she was eating in the canteen, the white haired boy came to Yushan's ear: "in this S-level mission, you find a chance. After that hour, you will detonate the ark and let all the first-class combat members die there!"

Yushan's eyes trembled slightly, but at last she nodded and didn't say much.

After the white haired boy finished speaking, he put on his hat and walked out of the canteen slowly.

The picture is over here.

"So this jade mountain is a legendary demon!"

Through the fate picture, Chu Feng completely saw the hidden identity of Yushan.

Together with the white haired boy, he is also a legendary demon.

He looked around. Other teammates were busy with their own affairs. Jinchuankong sat in the driving position and communicated with Zhitian lingnai, the co pilot.

With a communication device in his hand, the commander kept communicating with the control center of psionic city.

Although the bald commander did not come here directly, he would sit in the general control position of the control center and make strategic adjustments all the time.

When the leader temporarily turned off the communication equipment and turned his head, he found that "Chen" appeared behind him. It seemed that he had been waiting here for some time.

"Chen, what can I do for you?"

The head's eyes moved slightly.

Chu Feng glanced around. "Is there a place to talk here?"

The captain gave a slight meal.

"You come with me!"

The two men passed through several channels. The head took out a key from his pocket, quietly opened a cabin door, pulled Chu Feng in, and then closed the door.

The head said in a deep voice, "if there's anything, just say it here. This is a secret talk space specially set up in the ark. It has a 100% sound insulation effect. No one will know what we said here."

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said, "is there something strange about Yushan's life experience?"

The regimental commander frowned, did not directly respond to this sentence, rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Yes, the identity of Yushan does have some clues from the data. What do you want to say?"

Chu Feng did not directly answer this sentence, but looked into the head's eyes.

"Have you ever thought that the reason why the legendary demons have been wandering in the psionic city for so long is that they have not been found out..."

"They look like humans?"

The head's pupils contracted slightly.

Needless to say, he guessed what Chen wanted to say.

"We're on the ark. We can't do it here, and if we call other team members too often, we'll be doubted by Yushan..."

Chu Feng suddenly smiled.

"Commander, I have a strategy. In the next action, as long as I go according to my plan, maybe Yushan can take the initiative to expose his identity."