Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. He had seen the old man in front of him, which seemed a little similar to the identity of the founder of Xinghang world.

According to the records of protoss data, the profound meaning of the universe was brought by a pioneer and founder.

At first, Chu Feng thought it was just a legend, similar to a fairy tale.

However, when the old man appears in front of us, it means that the legend has become a reality.

In front of Chu Feng's eyes, a new hint appeared:

"Task: you have found the God of the world. Try to talk to God. Maybe you can get what you want."

Talk to God?

Chu Feng was a little speechless.

Of course, the so-called God has different meanings in each world.

Different from the God of war, this God who touches the creation of the universe should be higher!

Just looking at this pupil, Chu Feng was a little difficult to see what the other party was thinking.

"Are you the creator of the world?" he tried to make a hypothesis first.

The old man shook his head: "yes, neither."

It's really fun to learn

Chu Feng could not help but make complaints about it.

He tried to ask, "is this universe, the creation of the three races, related to you?"

The old man nodded.

This proves Chu Feng's conjecture.

If you have gathered the blood of the three major races to meet God, it shows that the Terrans, Protoss and Zerg may be created by the elderly.

According to this logic, the old should be the creator.

But why did he say he wasn't?

"What was your original intention to create the three races?"

"A try," the old man replied slowly.


"Yes, this is the free power of the universe. I just use my eyes to make them accelerate the change of flow, but in essence, I am only a promoter of the change of the world, but not a creator."

The old man seemed to see Chu Feng's doubts and then replied.

Well, there's a way of saying that.

Chu Feng frowned: "then why did you try this?"

"Because knowledge is infinite."

"If I guess correctly, your eyes should be able to see the flow of all matter and energy, infinitely close to mastering the profound meaning of the universe, don't you master infinite knowledge?"

In Chu Feng's pupils, golden light bloomed slightly.

The old man's words are really obscure.

He directly used the supreme pupil and saw the fate of the old man——

It's a bit like a myth.

The role of the old man is almost a God.

He found the profound meaning derived from life in the universe and divided them into three races - Terran, Zerg and Protoss.

Among them, the old man gave the sensibility of Terran thinking, the code of Zerg life, and the truth of protoss wisdom.

These three different kinds of life evolve in the universe.

Although there is a sequence, they have successfully bred life.

In the history of any civilization, the role of the elderly is undoubtedly the identity of the creator.


But the old man denied the answer.

"I'm just a passer-by in the universe. I made an attempt because I was curious about research."

"It's just to study the energy and code of the universe."

"But knowledge is infinite, because the universe is also infinite."

"I can show you how huge a bottomless hole the world of real knowledge is."

The old man's eyes suddenly burst into strange light.

Like a whirlpool, Chu Feng's mind was sucked in.

The next second,

The picture in front of Chu Feng suddenly changed!

He was shocked to see that countless universes were suspended in an endless world like billions of stars!

The old man is the shuttle of the universe. He comes to one universe after another, like a wanderer crossing time and space, shuttling lonely in one universe.

For him, life is like a trivial passer-by, which will pass after all.

It's just one of the wonderful changes in the reproduction of the universe.

In the process of shuttling through the universe, the elderly will also lose their own energy.

When he came to the star world, this was his last trip.

He saw that there was no derivative of life command in the boundless universe, but there was a good seed.

His eyes containing command saw the seed, so he sowed it, and divided the code of life into three parts, giving different characteristics to Terrans, Zerg and Protoss respectively.


There are three races in the star world.

But the laws of nature are cruel.

Not to mention different races, even the same race and the same group, will fight each other for interests and living space.

Survival and struggle are inherently contradictory communities.

No struggle, no survival.

Therefore, when the civilizations of the three races can blend with each other, the struggle begins.

Of course, in the face of all this, the old man had already predicted.

But he didn't care.

How many dead creatures, in the eyes of the elderly, are only part of the laws of nature.

He knew that the law was like this, so he was happy to see the destruction of life while creating life.

"My life has almost come to an end." the old man raised his head and looked at the space, revealing a trance expression, "in fact, my body has already died, but those children who master the truth are not willing to let go of the ethereal legend, so he created such a special space to save my soul..."

"Save the soul?"

Chu Feng was keenly aware of the word.

In other words, the protoss has touched the meaning of the soul?

Although the world laws of the heavenly towers are different, there seems to be one thing in common - the soul.

The super pupil also takes the pupil force as the medium to come to the world of the heavenly towers.

The pupil force is a form of expression of the soul.

If the protoss has mastered the code of the soul, is this technology to preserve the soul also helpful to their own world?

In that case, if I can get this information, it may be helpful to Chen Bo's research!

Bai Xiu has already said that if you want to repair Chen Bo's current situation, you must start from the soul level.

For this, we must explore the higher world of heavenly towers!

The old man suddenly smiled: "you seem to have a unique need for this knowledge."

"I saw the pursuit of some kind of life and value in your eyes."

"And your eyes make me feel very interesting."

"Take away my knowledge and truth. I hope you will gain something after you get their gifts."

The figure of the old man became empty.

At the same time, a prompt popped up in front of Chu Feng:

"You have obtained a new super pupil talent - Upanishadic Tiantong!"