Chu Feng opened his eyes.

What comes into view is the ruthless and endless Warcraft.

"If the ELF KING is still in his peak state, he may be able to deal with these enemies."

With a casual glance, Chu Feng knew the current situation.

His body, floating in the air, left the range of the protective cover.

All Warcraft aimed at Chu Feng.

"That human doesn't want a person to deal with all Warcraft?"

"Even the ELF KING can't do this!"

"Not necessarily. The ELF KING is still injured. The magic is only used part of it, so it can't be used."

"If this human has really become a saint level magician, it is really possible to save our elves!"

At this point.

All the elves had a very absurd feeling!

It seems that the fate of the whole elf family is now in the hands of a human being!

Of course

Most elves still have deep doubts in their eyes.

Even if you become a saint level magician, you can really fight the whole Warcraft army with the power of one person!

The next second,

Chu Feng has begun to sing!

The sound of the vast spell seemed to reverberate in the whole world.

The natural elements of the whole magical world seemed to be mobilized at this moment!

Lightning and thunder in the sky!

Then, huge ice blades began to condense in the sky!

Rain of ice blade!

Every ice blade is three feet long!

Even if the Warcraft is rough and thick, such a huge ice blade, falling from the sky, is enough to pierce the skin of all Warcraft!

When the rain of ice blades began to fall

The Warcraft present kept wailing!

The ice blade pierced their flesh and blood.

Countless Warcraft began to look for a place to shelter!

Some Warcraft are covered with shells like dragons and turtles, which can protect themselves!

But next!

The lightning in the sky suddenly bombarded and hit those Warcraft with particularly strong defense!

Even if the Dragon Armor has strong protection ability, the destructive nature of the thunder and lightning summoned by Chu Feng has reached the extreme!

Soon, the Dragon Armor became charcoal roasted Dragon Armor!

The elf king looked at Chu Feng with strange eyes.

Although he can use magic on such a scale at his peak

However, it's really not difficult to use the spell of ice blade rain. If you want to bombard every meat shield Warcraft accurately with lightning, you can't do it yourself!

You know

To do this, we must remember the position of each Warcraft on the field and accurately judge what the characteristics of that Warcraft are.

If there are only a few hundred Warcraft on the field, the ELF KING thinks his spiritual power can also accept so much information

With the observation of the magic eye.

However, what Chu Feng faced was not as simple as hundreds of Warcraft, but the number of millions!

How terrible should the flood of information emerge?

Even the ELF KING has opened the door of truth and felt the feeling of information rushing into his brain

However, he still thinks he can't reach the level of Chu Feng, let alone split the falling thunder so accurately!

Chu Feng is still a saint level magician who has just been promoted. He has used this power so skillfully!

This makes the ELF KING feel that his level is much worse.

"Alas, one mountain is higher than another!" the ELF KING couldn't help sighing.



With the raging thunder and ice blade, after the end

From a distance, this mountain of elves has been covered with dead bodies of Warcraft!

On the ground.

All kinds of huge Warcraft corpses lay across the land, and the trees were blackened. There were not only the residual fire after lightning, but also the ice residue left on the body of Warcraft.

If you look from a high altitude, the picture presented in the field of vision is extremely shocking!

Even the top 3A masterpiece game can't make such a shocking picture!

The elves looked at everything around them with unbelievable eyes, and looked at Chu Feng floating in the sky like a God

Only then did they realize how ridiculous their previous attitude was!

Even the ELF KING can't show such terrible strength!

That human has stood at the peak of the world's combat power!

Countless elves began to kneel down and worship!

Jones's face, instantly black!

He stood where he was, a little uneasy.

During the war of Warcraft, the cunning coward hid and did not join the front war. Until the ELF KING let all the elves return to the world tree, Jones deliberately left several wounds on his body and safely returned to the camp.

I thought it would be over here.

Unexpectedly, this human showed such terrible strength!

Jones did not forget that he had spoken unkindly to the human being and said a lot of ugly things.

Now, my intestines are going to regret!

Jones looked around, trying to escape.

Anyway, a lot of Warcraft around have died, although some Warcraft are beginning to realize the danger and want to escape here

The number of remaining Warcraft is not large, but it's better than staying in the elf family?

Jones feels he can't get along with the elves!

Just as he was about to leave quietly, Monroe's figure suddenly stood in front of him.

"Lord Monroe, you..." Jones was stunned when he saw the visitor, and quickly put a flattering smile on his face.


The next second, Monroe's hand instantly condensed a thunder knife and cut off Jones's head!

Jones flew into the sky with his head wide open and staring like a dead fish's eye. Before he died, he didn't expect to leave the world forever in such a way!

Monroe said coldly, "it's just a deserter. When I don't know? I thought I didn't have time to settle with miscellaneous fish like you. Now I'm free!"

in fact.

Which elves become deserters and are immediately aware of them with the perception ability of top magicians!

Before, I didn't bother Jones because adults didn't have time to pay attention to this miscellaneous fish.

However, after Chu Feng cleaned up the Warcraft in this area, Monroe had time to clean up the corrosion insects in the elf family!

Just then

In the distance, a mighty dwarf army rushed to the territory of the elves.

The leader of the ten thousand troops is the honest and honest AON!


Wearing the dwarf Royal robe, he was majestic, and his eyes were like lightning.

When the dwarf army came to the elves' territory.

What appeared in front of the crowd was the monstrous corpse of the Warcraft Legion!

This picture made all the dwarves, even ORN himself, severely impacted by this vision and felt like a dream!

PS: brothers, count the tickets. There are too few silver tickets recently. Your silver tickets are the driving force for writing books!