When Chu Feng came to the small hotel by the sea

The figure of Jiang Xue and others suddenly appeared near the small hotel.

"Coincidentally, your Raiders copy is back?" Chu Feng smiled.

Jiang Xue feels a little surprised. Chu Feng feels more like a friend around her now.

Other group friends have the same feeling.

In the past, the name of Fengshen, like the existence at the top of the Dragon Kingdom super pupil pyramid, always gave them a sense of oppression from the superior.

It's like

The big guy is right next to me!

You have to be reserved and respectful.

But now, Chu Feng's breath easily converged, giving people the feeling that he suddenly became an ordinary person around him.

This is by no means adjustable by Jiang Xiaoyu's mind eye.

It is the inner cultivation of Fengshen himself, which has reached a certain height, and there have been some breakthroughs and changes in his state of mind.

Bai Xiu suddenly walked forward excitedly and said, "Feng Shen, we have gained a lot of knowledge about the soul in this super pupil era..."

"Maybe I have a way to repair the situation of Uncle Chen!"

"But you may need a little help..."

After a simple statement.

Chu Feng probably understood what happened.

In this copy, the task performed by Bai Xiu and others has a great relationship with the soul.

Through exploration, we can find that the existence form of soul is closely related to memory and personality performance.

The memory of this world is connected with the soul of this world.

However, it is worth mentioning that memory, as the key key, is not the whole soul, but a key factor to unlock the soul code.

Bai Xiu explained: "everyone's life experience and way of doing contain a philosophical attitude, and these details are the password and key of the soul."

"If you want to repair Chen Bo's current soul damage, you must outline the shape of his soul as much as possible, and slowly deploy and test it."

"As long as Chen Bo's soul can be restored to its original state, the soul damage he suffered can be restored."

Chu Feng said, "so we need some memories of Uncle Chen?"

Bai Xiu paused and nodded: "yes, if you have some memories of getting along with Uncle Chen day and night and can provide them to me, you may find some ways."

Chu Feng nodded. In his mind, a picture of getting along with Chen Bo first emerged.

Then he hesitated for a while, and conceived some things that had happened in the underworld in his mind, intending to pass them on.

Although it involves some secrets of Uncle Chen, since Bai Xiu said that the soul is the key, these memories are very useful.

In particular, Chen Bo's choice at a critical moment in the underground contains his original real soul form.

Perhaps these can become the key.

"Xiaoyu, you use the power of the pupil of your heart to pass the picture seen by Feng Shen to me." Bai Xiu turned around and looked at Jiang Xiaoyu's white face. It's rare to be serious.

Jiang Xiaoyu sighed: "why is Xiaoyu's life so hard? I have to transmit this picture and that picture to you every day. It's really a hard life to work!"

Of course, although the mind is lazy, the body has to move.

A mysterious green pattern was reflected in her pupils.

Next second.

The pictures of Chu Feng and Bai Xiu are connected.

The memory pictures built in his mind soon formed complete and smooth pictures under the control of Chu Feng's pure pupil force, which were transmitted to Bai Xiu's eyes.

After watching this series of pictures

Even if Bai Xiu has long been ready to become a qualified audience and not to talk and feel more about other people's lives, he has to be shocked by Chen Bo's experience.

"Unexpectedly, the old man went through such a special thing after entering the underworld."

Bai Xiu sighed in his heart, but at the same time, a guess also appeared in his mind.

He looked at Chu Feng and said, "Chen Bozhi's memory has been so damaged because he directly rejected the huge soul memory, so he has been indelibly damaged."

"In fact, in my research, fate is actually a part of the soul."

"Everyone's soul will become more and more complete through the exploration of experience in the journey of life, so as to show the original state of that soul."

"Therefore, Chen Bo accepted the fate of so many sentient beings and saw so many things. Although it is not his original wish, it is also a part of his soul."

"The reason why Chen Bo's soul can't be repaired after coming out is that he forcibly deleted a part of his soul, so he can't get up."

Chu Feng frowned and was understanding what Bai Xiu said.

Bai Xiu shrugged and said, "in fact, you can understand that the baby is a piece of white paper from birth, and there is no form of soul."

"However, the form of the soul has been determined at birth, and will continue to improve with age, rich experience and everything experienced, and finally become the direction that the soul will eventually lead to."

"The soul is not only a personality, but also a person's past, present and future. It is not a single part, but a whole, so it will be so complex."

"Chen Bo denied one of his soul experiences, which is equivalent to deleting a part of his own soul."

Chu Feng nodded: "I probably understand, but if so, how can we make Uncle Chen recover?"

Bai Xiu was silent for a moment, and then said, "in fact, I haven't tried this method. I can only say it's an attempt..."

"That is, use the power of my soul to transmit everything he has experienced to Chen Bo's consciousness and guide him to feel relieved about it."

"You may need the help of Jiang Xiaoyu..."

Jiang Xiaoyu heard Bai Xiu suddenly say so. His little face was full of unexpected color and pointed to his nose: "do you want my help?"

Bai xiudao: "aren't you the best at guiding others? Exploring the essence of the soul is my talent and guiding the direction of the soul. That's your talent..."

Jiang Xiaoyu is a little helpless.

I feel that I am still young and my life is not fast, but the burden on me is getting heavier and heavier.


Jiangxiaoyu likes to do things to guide other people's souls.

Chu Feng's eyes moved.

This is also the talent brought by her soul awakening superpupil, right?