Chu Feng's pupils flashed a scarlet light.

The pupil of evil god!

Although the pupil power consumed is a little large, it still successfully controlled the legendary demon!

While shaking his head, the regimental commander came to Yushan and looked at her pretty face full of reluctance.

In the hearts of the Investigation Corps, Yushan is a girl who has been traumatized since childhood, so everyone admires her talent and watches it carefully. Occasionally, there may be one or two comrades in arms. Make a few jokes. If you can marry Yushan as a wife in this life, it's really worth it in this life!

However, few people will pursue Yushan.

Everyone regarded her as the star in the sky and the moon in the clouds. Those who wanted to pursue her became silent guardians.

Because everyone understands Yushan.

Therefore, they never take the initiative to disturb Yushan, waiting for her to get familiar with others, waiting for her to put away her iceberg like protective shell, and waiting for the day when she can open her heart to her teammates.

The Colonel's memory suddenly blurred. He remembered that when he was eating in the canteen, several young comrades in arms sat at the table, secretly looked at Yushan and talked in a low voice.

I walked over, looked at them angrily, scolded them and drove them away.

In the dining hall, few people talk about Yushan casually in public.

He looked at the cold girl, took the leftover food plate alone, and poured the leftover food into the garbage can bit by bit. The whole action was meticulous. She didn't put the food plate into the recycling place until there was no oil left on the food plate. At this time, he stepped forward.

I didn't say anything. It's about any difficulties in the future. Don't hold it in your heart. Everyone will help you solve it

This guy, in fact, is just this boring chatter.

The head of the regiment is the head of the regiment. He is the eldest brother of the Investigation Corps. He can't be partial or expose his inner thoughts. The city Lord taught him that as a leader, he should have a city government, should not be selfish, and should be hidden.

The head recalled that after he took over the position, perhaps he was good at thinking a little about how he got along with Yushan. And the only one who has revealed his inner thoughts may be once or twice.

But Yushan never showed his thoughts to anyone.

Even a little.

Well, maybe this is the only day for Yushan to really show its "sincerity"?

When she showed her "sincerity", she didn't hesitate to aim the muzzle of the gun at her head. If "Chen" didn't appear in time, she would directly press the trigger. That deadly bullet can kill even an epic demon. Why is it difficult to kill him as a psychic?

Thinking, a white dagger was condensed in the head's hand.

Chu Feng seems to remember.

Tsukawa konyo told himself that the head's psionic talent is "deprivation".

His psionic power can temporarily seize the strength of the other party. Although it is not as invincible as "devouring", it is enough to make him sit firmly as the head of the Investigation Corps.

Because this ability is very special, it is almost invincible to deal with psychics and humans, but it is very limited to deal with demons. Therefore, the leader with incomparable strength chose to take over more work behind the scenes and threw the killing of demons to jinchuankong. He learned to take the road of the city master and be responsible for being a big brother.


Few people remember how terrible the leader's ability was when dealing with a single powerful opponent!

The white dagger stabbed into the abdomen of Yushan!

Yushan's pupils suddenly contracted, and his eyes became red because of congestion. He lowered his head and coughed several times.

With the naked eye, we can see how much pain Yushan suffered at the moment of being "deprived".

Chu Feng felt that his pupil power consumption became smaller in an instant.

He relaxed his control over Yushan. The girl in front of him softened, fell down and knelt in front of the head.

"Are you... A legendary demon?"

The head asked word by word.

Chu Feng watched and didn't speak.

Although he didn't get along with these people for a long time, he can probably feel that everyone in the Investigation Corps treats his comrades in arms as brothers and relatives.

People here don't care about your past. As long as you come, they will sincerely accept you.

No matter how dirty your past is, as long as you join the Investigation Corps, you will have dignity.

And these dignity

It's from my comrades in arms!


The ark, the gate of the main control room was opened with a strong force.

All the psychics, including Jin chuankong, turned around and saw that Yushan, who was tied up all over, was thrown in front of the crowd, followed by an expressionless head and a "Chen" with both hands holding his chest.

"What's going on?"

Zhitian lingnai looked at the head's look, and then at Chu Feng who suddenly appeared here, revealing a look of doubt.

Jinchuankong looked back at the demon detection index and found that the index had been reduced to below 2.0, indicating that the epic demon had been solved.

Fang Ping and others also showed a dignified look. It is rare for them to see the leader's mood get out of control like today.

The head said in a deep voice, "she is a legendary demon."

The voice fell and the whole control room was quiet.

The head then explained: "the legendary demon appeared in the form of human beings. She was placed next to us, waiting for the opportunity to solve us."

"Chen sensed that there was something wrong with Yushan's breath because of the residual power of evil gods, so he told me in advance and left deliberately, giving Yushan space to do it."

"Sure enough, Chen's space ability can transfer the damage out, so Yushan must wait for Chen to leave before looking for an opportunity to destroy the ark."

"When Yushan began to act, I contacted Chen and asked him to come back to stop it together, and successfully grasped the true face of Yushan."

The head turned his head and said, "now, what else can you say?"

Yushan's eyes were half open, as if mixed with some fog.

"I... my life was given by that adult."

"I can't disobey his orders."

"This is my life."

"Although it has no value."

"But I was given the meaning by the adult..."

Yushan closed her eyes, and a terrible wave suddenly appeared on her body!

As soon as Jinchuan Kong's face changed, he looked back and saw that the demon detection value soared to 3000 in an instant!


A light as bright as day suddenly enveloped the whole ark.

The people were so blinded by the endless white light that they couldn't open their eyes!

Next second!

The white light is directly transformed into a bright explosion, and the starlight in the sky converges into the most gorgeous flame, and goes to nothingness with this meaningless life!