"You have completed the task of [leading to the most profound meaning], unlock the achievement of [Lord of the profound meaning], and reward an additional super pupil talent - aoyi Tiantong!"

"You have the blood of the protoss king, opened the inheritance of the protoss, explored many places of the inheritance of the protoss, unlocked the achievement [Protoss inheritance Explorer], and obtained the inheritance of the gods: the protoss aircraft carrier (supreme)!"

"You have destroyed the Zerg's home star, and destroyed the blade queen. Unlock the achievement [Protoss destroyer] and obtain the secret treasure of the heavens: the blade of the blade queen (level 8)!"

"You have opened the final core area of the protoss, and successfully obtained the supreme inheritance prop of the protoss, unlocked the achievement [Protoss successor], and obtained the inheritance of the heavens: Angel Sword (supreme)!"

"Based on the above achievements, your final score is..."

"SSS level!"

"Heaven points + 430000!"

"Evolution point + 470000!"

"You have unlocked the exclusive reward of SSS level heaven aura - [Truth prophet]!"

"[prophet of truth]: when you come to a replica world, you will automatically get the background information corresponding to this replica!"

Chu Feng glanced at his reward for this copy, but showed a somewhat satisfied look.

"Unexpectedly, my copy broke out two different supreme level heaven inheritance and heaven secret treasures. This harvest is incomparable!"

The high-level heaven inheritance is also of high value.

Especially the inheritance of the supreme level heaven on the 14th floor

It may not be much worse than the secret treasures of the heavens.

Chu Feng has obtained two kinds of supreme level Zhutian inheritance. Even if it is replaced by Zhutian point, it is of high value!

"Although the angel sword can only be used once, even once, it can destroy any enemy who wants to destroy in the star navigation world!"

"Coupled with the protoss aircraft carrier, it also has the ability to sneak. It can ignore the pursuit of the Zerg in the later stage. It is equivalent to having a prop for unlimited exploration at the beginning."

"With these two kinds of heaven inheritance, it's really for a pig. Both can pass the copy task of Xinghang world."

However, after Chu Feng won the SSS level evaluation of Star Airlines world, the world will never get such a high-level evaluation.

However, this does not mean that the two supreme heavenly inheritance will depreciate.

On the contrary, because [Protoss aircraft carrier] and [Angel Sword] are very powerful inheritance weapons in the star aviation world.

With these two things, any super pupil basically walks the copy to victory.

Especially for those who have failed twice, if they can get these two things, they can at least make sure that they can move forward a little again through this copy.

For those who have failed twice, they must ensure a 100% winning rate and pass the last chance, otherwise all their previous efforts will be wasted and become blind.

For them, the supreme inheritance of the heavens is even more valuable than the secrets of the heavens!

They need to make sure they can pass the copy!

As the era of super pupil is getting more and more behind, there have been many super pupil people. Because they have failed twice, they don't dare to enter the task of the towers at will.

At this time, the supreme heaven inheritance is like the plug-in obtained by krypton gold!

If they pay a huge price and can obtain the supreme heaven inheritance, they will have a great chance to pass the copy.

It can be imagined that Chu Feng's inheritance of the heavens will have a huge market among the super pupils who have stayed on the 13th floor and failed twice, especially the core members of the super guild.

Therefore, Chu Feng can be sure that although he can not use these two supreme levels of heaven to inherit, but in the market, it can definitely let other super pupil people fight for blood flow!

In particular, the 14th floor is notoriously difficult to pass, just like a threshold.

The inheritance of this layer is second only to the secret treasure of the heavens!

The more value preserving things, the higher the price, the more people buy them!

This is the eternal law of the market!

Next, Chu Feng set his eyes on the new secret treasure of the heavens - the blade of the queen of blade.

"Hehe, the eighth order Heavenly Treasures are also very high."

Chu Feng smiled.

The function is basically the same as that of the blade queen in the battle.

However, the words of the secret treasures of the heavens are more inclined to a kind of prosthetic limb.

It can assist Chu Feng to fight at close range.

Although Chu Feng is no longer short of battle type heaven treasures, the blade of the queen of blade is still of great help to the battle.

Especially when I first entered the world of the heavenly towers, the blade of the queen of blade has been very good in combat effectiveness. It is more than enough to deal with low-level enemies!

The more he went to the top of the heavenly towers, the more Chu Feng felt that the pupil technique might not play such a good role in the enemy.

Like the blade queen

Ordinary mind control pupil surgery can't play any role in this level of opponent.

This is only the fourteenth floor of the heavenly towers.

If you reach a higher level, even an ordinary enemy, I'm afraid pupil surgery doesn't work so well.

Therefore, it is very important to make up for the insufficient use of pupil surgery in the early stage.

Of course, it's not that pupil surgery is useless.

However, among the more complex replica tasks in the future, more diversified means are needed to face the possible crisis.


Chu Feng set his eyes on the aura of the heaven of the prophet of truth.

"After entering the replica, you can automatically obtain the background information of the replica, which is equivalent to eliminating some intelligence needs..."

Chu Feng thought in his heart.

In many cases, he buys intelligence in order to obtain background information of copies.

After all, the world of the heavenly towers is getting bigger and bigger. If you don't get any background information, you go inside to explore. It takes a lot of time to understand the background of the copy.

This time, if you can use the sky points to buy, it is still very worth it.

In the replica world of the heavenly towers, the importance of intelligence can be said to be recognized.

However, after Chu Feng obtains the aura of the truth prophet, when he comes to the copy, his brain will automatically obtain the background about the world.

To some extent, this can replace intelligence.

Of course, in addition to the world background, intelligence also has some experience and routes of super pupil Raiders for reference, as well as the trigger mechanism of hidden tasks.

Therefore, intelligence is still irreplaceable.

However, with the aura of the prophet of truth, if Chu Feng next explores some copies with less information, or even copies that no one has raided, it will play a great role!

The heart read a move. Next, Chu Feng's figure returned to the square of Chaotong times.

At the same time, his SSS level intelligence is also broadcast all over the world!

PS: it's five o'clock. Thank you for your words