After returning to the Dragon kingdom.

For the next period of time, Chu Feng chose to rest for a while.

Enter the community.

Looking at the equipment placed at home, as well as the computer, keyboard and mouse that had not been used for a long time, Chu Feng felt a burst of sobs.

"It seems that I haven't come back for a long time."

Since the beginning of the super pupil era, Chu Feng used Zhutian points to exchange two million yuan and bought the house with the whole money.

I wanted to take Chen Bo over to live.

But unexpectedly, all kinds of things happened behind.

The new house doesn't live much time.

Chu Feng wandered around his house after a long absence.

The layout of the living room is not very big. There is a tea table on the table. When the TV is turned on, the familiar voice pulls his mind back to before the super pupil era

At that time, just after school every day, I could watch the old TV at home, occasionally go to the Internet cafe next to the school and play a few games. My dream was to buy a computer without watching the old TV and playing noisy TV

It seems that all this has passed a long time unconsciously.

Suddenly looking back, what I experienced dissipated like smoke and clouds.

After so many years of the heavenly towers, Chu Feng's current state of mind is not the young man at the beginning, but a senior strategist of the heavenly towers.

When he calmed his mind again and looked at all the ordinary things around him, all kinds of emotions surged up in his heart. His thoughts seemed to bring him back to the distance. He gradually remembered what kind of people he thought, admired and what kind of life he had when he was a teenager.

Chu Feng walked around the room, habitually turned on the water heater and began to boil hot water.

I have to take a bath at night.

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Feng turned on the computer for a long time, chose the MoBa game he hadn't played for a long time, and was ready to start several qualifying games.

I chose the most skilled hero, but it seems that I haven't used it for a long time.

Listen to the familiar voices in the summoner Canyon

Bit by bit, Chu Feng restored his state to a mortal, began to enjoy the game, listened to the killing in his ears, and constantly used signals to command his teammates to make decisions one after another

Although he didn't open the super pupil, Chu Feng still killed the four sides in the summoner canyon with completely different physical qualities!

Of course, the strength of the opponent is not bad. After all, in the super pupil era, many super pupil people awaken the ability of super pupil and play games, and their reaction is even more powerful!

Chu Feng deliberately blocked his power, otherwise if he made a little effort, the keyboard worth more than 1000 would not be able to withstand the destruction of his fingers.

A few games down.

Looking at a page of green achievements and the pop-up box of rank promotion, Chu Feng smiled on his face.

"Today's state is good."

Just at this time, the water heater almost raised the water temperature to about 50 degrees.

After a hot bath.

Chu Feng changed into casual clothes, washed his face, put on his key and went out.

He wandered leisurely in the street.

Although the scenery of the city has not changed much, from time to time, there are super pupil people on the roadside who release strange abilities, and some young children, under the care of their parents, use the super pupil ability of the wind system to control the paper plane to pass slowly.

On the road, a child almost fell to the ground.

But when his body fell to half, it suddenly suspended.

A man in sandals passed by. There was a trace of iron silver in his pupils. Looking at the child's smiling tunnel: "children, be careful, old man. My eyes are hard to use. I may not be able to aim at you so accurately next time..."

All this seems to show that the world has changed a lot.

It seems to have changed, and it seems not to have changed.

Unconsciously, Chu Feng went back to his school and found that the whole campus was very quiet, and he also pulled a cordon. No one can enter it casually.

"Seems to be the college entrance examination?"

Chu Feng's expression appeared in a trance.

Unconsciously, the age of hypermydriasis has passed for almost a year.

It is said that the college entrance examination test for people with hypermydriasis is also divided into different assessments, which is convenient to distinguish different people with hypermydriasis and different target groups.

Some super pupil people mainly focus on the strategy of the sky towers, so the direction they choose naturally needs to be closer to the strategy group. The assessment content is also the decision-making ability of super pupil people in the copy, etc.

Some super pupils continue to act as labor force. At this time, the assessment content is still learning ability.

Even if hypermydriasis has special abilities, they have to learn how to use them better.

Only by combining Taoism and martial arts can we go further.

After passing the school, Chu Feng entered a small alley.

This is where he lived before he moved.

Uncle Chen used to live here.

Although he came through, after absorbing the memory of Chu Feng's life, he also had an inexplicable sense of familiarity and belonging to this place.

After all, it's a place where I lived for some time.

After entering, Chu Feng unexpectedly found that the old building he lived in had been demolished.

Because the super pupil era has brought a lot of changes, Chu Feng and Chen Boyi left, this place has become an uninhabited place, and they can't contact other heads of households for the time being, so they directly use pupil technology to carry out demolition, which is much faster in speed and efficiency.

However, the Zijin Badao soup powder store downstairs has not been closed.

The voice of scolding children still came from the shop opened by the old aunt.

However, instead of scolding them for not doing their homework well at ordinary times, they have become scolding them not to use pupil surgery indiscriminately, let alone enter the heavenly towers... And why haven't they finished their pupil surgery yet? Why is the examination result of pupil surgery so low?

"Sure enough, even in any special era, there is the sadness of students in this era..."

Chu Feng couldn't help laughing at these words.

After he went in, he ordered a bowl of Zijin Badao soup.

It's getting late. It seems that the old aunt is about to awaken her pupil surgery and take off. She is very careful to protect her eyes. She leaves the business to her child and husband, but she doesn't notice Chu Feng's appearance.

Chu Feng quietly ate Zijin Badao soup. After scanning the yard to pay, he walked out of the soup powder store with satisfaction.


He has the body of gods and demons, and his body contains the true yuan of the heavenly system. He can maintain his life even if he doesn't need to eat.

However, Chu Feng was willing to do so.

Because that's his real life!

From these ordinary details, he can realize the real sense of belonging and significance!

Go home.

Chu Feng entered the super pupil era.

His figure appeared near a small hotel by the sea.