The moment Chu Feng opened the pupil of hell

As if the whole hell began to shake!

"Those eyes... Impossible!"

The City God took a deep breath and showed his incredible eyes!

He has seen these eyes

But in all his memories, these terrible eyes

Only on the king of hell!

Chu Feng glanced at the City God, raised the staff of dead bones and waved it gently at him.


The endless sea of death and terror turned into a long river of the nether world and directly defeated the city god!


The City God didn't have time to dodge, and the sea of death and terror came to him in the twinkling of an eye!

He could only change the magic formula with both hands to resist the blow of the sea of death and terror.

However, the powerful impact directly sent him to the sky, flying thousands of meters before he stopped.

A figure suddenly appeared behind the City God and caught him.

The City God turned around and saw a man in ghost emperor's clothes, caught him with his hand, and looked at the living people standing in the hall of the dead with a dignified look.

Next to the living man, an army of death appeared.

It's like the hell belongs to him!

"Why did you come!"

The City God couldn't help scolding: "you shrinking tortoise, you should have done it long ago when the living appeared. Now you're in this situation. The king of hell can't spare you!"

Fengdu emperor's face stiffened. Shanshan explained, "how can I know so soon that the strangers are visiting? Those ghost messengers informed me. Didn't I come for the first time?"

The City God took a deep breath.

"Finished, those eyes really appeared..."

"That adult should come too!"

The voice just fell.

A pair of strange eyes suddenly appeared in the sky.

Chu Feng's face changed. He looked up and saw a pair of scarlet eyes at the end of the sky.

Like his own divine eye.

However, those eyes almost covered the whole heaven and earth, more than a hundred times larger than the eyes of the gods, and the scarlet pupils were full of indifference.

These eyes are the same shape as Chu Feng's pupils!

At that moment.

Chu Feng felt the crisis of death!

As soon as he wanted to take out the teleportation array, he immediately opened the channel and returned to his heavenly space.


The picture in front of me suddenly darkened!

If you look from the side, Chu Feng seems to disappear suddenly!

No resistance at all!

Judge life and death!

At the sight of the king of hell, if you want to die, you have to die!

A white light condensed from Chu Feng!

At this moment, Chu Feng dared not have any reservation. Holding the dead skeleton staff, he released almost all the breath of the dead soul in the bone staff, forming a protective cover.


A chip also appeared in his hand. After it was put down, a channel was opened.

Seems to realize that Chu Feng wants to leave here.

The eyes suddenly glowed scarlet in the sky.

The wailing sound of "Wuwu" came from my ears.

The protective cover composed of billions of undead fell apart at a glance of the king of hell!

In the blink of an eye, the undead shield was cut layer by layer, almost all of it!

"Come on!"

Chu Feng bit his teeth. He never felt that these seconds could be so long!

It's like walking back and forth between life and death. For every second, you may face the danger of death!

The psionic transmission array opened layer by layer. Finally, a light curtain appeared in front of you and can be transmitted!

Chu Feng just touched it. The next second he touched the transmission array, his body suddenly burst open!

Death sentence!

"Do you consume 200000 evolution points, the pupil of evolution cycle?"

"Select OK!"

"Your reincarnation times have been refreshed. Maximum reincarnation times: 4!"

A white light slowly condensed on Chu Feng!

He spent 200000 evolution points and did not hesitate to evolve the pupil of reincarnation for reincarnation.

One meter ahead!


The figure disappeared again.

White light condenses.

Move forward and enter the transmission array.


The figure disappeared again.

White light condenses.


The transmitted light curtain directly took Chu Feng out at the next moment when the white light condensed.


The explosion was not from Chu Feng's body, but the psionic transmission array was instantly damaged!

In the sky.

Those eyes looked at the hall of the dead indifferently.

This magnificent palace has now turned into ruins, leaving nothing behind.

The messenger of the dead, the staff of the dead bones, and the living person who appeared for a short day all disappeared!

It's like nothing.

When the City God and Fengdu emperor changed their faces, they knelt down and trembled on the ground.

When those eyes looked at them, the ghosts and gods of the two underworld immediately felt the crisis of death!

If you haven't seen the king of hell, you don't know how terrible the king of hell is!

Whether it was the City God or the Fengdu emperor, it was difficult to deal with Chu Feng's eyes and the bone stick.


Under the gaze of the king of hell, the living man didn't even have a trace of resistance and died at a glance!

This is the king of hell!

The supreme existence in the underworld!

He didn't even come over. He just threw a trace of will over the hall of the dead to determine anyone's existence.

He is the only rule in hell!

Even after that place was destroyed, he could keep the hell from being destroyed!

"The world will be chaotic!"

Finally, an indifferent voice echoed in the whole hell.

The voice fell.

Those eyes that covered the sky and the sun disappeared from the sky over Fengdu.

No one was punished.

Whether it's the City God, or the irresponsible Fengdu earth, or Zhong Kui and the four ghosts

From the mouth of the king of hell, we can know that Chu Feng's presence here will have a great impact!

The world will be chaotic

This is not just the underground government, but involves the world!

The City God and Fengdu Earth took a breath.

The words of the king of hell are definitely not casually said, so it shows that after their default, the things affected have exceeded their imagination!


Hell doesn't care.

Even if the world will be chaotic, so what?

He just needs to keep the underworld.

If anyone dares to invade the underworld, come and kill one!


The City God and Fengdu emperor, no matter how big mistakes were brewing, in fact, the king of hell would not care.

Including the emergence of the living.

Yama had already realized it.

However, the appearance of those eyes may have caused a trace of dissatisfaction from the king of hell.

There should be only such a pair of eyes in the world, which are owned by my king of hell!

However, a living person has supreme eyes.

The king of hell was offended.

So he wants each other to die!

Of course, after Chu Feng successfully left the underworld, the king of hell had no choice.

After a little episode.

The underworld has restored the dead order.

PS: on the seventh watch, thank you for a golden ticket for new and star rain season