Chu Feng did not answer this sentence.

He was silent.

For a time, the brain was a little confused and it was difficult to make a choice.

Although he is a God and a big man in the eyes of all players, he won three SSS level evaluations in one night and closed the door of the nether world.

If this achievement is published, it will definitely leave a strong mark in the historical record of the super pupil era, and even be called "eternal super pupil" by later generations. No one can surpass this record.

However, his experience is eighteen thousand miles worse than that of Chen Bo now, and it is even difficult to understand each other's state of mind.

Uncle Chen, it's not just as simple as spending thousands of years in the underground

How many souls has he received in these thousands of years? How many lives have you seen? What complex memories do you have in your mind?

I can't understand!

This is Chu Feng's only feeling now.

However, Chen bobi was one of the few people close to him in his memory. Even if he crossed over, he also had dinner together and cared for his elders.

Facing such an old man, I let myself kill him

However, from an objective point of view, Chen Bo is indeed dead, dead in countless memories, so that he can't even find who he really is.

Just as Chen Bo said.

Why is God and Buddha indifferent?

Because I'm used to seeing life and death on earth.

If you see too much, it will fade.

The older people are, the less they will feel when they read stories such as novels and film and television dramas.

Because they see too much.

And the world is the same.

If Chen Bo's state of mind returns to reality, it can be said that he is the only person on earth who can be called a God, because he has seen the life experience of billions of creatures and has thousands of years of memory.

However, as Chen Bo said, if people's joys and sorrows are gone, what's the difference with death?

Countless thoughts whirled in Chu Feng's mind. He opened his mouth, but he was unable to give an answer.

At this time.

A prompt suddenly popped up in Chu Feng's eyes:

"The messenger of the dead is transformed by the soul power of the super pupil. If the underground form is eliminated, the soul may be free."

Seeing this prompt, Chu Feng's eyes moved.

in other words......

Kill Chen Bo's messenger of the dead in the underworld. Won't the other party die?

Chen Bo saw Chu Feng's concerns and explained, "my real body should still be outside?"

Chu Feng nodded.

Chen Bo smiled and said, "since my body is not dead, you may still be saving me if you kill me here."

"It's just that I'll forget all the memories here."

"Including superpupil will also disappear."

Chu Feng was stunned and asked, "if the superpupil disappears, don't you become a blind man?"

With a faint smile, Chen Bo said, "my body still has a few years to live?"

"People of my age have almost lost their physical function. There are countless people who are paralyzed in bed all day, difficult to get up and suffering from disease."

"Just without a pair of eyes, it's not unacceptable."

"Moreover, I have sensed that you still need a pair of eyes. I just give you my eyes. That's a good inheritance."

"When you get my eyes, take this bone staff out. Don't stay here. Sooner or later, disaster will brewing."

"The hell..."

Before Uncle Chen finished, suddenly, a turbulent voice came from the hall of the dead.

Outside, there seems to be a force trying to forcibly open the door of the hall of the dead.

"Messenger of the dead, you hid the living without permission and violated the taboo of our hell. Please open the hall immediately. I will take the living for the king of hell!"

The thunder seemed to reverberate around the world, and the whole hall fell into violent vibration.

"Warning! Outside the hall of the dead, the city god haunts!"

"The City God, the God of ghosts and gods in the underworld, is second only to the king of hell. He has a strong power of ghosts and gods. His level is above the messenger of the dead, and his cultivation is far superior!"

"One minute left in the shelter time of the hall of the dead!"

Chu Feng was surprised.

The City God has come!

Uncle Chen said with a smile, "Zhong Kui still has a brain. He knows he can't give me too much time. He estimates that he will go to find the king of hell and send four ghost messengers to call the City God first."

"Because he is worried that you have the means to go out and will bring out the things in the hell."

"And the hell... Hides some secrets, but this secret is not something I can know."

"There is a key in you. Only you can explore this secret."

"Kill me. I'll leave the rest to you!"

Chu Feng knew he couldn't hesitate any more.

He took out Hou Yi's bow, injected all the pupil force into it and gave the strongest blow!

The endless sun enveloped Chen Bo.

However, this brilliant attack failed to kill Chen Bo.

The breath of the dead on Chen Bo's body was only a little dim, but the fear of death around him turned into a shield to resist Chu Feng's attack.

"Not enough..."

Chen Bo also showed a dignified look.

He didn't expect that Chu Feng's attack method was too weak to break through his armor.

Chu Feng can only smile bitterly. Where can the ghosts and gods of the underground world be solved by his pupil power at this stage?

Uncle Chen is only slightly higher than Zhong Kui's ghosts and gods. It's really hard to imagine how strong the higher-level City God, Fengdu emperor and even Yama should be!

"What else can I do..."

Chu Feng died for the enemy for the first time. He felt a headache that he couldn't kill him.

Three pointed two edged knife?

I'm afraid not.

Hou Yi's bow is the highest weapon that can be used to destroy ghosts and gods. The attack power of a single body will never be worse than that of a three pointed two-edged knife.

If Hou Yi's bow can't kill Chen Bo, neither can the three pointed and two edged knife.

by the way!

Ancient Buddha Rune!

Chu Feng suddenly remembered that he had received a talisman in the ancient temple of heaven.

The talisman contains the breath of God and Buddha, which may have a strong restraining effect on the messenger of the dead in the underworld.

Hou Yi's bow is the power of the scorching sun. It specializes in conquering ghosts, but it may not be able to kill death.

If it is the power of God and Buddha, it can purify the dead. It is a higher purification power!

Chu Feng read it in his heart and took out the ancient Buddha talisman immediately.

At this time.


The door of the hall of the dead suddenly opened!

The City God just wanted to rush over, but there was a boundless golden light shining from the hall of the dead!

The golden light has a strong restraining effect on the ghosts and gods in the hell!

The City God couldn't help closing his eyes, retreated and dared not come forward.

If you look from a distance, where the hall of the dead is located, a golden column of light rises into the sky and turns into a golden awn, illuminating the lightless world.

It seems that a sun rises in this forever dark underground!

The City God's face was extremely gloomy.

He sensed

The breath of the undead messenger has disappeared!

After he rushed over, he found a living man standing in the hall of the dead.

On the right hand of the living, he holds a dead skeleton stick... This is a powerful ghost weapon that can only be grasped by underground ghosts and gods!

The man turned to God, and his pupils made the City God feel a tremor in his heart.

He saw each other's eyes, reflecting the whole hell!

PS: it's six o'clock today. Let me tell you quietly. There's another chapter, crazy hint