"It's really decisive to break through the seal of Spring Valley by burning the virtual shadow of 100 worlds in an instant!"


There is nothing wrong with the choice of the pupil of the world.

Since the strategy group of super pupil world has the ability to repair the origin of the world, these origins will no longer be used by the pupil of the world at the moment of interruption.

If you can't use it, it's better to destroy it directly when you can still use it!

Burn the origin of the world and burst out terrible power. No matter how tenacious quangu Yutai's seal is, it is impossible to prevent 100 world origins from burning at the same time... Not even one more second!

Although Chu Feng made moves to stop the pupil of the world, the other party's counterattack means can be described as ruthless and decisive. See the moves!

When the pupil of the world burns the origin of 100 worlds

When Chu Feng went to other worlds again, he found that the super pupil had been withdrawn.

"Since these origins have been destroyed, I'm afraid the task of the heavenly towers has been forcibly suspended..."

"The rest of the super pupil people should go back to the era of super pupil?"

"Then, the next task is only for me."

Chu Feng was moved and realized that the current situation had changed.

Of course, the pupil of the world is burning the origin of 100 worlds, which is absolutely huge for the weakening of his own strength!

From the words of the emperor of heaven, Chu Feng realized that the pupil of the world did not reach the true fairyland.

But he took a different route from himself.

The pupil of the world is the source of plundering other worlds to project the power of the whole world and suppress opponents.

When there are enough projections in the world, even the real fairy is definitely not his opponent.

However, after burning the origin of 100 worlds, the strength of the pupil of the world itself is weakened, which can definitely be called the level of destruction!

If before that, even if Chu Feng had the power of the peak of real immortals, the pupil of the world also had an 80% chance of winning, then I'm afraid the chance of winning now has been reduced to less than 50%, or even lower!

Chu Feng now has the capital to defeat the pupil of the world. The difference is to catch up with each other.

Since there is no task to need Chu Feng's help, he is now trying his best to break through the projection of the spirit world as soon as possible.

After a period of movement

Finally, I came to the spirit world projection on the first floor.

Chu Feng even went to see the world of martial arts and the scene of Yuyang city.

After the invasion of the animal tide, Yuyang city has already restored its former city. The four families have even held a new round of martial arts competition. Although King Guanghan is old, he still insists on personally selecting outstanding martial arts disciples.


Chu Feng crossed the last layer of the spirit world projection.

After breaking through the last diaphragm like barrier

Chu Feng seems to have come to a new world!

At present, the field of vision is extremely broad!

It seemed to fall from above the clouds towards below.

From the bottom of the projection of the spirit world, you can see the magnificent world tree, just like a tower connecting heaven and earth.

However, the world tree is no longer so boundless. You can see the land under the world tree from here.

It's an island.

Impressively, Chu Feng saw the island in the fate picture of the pupil of the world!

Originally, this should be the end of the world.

However, the pupil of the world picked up the seed from the crack and sowed it. After planting the world tree, it began to breed rules and give birth to life.

Therefore, a new world is formed, which is different from the end of the world.

Correspondingly, it is the 93rd floor of the heavenly towers——

World tree!



Chu Feng fell from the clouds.

When we reach under the world tree

He began to display the cultivation realm of true immortals, stabilized his body, slowed down the speed of falling and floated.

If you really fall from such a high place to the ground, even the real fairy can't bear it?

When we get to a lower place

Suddenly, shadows as bright as moonlight flashed in front of Chu Feng.

Look carefully, it turned out to be a little white fox!

Their fur was as bright as new. When they passed Chu Feng, their ruby eyes were full of doubts, as if they were staring at the uninvited guest.

Chu Feng thought.

On his shoulder, the little white fox also ran out.

See your own kind

The little white fox showed a surprised expression and couldn't help shouting "GIAO GIAO".

This is the first time it has seen its accomplices

Although Benming is connected with Chu Feng, the nature of little white fox is still playful.

Chu Feng did not stop the nature of the little white fox and asked it to communicate and play with its friends.

Soon, the little white fox launched his ability to escape, became one with other friends, and played around the world tree together.

Through the little white fox, other world tree Aborigines were not so hostile to Chu Feng and became friendly.

Except for the little white fox

Chu Feng also found that at the bottom of the world tree, on the branches, there were hanging people upside down one after another.

"Unexpectedly, this hanging man is the world fruit growing on the world tree..."

This discovery surprised Chu Feng.

In the days of the super pupil era, the hanging man was a notary who was responsible for maintaining the order of the auction.

Obviously, they have good command.

However, the hanging man who grew up on the world tree did not respond when he saw Chu Feng.

Their faces wore a look of constipation and pain.

"It seems that they are naturally the kind of people who are not very comfortable..."

Chu Feng suddenly showed sympathetic eyes.

Not everyone can have a good attitude if they want a good attitude!

For example, most people become grumpy when they are ill.

Mild temperament, but also to establish a healthy and comfortable time, can have this condition.

Hanging upside down seems to be a group of people who are not very comfortable, so they naturally don't behave very well in their attitude towards strangers.

In addition to hanging people upside down

Chu Feng also found that the world tree had many strange creatures seen in the super pupil era.

For example, the elf appears in the copy selection interface

Craftsmen who open up the space of the heavens

There are some smart businessmen who have never seen before

"It turns out that all the creatures in the super pupil era come from the trees of the world."

Chu Feng showed a thoughtful expression.

His figure fell slowly to the ground.

"Here you are, son of prophecy."

Just then, a voice came from behind the world tree.

Chu Feng turned and looked. He saw an old man who was short, wearing strange clothes, gray hair, wearing a frame that could almost press half his face, holding a thick ancient book in his hand, walking hesitantly towards himself