Linyuan guild.

Twelve shadows gathered on the long table again.

The chief shadow suddenly opened his eyes and said in a slightly heavy tone, "nine days have died."

The whole audience fell into a dead silence.

Among them, a dark shadow opened his mouth and couldn't help asking, "nine days... How did you die?"

People were also very confused.

Jiutian can be said to be one of the Tiantong with the strongest life-saving ability in their Linyuan guild!

Under the rule of the pupil of heaven, all beings are equal.

In addition, in Jiutian's hand, there is a supreme secret treasure of the heavens - Hunyuan umbrella. With his pupil of heaven, how can anyone kill him?

Even if someone can find such an opportunity, Jiutian can use the rule that no one can use pupil power, and then take out the Hunyuan umbrella. When the defense is full, no one can kill Jiutian so easily!

Not to mention nine days, there are shadow killers and the ability to open black hole channels

But can't you run yet?

The chief shadow pondered for a moment, and then said, "maybe Jiutian met the super pupil in the copy."

Everyone looked surprised.

"At this time, can anyone go to attack the heavenly towers?"

"Shouldn't all those with hypermydriasis fall into chaos?"

"Moreover, even if someone can kill nine days, under the rule system of floating world, the ability to obtain copies is very limited, and it is impossible to directly approach the level of heaven."

"Who has this ability?"

The reason why they sent a person to the floating world for nine days is that they calculated that the danger of that world is not very great.

After all, the creatures in the spirit world are not enough to see the power of the way of heaven!

It was thought that the Dragon God's recovery caused some abnormalities, which disrupted their original plan.


Nine days later, he didn't even send back a message, but he died directly!

"Maybe he met Feng Shen."

The chief shadow was silent for a moment and made this judgment.

"What! Another God?"

Even the shadow below is not calm.

Some dark shadows said, "didn't Feng Shen be chased and killed by the shadow killer we sent in the past? How could he make room to enter the copy of the heavenly towers for strategy?"

Among them, another shadow calmly said, "you don't really think that you can deal with Feng Shen by relying on those shadow killers alone?"

"On the body of the God, there is space in the heavens."

"The shadow killer we sent out is blocking the door of the God's space."

"After entering the space, it is also normal for him to go to the floating world to enter the strategy in order to find the ability of breakthrough."

"After all, if those eyes can enter the spiritual world, they have the same ability as Bai Xiu, and the pupil power of God sealing is terrible. If he really wants to get the key to enter the spiritual world, it will be troublesome!"

From these conversations, it is not difficult to judge that the current Linyuan guild has not been able to get the key to open the spirit world.

Otherwise, they don't have to pay so much attention to Bai Xiu, and they won't take Bai Xiu of a research department. There's no way!

"If I had known, I should have controlled Bai Xiu early." a dark shadow said.

Of course, someone retorted with a sneer: "you think too much. With Bai Xiu's IQ, you can control it?"

"If he hadn't signed the contract, Bai Xiu wouldn't have come into our sight, let alone controlled him."

"Even if you can control in advance, you will never get the key to open the spirit world!"

The field fell into silence again.

If Fengshen obtains the Tiantong of the floating world and the key to open the spiritual world

Then, even if their shadow killer is blocked at the door of the opposite sky space, there is absolutely no way to take Chu Feng.

"The cherry blossom country is in complete chaos, isn't it?"

"Yes, but the evil god was temporarily suppressed by the warden at the bottom of the harasaka tower."

"Hehe, it's really a group of waste. An evil god can embarrass them like this."

A mocking figure came.

The chief of the dark shadow said faintly: "the evil god could not have caused too much danger to the current world. If the [secret incubation plan] is successfully implemented to guide the secret power into the sea, it may destroy the Dragon kingdom."

"But it is absolutely impossible to defeat the Dragon kingdom with only one evil god. There are too many monsters born in this country."

"Unexpectedly, the super pupil in the cherry blossom country can't even deal with a small evil god. They have to rely on the overseas super pupil detained in harasaka tower to solve the crisis..."

This paragraph is very ironic.

No one could have imagined that the cherry blossom country was really so abandoned!

The chief shadow said slowly, "in that case, let's start the special point plan!"

Everyone was surprised.

Other shadows couldn't help asking, "it shouldn't be appropriate to start the plan of the arrival of special points so early?"

The chief shadow said, "now, evil gods appear in this world, which is the best chance for a few special points to come."

"If you take off this time again and wait for the gods to come back from the floating world, it will be troublesome!"

"In addition..."

"Send some killers to deal with the Dragon Wuwei of the Dragon kingdom."

"Although the most cutting-edge weapons of the Dragon Kingdom have been restricted by military orders, they are still a potential hidden danger and not safe enough."

"Only the hidden danger of complete extinction is really safe!"

After hearing this, everyone was awestruck.

The super pupil of the Dragon kingdom is difficult to move freely under the contract.

It is cruel enough to order them not to deal with the enemy!

Some dragon guards are so angry that they are going to kill!

However, as long as they violate the order of the contract, disobey the regulations of the military order and violate the content of the contract, it will trigger the mechanism of depriving the super pupil ability

Therefore, the current longwuwei can't do it yet.

Of course, if Linyuan guild is really determined to let shadow killers and some terrible beings deal with long Wuwei

According to a regulation in the contract - under special circumstances, longwuwei can defend and counterattack.

In other words, if you really fight against Fu longwuwei, the other party can resist.

However, the military can use the name of simulation exercise to declare that the battle between longwuwei and the other party is just a drill.

Therefore, longwuwei cannot kill his opponent.

However, the opponent has no contractual restrictions, but can kill longwuwei at will!

This is the loophole contained in the contract!

Although long Wuwei can resist, if he can't kill his opponent, he will only be madly disgusted by the enemy!

This is a move made by Tiantong of Linyuan guild after he came to the real world.