Chu Feng turned and looked. He saw an old man who was short, wearing strange clothes, gray hair, wearing a frame that could almost press half his face, holding a thick ancient book in his hand, walking hesitantly towards himself

"Here you are, son of prophecy," he repeated.

Chu Feng has not heard such a title for the first time.

He couldn't help asking, "Why are there prophecies?"

The old elf glanced at Chu Feng and said, "as the Lord of hell, you should have a Book of life and death."

Chu Feng's heart moved.

The book of life and death appeared in my hand.

The old elf smiled and said, "every world has a Book of fate for every world."

"The book of life and death, to some extent, is also a kind of book of destiny."

"If the book of life and death governs the fate of the living body in the world, then prophecy is the direction of the soul journey."

Chu Feng nodded and understood the meaning of the old elf.

The world of the heavenly towers is divided into material and spiritual worlds.

Death is not the end of the world of heavenly towers.

What the hell governs may be the reincarnation of all things in the heavenly towers.

As for prophecy, it is the fateful point of the soul.

Chu Feng looked up at the Yingling hall and asked, "how can I get to the 94th floor of the heavenly towers?"

The old elf said faintly, "come with me."

Follow the old elf.

Chu Feng walked through the jungle of the world tree.

Nearby, the elves and little white foxes cast puzzled eyes at Chu Feng and talked about the strange visitor one after another.

Chu Feng found that all creatures in the world tree looked at the old elf with awe.

The elves must have a high position in the world tree.

Under his leadership

Chu Feng came to a high flat bottom.

There are many fairy flowers here.

As the old elf walked by, the veins covered on the flowers and leaves began to light up instantly, just like a sea of stars.

"This is the planting place of tongtianteng..."

The old elf turned his eyes to Chu Feng and said, "if you want to go to the Yingling hall, you can't jump up from the crown of the world tree."

"The rules there limit that everyone can't climb the Yingling hall. Even if you have the status of a real immortal, you will be suppressed."

"However, now that you have unlocked the complete Yingling base and have the seeds of the world tree, you can send you to the world above the Yingling hall by planting a Tongtian vine with the seeds of the world tree."

Chu Feng's heart moved, and a seed appeared in his hand.

"Just plant this seed?"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, the fairy flower like a sea of stars, part of it, began to dim.

From the sea of flowers, a black fog condensed.

In the black fog, a black elf came out.

"Charles, you should betray that man and help this human..."

The black ELF's tone was cold and authentic.

Charles said faintly, "ancient temple, your idea is too paranoid. That person may not be right."

The ancient temple sneered.

"Hehe, you are really old and confused. Don't forget that the man gave us life at the beginning."

"Moreover, the appearance of that mirror isolated many of our people from nowhere..."

"Is it strange that the man destroyed the mirror in order to protect us?"

Charles shrugged and was too lazy to say more to the ancient temple.

His eyes turned to Chu Feng and said, "if you want to activate tongtianteng, you need the approval of all elves."

"I can make decisions instead of those simple children, and they are willing to listen to questions..."

"However, the ancient temple is an extremist. It's useless for me to tell him so much. If he doesn't agree to activate the spirit flower sea, then tongtianteng can't be activated."

Chu Feng nodded.

Then he looked at the ancient temple and said, "do you think that man destroyed the mirror in order to save you?"

The ancient temple just sneered.

Obviously, he has deep hostility to Chu Feng.

Charles suddenly said, "the ancient temple can see whether your ability is true or false. You just need to show him what that person has done."

Chu Feng's heart moved.

The world tree is very close to its origin.

The creatures here are born from the source. They may have a deep understanding of all the power systems of the heavenly towers.

Therefore, they can distinguish Chu Feng's ability.

If you use the art of global backtracking, or some pupil ability to put memory out, both the ancient temple and Charles can tell the true from the false.

Chu Feng smiled, and then he put the picture of Chaotong era into the ancient temple first.

"First, the mirror you mentioned is not a prison, it is equivalent to another system, and none of the associates who entered the mirror died."

The ancient temple's eyes narrowed, and then sneered: "what does this mean? Even if the mirror doesn't make anything, I won't let you move that person at will."


Chu Feng played the picture of the pupil of the world facing the pupil of heaven.

Seeing the picture, the pupil of the world killed his accomplice, and the look of the ancient temple changed slightly.

"No... impossible. He must have some other reason to do so..."

The ancient temple did not doubt the authenticity of the picture.

As the original creature of the world tree, it can tell whether the picture released by Chu Feng is true or false.

Chu Feng noticed this and continued to release the picture.

"If he burned a hundred worlds and called it to save you, I have nothing to say."

In the picture, the pupil of the world instantly destroys 100 world origins.

This is a picture extracted from the information transmitted by yutarlingji quangu.

Moreover, when Chu Feng floated in the projection of the spirit world, he also saw some pictures of the instantaneous destruction of the world

At this moment

The ancient temple has completely fallen into self doubt.

"No... impossible... How could that man do that?"

Charles said faintly, "do you really think he said it was to save the creatures in the mirror and explore the truth of the world?"

"After he found the creature in the mirror and still lived a good life, this idea should have changed long ago."

"Now, in the name of salvation, he just wants to get the origin of the heavenly towers."

"That origin is an object that can lead to the legendary realm!"

"As long as you get the source, you are God..."

Charles's words undoubtedly condemned the motives and behavior of the pupil of the world.

He sighed, "I told you so long ago. Why don't you believe in prophecy?"