half a month later.

Chu Feng's figure reappears in the sewer.

The bright moonlight shone on his face through the hole.

"After a period of recovery, the side effects of magic medicine were finally digested by me."

Chu Feng took a deep breath and regained his rationality in his eyes.

I have to say, the secret world is really a dangerous place!

Because the magic medicine here will have a great impact on the human spirit, there are not many super pupil people who come to this copy.

There are no special circumstances, and few hypermydriasis will casually come to this copy.

Therefore, there is little information about the secret world.

Only when Chu Feng has the aura of the [Truth prophet] can he know the background information of the copy of the secret world.

After digesting the potion, some obscure and mysterious information becomes clearer and easier to understand!

Among the information obtained by Chu Feng, there was originally some information with a password.

Or they have something to do with occult science.

When Chu Feng appeared in his mind, he couldn't understand the information for the first time.

However, after digesting the magic medicine of mystics, Chu Feng found that he could understand them.

"The gathering of the true?"

"Every morning, through a mirror and engraved with a symbol on it, you can enter the real party. It's a little interesting..."

"I don't know if I can activate my supreme power at this party."

Chu Feng smiled.

In his mind, he found an interesting thing called "the real party".

Every morning, just look for a mirror, any side can, with any color of paint, leave a layer of patterns with the mystery in the center of the mirror, and you can enter another space.

That space will open every Wednesday morning!

It is said that mystics who can go to the gathering of the true are very unusual.

They usually exchange knowledge related to mystics in that space


Some other information.

As long as we can pay enough price, there seems to be nothing that can not be exchanged in the gathering of the real.

After half a month's cultivation, Chu Feng thoroughly digested his mystical knowledge and had a deeper understanding of the mysterious world.

"If I attend a real person's party, maybe it's my chance to hit the S-level as soon as possible."

Chu Feng thought in his heart.

Any profession, after reaching the s level, enters the field of demigod.

Demigod is basically the highest level that human beings in the mysterious world can reach.

Further up, that is the God who masters the law.

Such as evil gods

Chu Feng walked out of the hole of the underground waterway.

Suddenly, his inspiration gave him a slightly bad feeling.

Chu Feng's mind moved, and the moonlight immediately shrouded his body. He soon disappeared into the secluded street.

After a while

A night watchman wearing black plain clothes and sharp eyes like an eagle came to the street.

Chu Feng used the ability of a mystic to hide not far from the night watchman, with a faint golden light in his eyes

"Recently, the guards are much more serious. There should be other super pupil people who start to implement some relevant strategies."

See the fate of the night watchman.

Chu Feng saw many mysterious events in this city.

Among them, there was a big factory explosion, which killed and injured many people.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. In this event, he saw the conspiracy brewing by evil gods.

"It's almost early Wednesday morning."

Time is a little tight.

Chu Feng's figure suddenly became illusory, as if integrated with the night.


Using the ability of mystics, he turned himself into a shadow and moved quickly in this street.

In an instant, the dark shadow broke through a window, came to the closed and uninhabited shop, and found a dressing mirror in it.

It happened that there was a lipstick on the table of the dressing mirror, which was used as a stroke to draw the next pattern. There was no problem.

Chu Feng searched in his memory and soon showed the specific shape of the pattern. Then he picked up lipstick and began to print the pattern in the center of the dressing mirror.

When the pattern is drawn

A light curtain like a water wave immediately absorbed Chu Feng's figure.

The next second,

He came into a misty space.

"It's a little similar to the protection of Zhutian exchange?"

Chu Feng lowered his head and found that his body was shrouded in a fog like protective cover, which could cover his body appearance.

Of course, the protection of Zhutian exchange is more advanced.

But in this fog space, everything is related to mysticism. I'm afraid ordinary superpupils can't break through the protection of fog.

Chu Feng was surprised to find that he could see through the people behind the fog by using the ability of mystics and pupil surgery.

"I see. The fog is placed in the middle of mysticism, which is the middle of a estrangement."

"The real ones who come here actually keep their bodies outside, but their consciousness enters here."

"No wonder ordinary hypermydriasis people come here and can't use pupil surgery."

"However, because my role is originally a spirit body, and now I have the magic medicine blessing of a mystic, I can use pupil surgery even in the case of a spirit body."

Chu Feng immediately felt that things had become interesting.

Surrounded by a bench, there are twelve chairs in total.

It looks a little similar to the design of Linyuan guild.

Suddenly, a curtain of light came here.

Chu Feng found that behind this figure was an acquaintance through the authority of mystics!

Arasaka Liufeng!

However, after looking at Chu Feng, Huang Saka Liufeng took back his sight and didn't look again.

Chu Feng smiled in his heart: "it seems that this guy didn't recognize me..."

Last time, Chu Feng didn't use the supreme pupil, that is, he suspected that Huang Saka Liufeng would notice his existence.

Now, after Chu Feng digested the potion, it doesn't matter if he is noticed by the other party.

"Let me see what plan you are going to implement in this copy..."

Chu Feng's pupils burst out a burst of golden light.

The next second,

The picture in front of him came to a place like a medieval church.

In these days, Osaka Liufeng has mixed up the identity of a priest in the secret world.

And he chose the profession of a psionic.

More coincidentally

The psionic powers of Osaka Liufeng were acquired through the inheritance of the heavens.

The psionic skill acquired is "seal"!

Chu Feng said he was familiar with this skill.