
At the last moment, jiutianyi gritted his teeth and blocked the Hunyuan umbrella in front of him.


After a loud noise

Hunyuan umbrella burst open!

However, Jiutian's body was merged with the chaotic breath after the Hunyuan umbrella exploded.

Then he turned into the same shape as the chaotic airflow!

In the form of chaotic air flow, Jiutian suddenly turned into a gas and ran frantically towards the rear.

"Want to go?"

Chu Feng's eyes flashed a sharp color again.

It can be seen that Jiutian obtained this form after sacrificing the Hunyuan umbrella.

But this can only be regarded as a temporary form, which can not be integrated with the Hunyuan umbrella forever!

Open the pupil of heaven again.

Chu Feng began to block each other's position

When the chaotic airflow of the nine days hit the barrier of the pupil of the heaven, it was the same as the form of black Qi, and still couldn't leave.

After all, this is the imprisonment of heaven!

Even chaos cannot escape from the confinement of the Tao of heaven

"Now, you finally have no way?"

Chu Feng sneered, controlling the alchemy furnace of the supreme old gentleman and smashed it towards the ninth day!

The supreme alchemy furnace completely suppresses the chaotic air flow with the power of repression.

Ding, originally meant to suppress!

The alchemy furnace of the supreme old gentleman is an alchemy furnace based on the tripod. Coupled with the ancient divine breath of heaven, it can naturally suppress the Hunyuan umbrella!

What's more, Jiutian didn't really master the chaotic air flow, but sacrificed the Hunyuan umbrella to get the temporary form!

At this time

Chu Feng, holding a three pointed two edged knife and Hou Yi's bow, has also killed him!

In his pupils, the same light of heaven shines.

Nine days looked at these eyes and felt a burst of despair

Then he smiled bitterly: "I thought my pupil of heaven could at least make himself invincible on the premise of making rules. Unexpectedly, I met a monster like you!"

Of course, this failure also has something to do with Jiutian's rash entry into the copy.

Nine days itself is not very strong in other aspects except pupil surgery.

Once he has the advantage of pupil technique, he will easily fall into a disadvantage when he meets the enemy such as Chu Feng's eternal God's eye, and the pupil force can't compare with the opposite.

In addition, Chu Feng is a copy of soul coming this time, and the personality of the Dragon God

It's a matter of course to lose the battle in nine days!

Chu Feng didn't say much. He controlled the alchemy furnace and the three pointed two edged knife and made the last blow towards Jiutian!


In the violent explosion, the chaotic airflow of Jiutian avatar suffered a strong impact!

It can be seen that this chaotic air flow has become extremely unstable.

Chaos is the most difficult form to attack. In the world of heaven, it is the initial form.

In the chaotic form, it is immune not only to any pupil force, but also to a large number of attacks.

However, what Jiutian didn't expect was that Chu Feng had so many supreme heaven treasures in his hand.

It's not an ordinary supreme level!

But the supreme level containing divinity!

This level of attack can already cause no small damage to chaos.

Once the chaotic form is not completely invincible, Jiutian will become a moving target and can only be beaten madly by the opposite side!


Another violent sound sounded!

Chu Feng, holding three supreme secrets of heaven, constantly attacked this chaotic air flow!


The chaotic air flow finally failed to support and dissipated!

Together with the disappearance, there are nine days of life!

Since the air flow has disappeared, his body naturally disappears completely.

At the same time

In front of Chu Feng's eyes, a prompt pops up:

"Congratulations on completing this [special task] and killing another owner of the pupil of heaven!"

"You have obtained an additional super pupil talent - the pupil of Heaven (a)!"

"Detection, you have three different pupils of heaven at the same time. Do you want to fuse?"

The answer is still optional?

Of course, choose "yes"!

"Integration in progress..."






Finally, when the integration progress reached 100%, a prompt also popped up in front of Chu Feng——

"You have obtained the complete pupil of Heaven (supreme level)!"

"Specific properties can be viewed in the new super pupil panel!"

Chu Feng immediately opened the super pupil panel of the pupil of heaven——

Super pupil: the pupil of heaven

Level: Supreme

Ability: peeping into the secret of heaven, the imprisonment of heaven, the law of heaven, and the equality of all living beings

Peeping into the secret of heaven: your consciousness can be connected with this heaven and earth, obtain all the information in this space, and calculate some decisions and the results of the next step according to your ideas. Or get the hint of some unknown things (the consumed pupil force will be measured according to the depth of the secret)!

Tiandao imprisonment: you can set a range to turn this heaven and earth into your Tiandao. You can restrict your opponent's access to this space (the pupil power consumed will be measured according to the capacity and load of this Tiandao)!

Law of heaven: within your space of heaven, you can set up three laws so that everyone can follow the law together (cooling time: three months)!

All beings are equal: you can make a rule, and the selected can only carry out the initial activities you set under the rule.

Chu Feng's eyes swept through every line of text description in the pupil of heaven. In his eyes, he couldn't help but look surprised.

"It is worthy of the supreme super pupil. Is this ability too strong?"

The pupil of heaven's way, I am heaven's way, and the rules are set by me!

In the super pupil panel, three different pupils of heaven's Tao have now been integrated into a whole, no longer divided into a, B and C.

However, three different abilities are completely integrated into the same superpupil, and the ability has been greatly improved!

Whether it is prompt, imprisonment or setting rules, all have been strengthened under the complete pupil form of heaven!

Chu Feng immediately opened the complete pupil of heaven!

His eyes suddenly burst out a divine light.

It was like a god opening his eyes.

The most unique thing is that in the middle of Chu Feng's forehead

A vertical pupil opened slowly!

Three eyes!

However, the pupil of heaven in the middle of his forehead is the real eye of God!

At the moment, this eye just opens slightly

The sky of the floating world has begun to tremble slightly!

As if heaven and earth trembled for this eye!

Chu Feng opened the vertical pupil on his forehead

Great changes have taken place in the field of vision!

At this moment, everything in the whole floating world is reflected in Chu Feng's eyes!

Just then

He saw countless evil spirits surging in this world, pouring out!