The peaceful and quiet forest of elves finally ushered in a cruel war on this day!

Countless Elves were bitten to death by Warcraft in the war!

The whole legion of Warcraft is like a dense army. It seems that it wants to level the forest!

Their homes were destroyed.

There was a wail.

Although the ELF KING has personally joined the battle at the first time, after all, a person's power is limited.


After releasing several holy level magic to clean up, the magic of the ELF KING is not enough and can only return to the position of the world tree.

All the elves realized that after the last battle with Merlin, the Elven King's injury had not recovered!

It is completely unrealistic for them to expect the ELF KING to come forward and reverse the battle.

The world of Warcraft is endless and can never be killed!

The ELF's defense line collapsed layer after layer.

Seeing is about to reach the most desperate moment!

The king of dwarves stood up at this time and said, "I'll return to my dwarves and move rescuers for you. You try to hold on to the last moment."

The ELF KING nodded and said, "please..."

The king of dwarves, who has always enjoyed leisure, has gone through all kinds of trouble for a foreign matter.

This is also a relatively strange thing.

However, before the wave of Warcraft, all races should unite.

The last time there was a disaster, all other races, such as elves, Terrans and dwarves, came through like this.



The elves distributed in the frontier retreated to the scope of the world tree under the call of the elves king.

A huge protective cover was raised around.

The magic array protects all the elves around the world tree, the core of the world.


After leveling other elf territories, Warcraft also came near the world tree.

At a glance.

The Warcraft Legion can't see the end at all.


These Warcraft use magic together and bombard the protective cover madly.



Although the shield gathers the power of the world tree, many elves use magic to bless the array

However, in the face of so many Warcraft bombardment, the protective array began to tremble violently no matter how firm it was.



Thousands of Warcraft legions jointly attack the Dharma array. The momentum alone is enough to make people deaf.

The spirit in the protective array felt a burst of despair and began to pray.

"God of elves, please bless our race through this disaster!"

But prayer is useless.

So many Warcraft constantly bombard the protective cover day and night. Even if they try to maintain the array, they can't avoid damage!



After nearly ten days of bombardment

There are even cracks in this array!

When they saw the crack, all the elves couldn't help crying in fear.

"It's over. Now we're all going to die!"

"Can't even the power of the world tree stop these Warcraft?"

"We are afraid to die here today!"

The number of elves is much less than that of the Warcraft Legion!

It's hard to imagine where so many Warcraft came from?



The barrier of the protective cover is constantly broken, and it seems that it will not be able to support it!

At this time, some elves present began to kneel down and pray for the emergence of miracles.



Inside the world tree.

Chu Feng opened his eyes and found himself in front of a gate with pure white light.

In the crack of the door, there was a divine light.

It seems that in this gate, there are endless knowledge possessed by gods.

"Finally opened!" Chu Feng whispered to himself.

After such a long time of meditation and epiphany, he finally realized the natural laws of the magical world to the ultimate state through the magic eye!

During this period, it also used a lot of divine pupil power to carry the flood of information.


Now Chu Feng has touched the qualification of the door of truth.

He stepped forward, put his hands gently on the door and pushed it.

The door of truth is open!

At that moment,

Chu Feng gained the supreme knowledge of truth in the magical world!

"It's time to get out of here."



Outside the world tree.

In the desperate pupils of the elves, the picture of the protective cover breaking open bit by bit is reflected!

As long as the protective cover is broken, the endless Warcraft Legion will crush their last home and even the lives of all elves with ruthless iron hooves!

Under the leadership of the ELF KING, the twelve knights were waiting in silence. The elf soldiers took up their weapons and were ready to fight the last battle with Warcraft!


Just then

The world tree burst out a burst of bright light!

Every green leaf is full of endless mystery!

After the natural laws of the surrounding heaven and earth were quickly communicated, they turned into a flood of magic and gathered frantically into the array!

A miracle happened!

The protective cover that was supposed to be broken was repaired instantly at this moment, perfect as before!

The elves looked in the direction of the world tree with incredible eyes.

"Does the spirit God really hear our call and show his spirit?"

"Praise the power of the world tree!"

"Wait, I've seen this power before. It seems that someone can trigger a vision only by understanding the Tao in the inheritance of the world tree!"

An old elf who lived a long time, saw the scene of the day when the ELF KING became a saint level magician, and couldn't help crying out!


Today, the vision as like as two peas in the world tree are the same as the Elven King's achievement in the holy magician's day.

As soon as he said this, all the Elves were stunned.

Has anyone succeeded in enlightenment in the world tree?

Could it be that

They just remembered that a month and a half ago, a man who didn't know whether to live or die entered the inheritance of the world tree.

At that time, they also predicted that this human being would roll out of the inheritance of the world tree if he could not survive for a day.

After a long time, the elves didn't see the human figure.

Everyone thought he was dead.

Who knows

A month and a half later, Warcraft is ready to level the elves

The world tree has triggered an abnormal phenomenon of enlightenment!

"That human... Really succeeded in enlightenment?"

In the astonished eyes of the elves, a light door suddenly opened under the world tree.

Chu Feng's figure came from the light door. It looked ordinary.

However, in the eyes of the ELF KING, Chu Feng's whole body was full of the breath of natural laws, as if he were integrated with this heaven and earth.

"A new saint level magician was born."

The ELF KING raised a wave in his eyes and said softly.