At that moment,

Chu Feng can clearly feel that his personality has become a demigod in the mysterious world!

"I see..."

"Because I have completed the task of achieving legend, has my personality improved accordingly?"

"This paragraph comes from Yunan."

Chu Feng felt that he belonged to Eugene and became higher than before. He even wanted to suppress the Headless Woman before.

Of course, the promotion of personality will not have a substantial and ability improvement for the spirit like Eugene.

However, in the end, Eugene belongs to the spirit, and the spirit belongs to the spiritual world.

If the person who belongs to Eugene's part is promoted, it means that Chu Feng's risk of being polluted is greatly reduced in the face of the master of pollution!

"Also, after I came out of the spirit world, the realm of mystics was upgraded to SSS level!"

Chu Feng noticed a very special place.

Because the spirit world is the biggest mysterious legend in the mysterious world!

When Chu Feng entered the spiritual world this time, he not only took the spiritual world as the back garden, but also went to revive the real creator and met a headless woman with a high personality.

Obviously, in the spirit world, it is enough to be called the legend of the true God!

what's more......

Through the true creator, Chu Feng was able to touch the deep secret of the spiritual world - the end of the world!

It even has something to do with the starry sky!

Therefore, after Chu Feng completed this journey, he was basically full of mystics.

Ordinary mystical rituals have long been known through the supreme classics of the [Truth prophet] and the mystical headquarters.

Therefore, after Chu Feng has explored the supreme territory of mysticism, there is basically not much room to break through in this place!

"SSS level, reaching the field of demigod."

"I can not only become a mystery in mystics, but also make myself a legend!"

"It's a risky thing to integrate into other legends, but it's not impossible!"

"I already have enough technology!"

"Maybe I can explore more fields now!"

Now, Chu Feng has completed the task of achieving legend!

It can be said that his role in the mysterious world is almost over.

The last option left is to kill the polluter and get the complete secret pupil from this guy!

In this way, control all mysteries!

"The true gods of the secret world are not dead, but they turn their consciousness into a protective cover for reality and the starry world."

"Yes, the compartment?"

"However, the consciousness of the true God still exists. The consciousness of the true God can be projected down through prayer and other forms."

"Although the original true gods can't come to the earth again, they are still influencing the world in their own way."

"Maybe I can use the power of the mystical demigod to guide the power of the true God!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and his heart paid more attention.

"We must prepare some rituals for prayer..."

The heart read a move, Chu Feng's figure immediately merged with the moonlight and moved frantically towards other places!

Of course, if you melt with the red moon, you will be found by Lilith, a bad woman.

However, now Lilith's mind is completely focused on the pollution, and she should not be interested in herself.

Moreover, Chu Feng only moves with the help of the power of the red moon. Although Lilith is a crazy woman, she is not so stingy.

Crazy women usually have crazy specific goals.

Well, with the help of your moonlight, what bad thoughts can a little demigod have?

Soon, after a short period of movement, Chu Feng's figure soon appeared in a church.

"Sleep, sleep!"

"Sink in the dream of the night!"

Chu Feng's mouth, there was a cadence, but as graceful as poetry.

Some people in the church fell into a deep sleep after hearing the sound.

If Chu Feng didn't take the initiative to wake them up, these church staff would fall into deep sleep forever and couldn't wake up by themselves.

This is also one of the mysterious forces!

"Borrow your church."

Chu Feng took a deep breath and went to the end of the church, in front of the ancient and mysterious silver cross.

This is a special sacred vessel.

Be able to communicate with the worshippers' mind and connect to the true God in the starry sky.

However, if the communicator's mind is not simple enough and is seen by the true God, it will be immediately pointed out as heresy.

At that time, those found to be heretics will be tied to the silver cross and burned!

"The great mysterious ancestor!"

"I listen to your voice..."

"Follow your will!"

"In this doomsday, I hope you can bring the guidance of light!"

"May mystery be with the world!"

After chanting a prayer

The silver cross shines slightly.

Chu Feng was a little surprised.

"Unexpectedly, the mysterious Lord was summoned by me so soon!"

In the background of the mysterious world——

The mind controller corresponds to the Eternal Lord;

Mystics, corresponding to the Lord of mystery;

The diviner corresponds to the Lord of the prophet;

A psychic corresponds to the creator God.

These four gods are the original true gods of the secret world, which can be abbreviated as "original gods".

External gods from outside the stars, such as the Lord of pollution and Lilith, are called "evil gods".

Similar to the true creator, the God who obtains false believers by his own tricks is a despised "false god".

Whether true gods or evil gods, they are eager to swallow the false gods.

It's not that this guy is very annoying. It's the same as Tang Monk's meat. It's not only weak and bullying, but also can soar after swallowing it. It can be said to be a great tonic!

Hypocrisy is the most miserable existence in the secret world. Both sides are not pleasing because the meat is too fat!

The silver cross is slightly shining with divine light.

As long as everyone knows the prayer of mystics, he can think of the Lord of mystery and pray.

However, few responses can be received.

Chu Feng succeeded in his first attempt

I have to say, it was a slight surprise to him.

He tried to send a message to the past.

"The end is about to open!"

Similarly, a message was transmitted to the spirit body of Chu Feng.

However, Chu Feng was surprised that this message did not respond to Angus, but Yunan.

"I see!"