"Psionic power index is normal..."

"Testing various devices..."

"Normal power, normal engine and normal flight mode!"

"Detection, the surrounding demon index is 1.25, the risk factor is low, and you can move forward according to the estimated route."

The announcement came from the voice control room.

After confirming that there was no problem, the head nodded to Jinchuan air. Then, after a violent tremor, the fire thrust from the four corners of the ark was sent to the sky.

Through the lookout, you can see that the combat spaceships and gliders carrying psionics follow behind, forming an orderly combat force.

Under the command of the commander, all units scattered and protected the ark to fly with all their strength according to the plan planned by the bald commander in advance.

If it was in the past, perhaps the commander would sit in the cockpit, and Jinchuan air would wait at the battle lookout. When in danger, he would be the first to kill demons!

However, because of Chu Feng, there is no need for Jinchuan air in terms of the combat effectiveness of killing demons.

His calmness and emergency ability are the most appropriate position to be in charge of the cockpit, with the assistance of his old partner lingnai Zhitian, which can be said to be the best lineup that the Investigation Corps can bring out.

When the ark flew for some time

Jinchuan Kong Shen said: "there is a demon fluctuation with an index of 32.6 ahead. It is suspected that it is an epic demon at the air level. It is at 11 o'clock ahead, about 200 kilometers away from us."

The commander looked hesitant. He paused and spoke slowly:

"Why don't we change course and bypass it."

To change routes is actually a big move for the Investigation Corps.

It's not just the ark.

All combat units must move around the ark.

Moreover, the planned route will deviate from the plan and require more energy supply.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about the energy of the ark, but it is hard to say whether other combat units, such as gliders, can withstand the test of long-distance travel!

Chu Feng's eyes moved and stepped forward.

"Commander, I can destroy this epic demon alone!"

"No, you are our last card. What if you play so early and consume your psionic energy?" the head firmly opposed and said seriously: "your ability is very important and must be kept until the end. I'm sorry I can't agree with your request."

Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't need to consume too many psionic powers to cross the air now, and it won't take too long to destroy an epic demon. I'll come back soon."

The Colonel hesitated for a while.

"Can you really destroy that epic demon quickly?"

Chu Feng nodded: "of course."

"Well, your action is very dangerous. Go and return quickly. If you can't, come back right away."


With the permission of the commander, Chu Feng immediately tore open a space crack, took a step forward and left the ark.

Yushan Mountain, which was observed on the observation platform, moved slightly.

The commander's eyes glanced slightly and happened to see the strange light flashing in Yushan's eyes. She put her hand on the trigger of the psionic sniper gun and trembled, giving people a feeling of being ready to move.

"Chen" just left, Yushan immediately showed something wrong.

The regimental commander stood in place, silent for a moment, and the corners of his mouth hooked up silently.

"All combat units, keep the forward speed to the minimum and wait for the next command!"

Tsukawa said to the console. Soon, the speed of the ark became extremely slow

They can't go on until Chu Feng comes back.

It is difficult for any aircraft to float in the air without moving at all, because the air pressure at high altitude is very high. If it does not move at all, it will certainly have the risk of falling.

Although the speed is reduced, it will still consume the power reserve.

Chu Feng must move fast!

However, after waiting for ten minutes, Chu Feng still didn't come back.

Twenty minutes, still didn't come back!

Thirty minutes, still no news

The Colonel's look changed.

"Chen won't have a problem?"

The whole ark was silent.

Everyone held their breath and felt a burst of depression.

If Chen has a problem, their whole plan will be disrupted!

Just then, Yushan turned around and left quietly.

The picture of her exiting the hatch entered the commander's view.



When Yushan left the hatch, her figure suddenly blurred, and then disappeared out of thin air.

in fact.

Yushan has the ability of invisibility and can even escape the smell of demons.

This ability has been recorded by the psionic City, but she has more than one psionic attribute.

It's a rare multiple psionic talent.

Throughout the history of the city of psionics, there have also been geniuses with multiple psionic attributes, but the number is very small. You can count them with one hand!

As a result of this......

Yushan has received a lot of resource support.

She moved quietly and didn't appear in any surveillance cameras.

However, the hatch leading to the main control of the Ark's power equipment suddenly opened with a "click", and then closed again.

When we came to a place full of integrated mechanical equipment, the figure of Yushan was revealed.

She went to the power engine machine. It was a box full of metal texture. It was loaded with psionic minerals that provided the kinetic energy of the ark flight. The most stable protective shell was installed outside. Ordinary psionic attacks could not break through.

However, this is for ordinary psionic people.

Yushan took out the sniper gun behind her and aimed it at the iron box.

Her bullets can pierce even epic demons!

What about an iron box?

As long as the power source of the ark is blasted, the Ark will fall from the high air.

And the countless demons below will rush over like crazy and kill all the Investigation Corps!

Demons are the mortal enemies of psionic beings.

Even after the ark falls, the first-class fighters above can survive, but because they have a high psionic level and a large number, demons hundreds of miles around will be attracted by them and have to deal with at least more than 20 demon nests!

Even if the number of first-class combatants doubles, they will die under the attack of countless demons!

Just when Yushan was ready to press the trigger


The hatch was suddenly opened!

The regimental commander looked at Yushan coldly.

Yushan turned his head in an instant and was ready to send the bullet to the head

Just as she pressed the trigger, she suddenly got stuck!

Yushan pupil shrinks!

She found herself unable to move.

"Sister, you can't hold your breath!"

A slightly joking voice came from behind.

It's Chen!