The border of the Dragon kingdom.

Amun turned into a black fog and suddenly appeared beside several Longwu guards.

Pupil force theft!

The pupil power of several dragon guards was instantly reduced.

Pupil theft!

"It's Amun!"

"He has rebelled!"

"Take him down!"

Several dragon guards are using pupil surgery

However, when the stolen pupil fell on them, the long Wuwei suddenly found that his pupil technique was temporarily unavailable!

"Borrow your pupil technique."

Amun smiled and started a flow of information.

All the Dragon guards are displayed in Amun's vision.

"Damn it! He stole my information flow super pupil!"

A long Wuwei's complexion is very ugly.

This information flow marks the routes of all longwuwei.

Amun just glanced and knew which direction he should run away!

However, his ability is not so invincible!

After stealing for a few seconds, several dragon guards restored the permission of pupil surgery.

After all, pupil surgery is a sign of one's soul and cannot be completely stolen.

Amun's theft of other people with hypermydriasis is only temporary and will soon be forced to return it.

However, with these information flows

Amun soon turned into a black fog and moved away towards other places.

His figure changed and came to the East China Sea.

However, a barrier has been raised in this place.

The black fog hit the barrier, but it was bounced back.

Amun narrowed his eyes and found the boundary of the whole dragon kingdom. At this time, this layer of barrier appeared.

"Tut Tut, this is trouble!"

He whispered.

Just then, a figure appeared not far away.

It's Chu Feng.

After coming here, Chu Feng took the little white fox.

Open the eternal God's eyes.

Because Chu Feng is the pupil of theft, the duration will be longer.


In his hands, Hou Yi's bow and three pointed two edged knife appeared immediately!

Together with the alchemy furnace of the supreme old gentleman, they were also sacrificed.

With the same stealing pupil, Amun's pupil technique won't play much role.

Then cooperate with the three supreme level Heavenly Treasures in your hand and the ability of eternal divine eyes blessing.

There's no problem consuming Amun alive!

Amun's face took a puff and looked at the treasures in Chu Feng's hands. He couldn't help saying, "boss, you have so many supreme level secrets... Where did you come from?"

To tell the truth, he really wants to steal one of the supreme level treasures with the pupil of theft.

That's a straight take-off!

However, looking at the same pair of stealing pupils, I thought it over.


This pupil reproduction is really annoying!

Moreover, Fengshen has more than ten kinds of pupil techniques, and the pupil force is no worse than himself!

It has divine pupil power as the bottom card!

To his horror, Amun found that the divine pupil power on Feng Shen was even more than that of the black dragon, and immediately counseled him.

Otherwise, he would have a better chance of winning with Canglong against Chu Feng just now!

However, Amun directly chose to run away, which shows that he is not sure of defeating Chu Feng at all.

"Do you want to die by yourself, or do you want me to do it myself?"

Chu Feng asked coldly.

Amun smiled: "Oh, all this is a misunderstanding. We are all our own people!"

"Those who are the same pupil of heaven, why is it too urgent to fry each other?"

"Why don't we sit down and have a chat? There were misunderstandings before..."

Chu Feng interrupted coldly, "do you think I will believe your half a lie?"

Amun closed his mouth wisely.

However, he turned his eyes and said, "I can make a deal with you. You should also want to get Xia Longwu back, right?"

If Chu Feng really wants to do it, Amun is dead now.

But he hasn't done it yet.

It's for one person - Xia Longwu!

At this time, Xia Longwu was not dead and became a golden body.

Amun and Canglong will not ignore Xia Longwu because he has become a golden body, but put him away.

Open the pupil of heaven and find the whole dragon kingdom. Chu Feng didn't see Xia Longwu's position.

The only people who knew where Xia Longwu was were Canglong and Amun.

The green dragon must die.

He has a token of long Wuwei in his hand.

Therefore, whether Chu Feng wants to save Xia Longwu or not, the green dragon will die, otherwise the whole dragon Wuwei will not be liberated.

The rest of Amun, Chu Feng will come to settle after the black dragon dies.

However, Chu Feng will definitely find a way to get Xia Longwu back.

From the moment Xia Longwu was anxious to save Chu Feng, Amun controlled the two people to have a little friendship.

Chu Feng looked at Amun coldly: "is Xia Longwu in your heaven space?"


Amun nodded.

"So you're sure I dare not kill you." Chu Feng smiled.

Amun nodded again: "if the super pupil dies, the space of the heavens will be reset and put back into a part of the super pupil era, and Xia Longwu will be refreshed."

"As long as you kill me, Xia Longwu will die."

"Although you may not care about my life, I don't care about my own life."

"Tut Tut, to be honest, I'm still honored to be buried with Xia Longwu."

Chu Feng sneered, "if you're really not afraid of death, you won't run so fast. Don't talk nonsense. Let Xia Longwu out and I can give you a way to live."

"All right." Amun shrugged: "I count to three, I release Xia Longwu, you open the bondage of the pupil of heaven, and then we are clear, how about it?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "your ability is not only as simple as incarnating black fog, but also can open a channel immediately."

"Now, under the confinement of my heaven, your black hole cannot be opened."

"But once I come into contact with the confinement of the pupil of heaven, you can instantly throw Xia Longwu into the black hole and then take the opportunity to escape, right?"

Amun replied with a smile: "you think too much. How can I, a little thief, escape under the pupil of your heaven?"

Chu Feng snorted coldly.

Then he opened the pupil of theft and aimed at Amun.

Pupil force was forcibly involved in the past.

Although he didn't steal Amun's super pupil ability, doing so can continue to consume each other's pupil power.

Chu Feng robbed Amun of his divine pupil power before. Now there are many more!

It can be consumed with each other.

"You must leave all your pupils here."

"If you want to escape later, I will steal your escape thinking."

"And then I'll leave you here forever."

"But you don't need any pupil power to open the channel of the black hole."

"I can allow you to open half the passage and your body in, but take out Xia Longwu's golden body."

"Then count to three and let go!"

"I'll close all the captivity again..."

"Do you understand?"

PS: Thank you for your reward. Add a chapter in the middle of the night.