"Specific properties can be viewed in the new super pupil panel."

Chu Feng immediately opened the super pupil panel——

Super pupil: aoyi Tiantong

Level 1: one of the nine creation pupils

Ability: you can see the essence and flow of any energy, and control the flow of these energy, or limit them to one place, or convert them (the larger the number, the larger the level of conversion, the more pupil power is consumed).

Chu Feng's heart moved. Although he described the ability of upanishadism Tiantong very vaguely, he keenly noticed

The super pupil obtained by yourself is one of the nine creation Tiantong - UPI Tiantong.

In the cave world, Chu Feng obtained Vientiane Tiantong, which corresponds to the material movement of creation - aggregation.

Although Wuyi Tiantong was not guessed by Chu Feng and the "decomposition" corresponding to "aggregation", it is related to the flow of energy.

There is a unique power system in every world of heavenly towers.

In essence, these different cultivation attributes, such as Reiki, the power of God of war, or fighting Qi, are an embodiment of energy flow.

However, due to the different structure of the world, the flow mode of energy is also different.

Different orders and structures of energy result in different forces and combat systems in each world.

"After I have acquired the upanishadism Tiantong, I can not only see the power system of all the heavenly towers, but also control their flow and transformation..."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

Upanish Tiantong may have a more unique role than he thought.

Of course, the genesis Tiantong alone is certainly no better than other superpupil that has risen to a very high level.

However, if we gather together nine different creation Tiantong and integrate them into the ultimate super pupil of the supreme level, I'm afraid it's powerful.

At present, aoyi Tiantong has no strong combat ability, but it may play some magical roles in some special scenes.

"Detection, you have completed all the copy hiding tasks, and there are no more than five super pupils in the star world."

The copy will end automatically in five minutes

"You will get the settlement reward of this copy..."

Chu Feng's heart moved and suddenly remembered that he still needed to explore the protoss's technology of soul storage.

Open UPI Tiantong!

Chu Feng's eyes immediately showed the essence of protoss energy.

In addition to the huge mineral energy required to form this console, there is also an obscure energy that floats in front of you in an imperceptible form.

That may be the old man's residual soul.

The power of the soul is a bit similar to transparent fluctuations, or a form of aura, which makes people unable to tell what it is.

It looks simpler than expected, but more complex than expected!

After Chu Feng opened aoyi Tiantong, he could see that mineral energy was burning huge energy at the core hub of the console driven by other power systems to supply the console.

However, he did not understand what form the soul existed in this world, or in the towers of heaven.

The old man's body is undoubtedly dead.

But the soul can still be preserved by Protoss special technology!

According to Chu Feng's observation, he found that the soul is an invisible fluctuation, and its flow and change revolve around the carrier when there is a carrier.

However, the soul is also affected by the carrier.

Protoss stores the souls of the elderly into the highest Protoss core console. The attached material is mechanical equipment, which can also be said to be a special mineral in the universe.

Also because the attached object is not life, but a special device, the old man's soul is not complete, his memory is incomplete, and his thinking ability has decreased a lot. It must be a lot worse than when he first came to the universe.

"The protoss used a special soul translation model to translate the old man's soul into a mineral... However, this mineral only provides energy and can be replaced. The important thing is the language used in the translation..."

After Chu Feng opened upanishadism Tiantong, he quickly analyzed it.

"There are still three minutes to settle the copy..."

It took Chu Feng two minutes to analyze the law of soul flow.

"It must be faster!"

Chu Feng felt the urgency of time, and his brain thought faster than before.

He plans to translate the protoss first and copy it directly first!

Of course, because Chu Feng didn't get the super pupil related to technology, he couldn't understand what the protoss soul translation meant.

However, relying on the upanishadism Tiantong's ability to see the essence of matter and the eternal God eye God level memory, Chu Feng forcibly copied all the technologies first, and then threw them to Bai Xiu, so that professional people could have a headache.

After high-speed processing

Protoss translation, like a unique language, resonates with the soul, and can be provided to the invisible soul, a tangible material carrier.

However, this material carrier can only deposit part of the soul, but it can not completely preserve the other party's soul.

Because the soul and carrier matter affect each other.

In other words, for the same soul, if the carrier material is different, for example, the human soul comes to the fox, then the fox's material carrier will inevitably affect the soul and change a series of development.

Similarly, after the old man's body decayed, his soul was placed in the carrier of the console. Whether it is thinking ability, emotion or vision, it is very different from normal human beings.

But if the old man's soul is attached to human beings, there is no doubt that the human feelings he carries will be much higher.

This is the law of the interaction between soul and carrier material.

"Detection, the copy time has passed, and now the reward has been settled for you!"

At the last second

Chu Feng directly consumed a trace of divine pupil power and gave upanishadism Tiantong to see the essence of the soul.

At that moment, the huge soul translated information and poured into Chu Feng's brain.

Of course, just like a USB flash disk, Chu Feng only knew the information and stored the files, but he still couldn't understand the information. He just copied the "files" with his powerful memory.

Then, his figure withdrew from the copy of Star Aviation world.

In front of the system, a series of prompts pop up:

"You have passed the copy of Xinghang world and are unlocking the achievements and rewards of this copy for you..."