Chu Feng breathed a sigh.

"Since the mysterious Lord responds, then I should be able to get some little help by calling the real name of the mysterious Lord at the end of the day."

However, what Chu Feng didn't expect next was that the mysterious Lord returned a special message:

"Since you have the personality of the spirit world, you can go to the Lord of the spirit world to help you."

Then Chu Feng got a string of Wu Long real name symbols.

"Lord of the spirit world?"

Chu Feng was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that there were corresponding gods in the spirit world.

"It is free from the invisible;"

"It is unknown to the world;"

"It is with the world at the same time;"

"It's in everyone."

"The Lord of the spirit world has already known your existence, and your existence has long been in contact with the Lord of the spirit world."

"As long as you reach the spirit world and sincerely call its name, you will respond!"

Chu Feng was stunned, then bowed slightly:

"Praise the mystery!"

After receiving this message from the mysterious Lord, Chu Feng immediately found that his knowledge of mystery had been greatly improved!

Worthy of being the Lord of mystery, I know the mystery that others don't know!

Chu Feng smiled in his heart.

His mystical attainments have obtained the true information about the Lord of the spirit world from the mouth of the mysterious Lord!

"Originally, the whole spiritual world is a god!"

Chu Feng finally understood what kind of existence the spirit world was.

The spirit world is different from the starry sky.

But it's a little similar to the diaphragm of the starry sky!

The whole spiritual world is a god!

The difference is that the Lord of the spiritual world is a very special God.

It does not determine the ability of the spiritual world, but can only limit the channel between the spiritual world and reality.

The moment I passed through the spirit world, I actually got the recognition of the Lord of the spirit world.

The Lord of the spirit world exists a bit like order, maintaining the channel between reality and the spirit world, but he has no absolute right to interfere with these two realms!

Chu Feng didn't know what kind of power the Lord of the spirit world had.

But if you can take charge of the spiritual world and be recognized by the mysterious Lord, the spiritual Lord should still be able to provide some small help!

"Praise the mystery!"

Finally, Chu Feng said goodbye to the mysterious Lord and withdrew from the church.

He came to a deserted space and made some small preparations again according to the ceremony recorded in the supreme classics.

"Go to the spirit world!"

Then, Chu Feng's figure became more and more illusory!

Then, the picture in front of him began to become hazy.

The red is redder, the green is greener, and the black is blacker!

However, after adapting to the state of the spirit body, Chu Feng can identify the surrounding objects and will not be affected by vision!

He began to call the real name of the Lord of the spirit world!

"Great spiritual Lord!"

"Existence above vanity!"

"I call your real name!"

"Hope to get your response!"

The prayer of the Lord of the spiritual world is not so formal.

It is like the communication of any spiritual creature in the spiritual world.

As long as the mind is in place, you can understand it.


There was a violent storm around.

Chu Feng suddenly felt that a mysterious and transcendent power came to him when he finished his prayer in his heart!

Then Chu Feng felt his body sink.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that his eyes had come to an endless fog.

In the fog, it is a huge palace!

In the throne above, a huge shadow loomed, but its appearance could not be seen clearly!

"God cannot look directly!"

For a moment, the idea flashed through Chu Feng's mind.

The figure didn't say anything more, just gently towards Chu Feng's mind!

Suddenly, all the information about the spiritual world had been displayed in Chu Feng's mind!

At that moment

Chu Feng's mysticism seemed to explode!

He struggled to use his pupils to digest these huge mysterious information. After a while, he slowly recovered his consciousness.

When he began to organize the spiritual knowledge, a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes.

"The spiritual world is not a special space. It is a bit similar to the spiritual world."

"The composition of this spiritual world comes from the unconscious of all sentient beings in the mysterious world..."

"It can be said that the spiritual world is a space composed of unconsciousness, or a subconscious ocean."

"At first, the spiritual world did not exist at all, just as there would be no blending between the material world and the mysterious spiritual world."

"However, the first doomsday was the existence outside the starry sky, which polluted the spirit world. Therefore, the spirit world, which should not have any life, gave birth to the spirit world creatures, or - Mysteries!"

"Once the mystery reaches the reality, it will create detached events."

"Of course, after detachment came to reality, it not only brought some changes to mankind, but also gave birth to detachment."

"The first detachment is the mind controller."

In the mysterious world, mind controller is the oldest profession. It can be said that today's diviners and mystics are all derived from mind controller.

However, this profession slowly declined after the era when the true God disappeared.

Mind controllers have high requirements for their own spirit and need the protection of gods.

In the era when the true God walked on the earth, the true God will bring shelter to all mankind. Therefore, the mind controller can call the true name of God at any time and obtain powerful spiritual gifts, so as to conduct more in-depth research, or use his own ability.

However, after the disappearance of the true God, this profession is not good.

After all, the spiritual power of ordinary human beings is limited.

Moreover, as the main force against the starry sky, the Eternal Lord fell into a deep sleep and couldn't separate his energy from the mind controller at all.

This also became the reason for the decline of the mind controller.


"There are two true gods in the power system of the mind control room!"

"One of them is the Eternal Lord!"

"The other one is the Lord of the spirit world!"

"They put the channels of controlling the stars and reality, as well as the channels of spirit and reality!"

"In other words, the Lord of eternity and the Lord of the spirit world are actually inherited by one school?"

Chu Feng didn't expect that there was such a big secret in it!

He felt that his mysterious personality was about to break through a bottleneck!

At the same time, Chu Feng's understanding of mystery and detachment is gradually improving!

He suddenly understood the intention of the mysterious Lord!

If your own mysterious knowledge reaches the same height as the mysterious Lord

Maybe we can succeed in bringing the mysterious Lord to the world!