Chu Feng's heart moved.

Personal copy

This reminded him of the demons he had attacked on the seventh floor of the heavenly towers to revive the world!


Xia Longwu even has a personal copy?

Moreover, according to his meaning, it should be to enter the copy of [dragon cutting world] in order to break the golden body.

Xia Longwu explained, "my invincible body is the last means to protect my life."

"After using this pupil technique, my body in reality has entered a state of immortality."

"Of course, my soul can enter the super pupil era, but this skill can no longer be used."

Chu Feng asked, "can the copy of [dragon cutting world] untie your golden body?"

"Yes." Xia Longwu replied, "there is a kind of separated pupil in the Dragon cutting world, which can open a gap in my golden body."

"The reason why my golden body will never be destroyed is that under the form of this golden man, the golden body turns my body attribute into a complete whole!"

"Unless a gap is opened, my golden body will never be broken."

"The reason why there is such an extreme is that the copy has arranged an exclusive copy of [dragon cutting world] for me."

"However, I challenged this copy once before. Unfortunately, it didn't succeed and wasted a challenge opportunity."

Chu Feng asked, "when did you challenge this copy? Is it very difficult?"

Xia Longwu replied, "when I was on the tenth floor of the heavenly pagoda, I thought I wanted to cross this floor, so I planned to enter the [dragon chopping copy] to improve my ability."

"As a result, this copy made me play a special role directly"

"I was unprepared and died in the copy without any information."

"I'm not afraid of shame. I didn't find out what was going on at all, and then I died."

"So far, I don't understand what happened to that copy..."

"In longwuwei, I also investigated the intelligence of [dragon cutting world], but I didn't have the slightest information."

"It's the same until now..."

"So I guess this should be a very high-level copy of the heavenly towers."

"I didn't intend to go in so soon..."

From Xia Longwu's words, Chu Feng has heard that he is afraid of the copy of "dragon cutting world".


The heavenly pagodas do not seem to say what Xia Longwu's Dragon cutting world is like.

It's not a special thing to go in directly without any intelligence.

In his heart, Chu Feng asked, "can I enter your dragon cutting world?"

However, personal exclusive copies should be accessible only to this person.

Chu Feng didn't know if he could help.

Xia Longwu was silent for a moment, then said: "in fact... If you want to go, I still have a way to let you enter the copy of [dragon cutting world]."

Chu Feng asked in surprise, "what can you do?"

"Challenge authority..." Xia Longwu responded: "I can give the challenge authority of my personal copy to others."

"When the towers of heaven assigned me a personal task, I received SS Level Evaluation!"

"This personal copy burst out in that SS level evaluation."

"At the same time, a special item - copy challenge authority transfer card has been revealed!"

"This card can give the challenge authority of your own copy to others."

"If you are sure, I can give you the challenge authority."

Chu Feng paused and asked, "are you going to enter this copy in the future?"

"Personal exclusive copy will be of great help to your ability improvement."

"If you give me this chance, you can't go in again?"

Xia Longwu said with a wry smile: "now the Dragon kingdom is still in a crisis. In the short term, I certainly won't challenge this copy."

"Linyuan guild has made the world a mess, and the brothers of longwuwei are still waiting for me to go back and take charge of the overall situation!"

"Feng Shen, if you are sure to pass the copy of customs clearance, go. I only have two challenges left, and I don't grasp the copy of customs clearance. There is already a psychological shadow."

"Besides, I care more about my longwuwei than the customs clearance copy."

"If I go to attack that copy and can't come back, it will not only waste my time, but also waste my pupil skill..."

Chu Feng actually understood Xia Longwu's meaning.

He is more important than long Wuwei than himself!

Xia Longwu is not afraid of challenges.

But he will cherish the opportunities he has.

The power that belongs to him will continue to help the Dragon guards go further.

Therefore, Xia Longwu will not choose to do things that are too risky.

"OK, I'll help you finish this task!"

Chu Feng vowed.

"Go to the super pupil era." Xia Longwu smiled: "in this way, I can give you the challenge authority of the copy!"

Chu Feng put Xia Longwu's golden body in his own heaven space and protected it well.

There is no safer place than the space of the heavens.

After coming to the super pupil era.

Xia Longwu appears here again.

However, it can be seen that his movement speed is very slow.


After becoming a golden body, it also has an impact on Xia Longwu's soul.

Chu Feng remembered the information about the soul - the soul will determine its form according to the object it carries.

Therefore, after Xia Longwu became a golden body, even if his consciousness was still there, it also became slow.

Because his soul is not attached with a life, but a golden man, an inorganic thing that should not have life.

Only with the pupil art of beheading the Dragon world, may he be able to open his golden body and relieve the current form.

[Xia Longwu used the replica challenge authority transfer card!]

[you have obtained the exclusive challenge permission of personal copy: Dragon cutting world!]

[Note: in the Dragon cutting world, you will play a special role and participate in exclusive tasks!]

[the difficulty coefficient of this task is large. Please go carefully if you exceed your pupil!]

Chu Feng just glanced at these information and didn't read it.

He has the aura of [Tiantong person]. When he enters the copy, he can know what the copy is like for the first time.


Chu Feng immediately chose to use the personal copy challenge card after obtaining it.

Then his figure immediately appeared among the heavenly towers.

At the same time

A white light slowly fell on Chu Feng.

Chu Feng felt his body suddenly fall

The next second,

He came to the Dragon cutting world.