"Have all the secret cases been arranged?"

"Well, as long as there is enough pollution, we can reactivate the pollution Lord outside the starry sky and let the other party come."

"Are we 100% sure of the Lord of seal pollution?"

"Don't worry, according to our intelligence investigation, the master of pollution is one higher than the evil god, and the [seal] inheritance you have has sealed three evil gods in the east continent. If you use it, there will be no problem."

"Are the other members inside the arbiter?"

"Well, it is estimated that many mysterious cases can be explored during this period of time. We only need to lead out the mysteries related to the pollution Lord and expand the pollution, and we can get the embryos of the pollution Lord..."

Church, near the cross.

Osaka Liufeng is talking to another old man in black.

They are all the Osaka tower superpupils who participated in the mission this time.

However, other members of the team of Osaka Liufeng generally do not act together with Osaka Liufeng.

Very simple - afraid to affect the play of this genius!

They only need to collect some trail intelligence in other places of the copy, and make some preparations in time, and hand over the rest to Arasaka Liufeng for execution.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes.

From the conversation between the two people, he already knew what abacus Arasaka Liufeng played in this copy.

"It turned out that they got the power of [seal] through some special channel - that is, the power attribute of the boy in Spring Valley."

"It's really not a big problem for Arasaka Liufeng to use this powerful power to seal the polluter."

"The task of the secret world is to complete the play. The play task of each profession is different."

"The psionic profession is relatively strong, and the corresponding tasks will be more difficult - perform a secret task above class A, solve difficult secret cases! And succeed in surviving on the last day."

"If you're right, on the day of the end, the moon god Lilith will pollute the whole world. Countless people will become monsters, not the home of the master of pollution."

"The position of the master of pollution is higher than Lilith."

"In other words - this is a boss level task more difficult than Lilith."

"However, the relationship between the pollution Lord and Lilith is not very good. If this guy is summoned down, the two evil gods may fight!"

"At that time, as long as we find a way to solve Lilith's pollution, and then seal the polluter through the psionic power of [seal], we can complete this doomsday harvest."

"Ha ha, but obviously, the world is not as simple as the calculation of Osaka Liufeng..."

Chu Feng chuckled when he learned about the plan of Osaka Liufeng.

Of course, the other party is not fully prepared. In fact, there are a lot of reasons with himself.

The task of harasaka tower is also part of the plan.

However, after Chu Feng killed Wu Shenxiu, the originally prepared inheritance of the heavens disappeared.

If there is no corresponding heaven inheritance, then the plan of Osaka tower will naturally change.

The second designated plan is in a hurry. In addition, there is not much inheritance of the secret world, let alone the inheritance of SSS level tasks

Therefore, it can only be said that the task planning of Arasaka Liufeng this time can be completed by copying in theory, but it can not ensure that the task can be completed.

Plus the variable Chu Feng

That's hard to say!

After exploring Arasaka Liufeng's plan, human figures appeared in the gathering of the real.

Everyone here was covered with a mysterious veil.

But strangely, Chu Feng found that his supreme pupil could still play a role here.

"Perhaps, after the number of my super pupils increases, the ability of the most important pupils is also becoming stronger..."

Chu Feng's mind moved and realized that his ability to activate the supreme pupil was not only related to mystics, but also his own personality.

He has the ability to launch the supreme pupil, and even saw two other super pupil people, who also choose the school of mystics.

The gathering of the true is originally the communication space for mystics, so those who come here are generally top mystics.

Or, they are members who master special channels and have an unusual identity.

Obviously, these mystics had planned the Raiders of this copy before they came in - the gathering of the real is one of them.

Some of the remaining "natives", some from official bosses, some from some dark underground organizations, but they can come here with something more or less.

"Let's have a meeting!"

When the gathering of the true gathered enough twelve people, a silent voice sounded.

"Hehe, you should have heard about the explosion of the East Wharf steam ship factory yesterday?" a slow voice sounded.

In the gathering of the true, this is the cause of the topic.

Only one topic can let people cut in.

"The number of deaths and injuries is not normal," another man interrupted.

"I saw the introduction of the mysterious embryo birth in it."

It was a super pupil who said this!

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present was silent.

Obviously, the birth of secret embryos has been an important intelligence.

As for whether there is any other concealment

Then, we need to pay a certain price to know the details.

"It's interesting. I know something about Lilith, the moon god. I don't know if I can exchange evil god embryos with you."

A senior official in the official channel showed an interesting look and took the initiative to put forward the information he knew.

In the gathering of the true, this kind of is throwing chips.

Not only can the super pupil who tells the embryo be exchanged, but other party members who are interested in this information can also make a request for exchange.

In other words, this is the information that the other party wants to say, but exchange more things for yourself through some medium.

"Mysticism, the secret of ancient witch legend."

At this time, Chu Feng suddenly opened his mouth and looked at the official high-level personnel.

Ancient witch legends can rank among the top ten in the field of mystics.

However, the top ten legends have always been incomplete legends, and there are many doubts, so they can not be used as a source of power by mystics.

Since Chu Feng dares to take out the legend, he will definitely have a breakthrough!

As soon as his voice fell, the other two hypermydriasis in the field of mystics also looked at him.