"No... impossible..."

The ancient temple held its head in pain.

The next second, he turned into a fog and went there.

Charles sighed and turned to Chu Feng: "in fact, the ancient temple is not bad. He is just unwilling to admit this fact."

"I told him the prophecy long ago, but the guy didn't believe it."

"Of course, after you come, even if you show him those pictures, he can't accept them all at once."

Chu Feng nodded.

In fact, the creatures in the world tree are much simpler than other existence of the heavenly towers.

Or maybe they live under the tree of the world, closest to the source, without so many disputes.

In Chu Feng's eyes, the small trouble of the ancient temple is like a child protecting the elders at home. He won't care about people and things.

"By the way, what kind of existence is that mirror?"

Chu Feng suddenly thought of a question and asked.

The mirror corresponds to the world on the 99th floor of the heavenly towers.

It's also the age of super pupil.

It is an important node connecting the heavenly towers and the super pupil world.

When the mirror appears, it is also the day of great changes in the heavenly towers.

The super pupil era also appears in the super pupil world

Therefore, what kind of existence is the mirror in the world of heavenly towers?

Charles was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"I don't know much about mirrors..."

"Perhaps the pupil of the world knows this problem."

"Although we were born in the world tree of the heavenly towers, it is only the 93rd floor."

"More answers, perhaps in the world after the 95th floor."

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

He thought Charles could know something about the mirror.

If the birth of the world tree aborigines here is closely related to the pupil of the world, they should know more information.

Especially in Charles's hand, he still holds the book of fate, and even knows what the pupil of the world is thinking.

However, he still doesn't know the meaning of the mirror.

"Also, this is only the 93rd floor of the heavenly towers..."

Chu Feng vaguely noticed that perhaps the door was a watershed.

Charles said, "but I know something about the world before the mirror..."

Chu Feng moved and asked, "what is the world behind the gates of the heavenly towers?"

The pupil of the world has passed through the gates of the heavenly towers and came to the world behind.

Even if Chu Feng can catch up, the place of battle will be in the later world.

Therefore, knowing more about the following information will only be of greater help to your next battle!

Charles pondered for a moment and then began to describe:

"First of all, behind the gates of the heavenly towers is a passage."

"That passage, placed in the great system of the heavenly towers, has two parts."

"The first part: it is located at the connection between each heaven tower world. It is a bit similar to a pipe. The door is the valve port. Once it is opened, two different worlds can be connected together."

"The second part is the passage behind the Yingling hall to the deep source core of the heavenly towers."

"The passage is long, and at the end of the passage, the root is connected."

"In the root, there is all the knowledge of the heavenly towers, including the past, present and future. If you reach the root, you should know all the heavenly towers."

"However, the root has the protection of inhibition. It is said that Gaia is located in the root. He will not easily let others enter the end of the world."

"With the power now mastered by the pupil of the world, Gaia is probably not an opponent. It is just a guardian at the root. Its ability can almost be compared with the strongest spirit, but it is not much stronger, so it can't stop the pupil of the world for a long time."

"The trouble is that after mastering all the knowledge of the root causes, the pupil of the world may find a way to restrain you."

"Therefore, when you reach the root, you'd better not act rashly, find Gaia first, and then obtain the knowledge of the root, so that the pupil of the world can't pose too much threat to you..."

Chu Feng couldn't help nodding.

What Charles said was very pertinent.

Not only introduced the world behind the door, but also gave some suggestions.

Otherwise, Chu Feng went to the world behind the door. If he didn't find out the situation, he might really be given a pit by the pupil of the world!

"In essence, it should also be a chaotic world like the end of the world."

"However, because the root stores all the knowledge of the heavenly towers, coupled with the construction of Gaia, it has become a holy city of knowledge."

"However, as for the structure of the holy city, I don't know. I haven't been to the root cause, but I have learned relevant information from books."

Charles explained.

Chu Feng naturally knew that this information came from the book of fate.

"Holy city..."

In that case, Chu Feng can be sure that there is a certain difference between the root and the end of the world, which has been built into an orderly world by Gaia.

All knowledge may be stored in the holy city and arranged in an orderly manner.

Charles added, "when you get to the root, try to find Gaia first and let it take you to get all the knowledge."

Chu Feng couldn't help asking, "will Gaia help me?"

Charles smiled and said, "you can rest assured that you have the personality of the spirit. Gaia used to be the Lord of the spirit. After feeling the spirit base on you, he will certainly find a way to help you."

Chu Feng nodded.

After this short conversation, Chu Feng had understood the world behind the 95th floor of the heavenly towers.

"As for the end of the world..."

Charles's face showed a slightly dignified expression, and then shook his head: "anyway, you should know that there is a disorderly world."

"As for what it is, in fact, I don't know..."

"But the pupil of the world must know the secrets and laws there."

"Before fighting with him, you first use pupil technique to watch the fate of the pupil of the world, directly obtain the information at the end of the world from him, and return it to him in the other way!"

Chu Feng nodded.

Charles said that nature is his supreme pupil.

Since he can get information directly from his opponent, Chu Feng can at least stand at the same height as the pupil of the world and won't suffer a loss.

Now, the only problem is the planting of tongtianteng.

Just then.

The ancient temple has returned here.

He looked at Chu Feng and said, "I agree with you."