But how long.

Amun opened a half empty black hole.

Chu Feng let go of part of his authority and could let Amun open the escape black hole.

However, the black hole can only open a small hole, which can just let Amun put his two legs in.

However, his hips were so big that they just reached a very upturned place and stuck at the edge of the hole.

It can't be stuffed in.

Amun shrugged helplessly and could only do so.

A light door appeared in front of him.

Then a golden man fell out of the light door.

Looks like Xia Longwu.

However, the other party is closed in the golden body and can't move!

"Now, you can finally lift the closure of the pupil of heaven." Amun smiled.

"I count to zero, you let go, I will open the confinement of the pupil of heaven." Chu Feng said coldly.

"Well, can't you trust me?"

Chu Feng ignored the other party's nonsense and began to count down directly:





At the moment of counting to "0", Chu Feng slightly released the confinement of heaven.

Amun's hand was also sent at this moment!

Seeing the passage of the black hole, it is slowly opening

Suddenly, Amun's hand moved, and the white light door shrouded Xia Longwu's golden body!

The thief of Tiantong plans to recover Xia Longwu's golden body again with the power of heaven space at the moment of entering the black hole!

Just then

A little white fox appeared on Xia Longwu's golden body.

When he smiled cunningly and fell on the gold body quickly, his Ruby eyes glanced at Amun with a sense of ridicule.


The little white fox disappeared with the golden man!

Amun's black hole was half opened and began to close in an instant!

Chu Feng's ability to activate the pupil of heaven controls the rules of heaven and earth. No black hole is allowed to open!

Amun thought and felt the black hole's ability to steal the pupil of Chu Feng at the moment of closure.


When his pupil technique fell on Chu Feng, he dealt with the same pair of stealing pupils!

"How is that possible?"

Amun's heart was full of doubts.

How did Feng Shen use the eternal God's eyes to copy his stealing pupil and use the power of the pupil of heaven to control the change of rules?

You know, you need to switch the pupil technique to the pupil of heaven in order to release the next pupil technique!

Chu Feng's mouth gently stirred up.

"I can not only use two kinds of pupil surgery at the same time!"

you 're right!

The one who uses the pupil of heaven's way is the secret avatar of Chu Feng!

Dolls can differentiate part of their soul power, that is, the part belonging to the pupil of heaven. In other places, they are ready to control the rules of heaven and earth at any time.

The little white fox's action of putting it away is also an illusion!

In fact, the little white fox did not return to his space of the heavens, but used his ability to escape from the air to make a decision when he left the scope of Amun's perception.

Amun's attention will completely focus on Chu Feng and judge when he will open his authority and exchange Xia Longwu!

However, he ignored the existence of the little white fox!

Amun wants to take Xia Longwu's golden body back with him while fleeing here, so as to master a card to check and balance Chu Feng.

As a result

Chu Feng made clever use of the existence of the little white fox to counter Amun!

Finally, Amun got nothing!

When the black hole is closed at the beginning, it will even put amunka in the black hole and can't get in and out!

Chu Feng's three pointed and two edged sword has also been placed on Hou Yi's bow, ready to open his strongest blow and kill Amun directly!

This is the pupil of theft!

While Amun wanted all of them, did Chu Feng not want all of them?

If you can kill Amun here, you can not only obtain additional super pupil, but also make the Dragon Kingdom less a strong enemy.

It saved Xia Longwu in one fell swoop!

How can we not do something that kills three birds with one stone?

The three pointed and two edged sword has burst out a burst of bright light from Hou Yi's bow and shot at Amun!

The speed of that arrow is beyond human imagination!

The speed of light is not too much!

As if there was no chance for people to respond, they had attacked Amun!


The light door flashed towards Amun's figure!

The body of the thief entered the light door in an instant!

At the same time... '"

The black hole is gone!


A startling explosion sounded on Amun's original ground!

In the blink of an eye, a deep pit of more than ten meters appeared in the earth!

It's like falling by a meteorite.

The earth trembled violently!

"Unfortunately, I failed to kill him."

Chu Feng sighed. Looking at this place, there was an abyss like hole, and a little spark was blooming at the edge of the hole.

However, Amun's people hid in the space of the heavens.

However, Amun is still within the boundary of the Dragon Kingdom, and the entrance of the heavens is located near the coast.

Chu Feng couldn't have been guarding here all the time, and opened the imprisonment of heaven.

This needs to consume pupil force.

His eyes moved, and Chu Feng looked at the gold body next to him.

At this time, Xia Longwu became completely invincible.

Although no one can attack and hurt Xia Longwu, Xia Longwu can't come out of it.

It can be said that this is Xia Longwu's extreme defense state!

However, it is said that he himself can't come out of it.

Chu Feng moved in his heart and felt the pupil force into the golden body.

"Xia Longwu, can you respond?"

After about five minutes

In the golden body, Xia Longwu's pupil responded: "Feng Shen, what's the situation now!"

Obviously, Xia Longwu has sensed Chu Feng's pupil force fluctuation.

After all, Chu Feng signed the contract of the shadow of the Dragon kingdom.

The contract of the shadow of the Dragon kingdom is the contract rule set by Xia Longwu himself. Naturally, there is no problem.

Both were present when the contract was signed.

Therefore, Xia Longwu easily recognized Chu Feng's pupil force fluctuation.

This is a unique sign of hypermydriasis, and it is impossible for others to imitate.

Xia Longwu chose to respond with confidence.


Xia Longwu is actually very anxious.

He knew that after the rebellion between Canglong and Amun, the whole longwuwei would be seriously hit!

Chu Feng knew that the other party was eager to know the situation, so he said it again first.

"These damn guys!"

Xia Longwu was so angry that his golden body trembled slightly when he learned that longwuwei was targeted like that.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't get out of it.

"Don't say much. Long Wuwei still needs your command. How can I get you out?" Chu Feng asked.

Xia Longwu said with a wry smile, "you need to enter a very special copy."

"Unfortunately, I can't pass this copy..."

"It's my personal copy of the heavenly pagoda. It's called [dragon cutting world]!"