<SYSTEM> You can enter the Curtis Caballero – Heartless Woman + Regretful Man Route. Do you want to proceed?



Regretful man? This was the first time that I saw that keyword even after targeting Curtis 10 times.

Curtis’ original keywords were Grand Duke of the North, Friendship Man, and Knight Man. He may be blunt with his words, but he was always considerate of the main character and took care of his actions.

‘Besides, what would Curtis even regret about Edith?’

Could it be that he felt deeply guilty for causing an aristocratic lady to fall as a maid? I shrugged as I looked at the floating message in front of me.

‘Let’s not proceed. He’s not Edith’s true love anyway, so what’s the point in wasting my time with him?’

When entering the <SYSTEM> route, a route entry success reward was generated.

‘Reward for successful entry?’

My eyes were particularly drawn in by the word ‘reward’ as if it glistened in gold. When a game had rewards, it made me want to play it for no reason at all.

‘Anyway, due to the nature of the reverse harem game, it’s not like you have to attack the route unconditionally just to enter. Should I just try it?’

After thinking about it a while, I nodded my head. The reward I received from the last quest wasn’t very useful – Valérez didn’t fall for my big boobs – and I didn’t have time to spend on Curtis.

“I don’t want to do it.”

When I made up my mind and chose NO, the system beeped and sent a new message.

<SYSTEM> You weren’t even interested in Curtis’ route! It’s the perfect look. Since you got the answer right, you’ll enter the Curtis Caballero – Heartless Woman + Regretful Man Route!


What is with this crazy system? It randomly threw away rewards that I didn’t ask for with a bang, saying that I made the right decision.

<ITEM> Small Holy Power Pouch

Description: It can contain holy power gathered through the male leads. If you fill it up, you can be recognized as a saint.

It was amazing that I could carry around holy power, but the explanation was strange in a sense that holy power was collected through the male leads.

<ITEM> Poker Face Mask

Description: When equipped, a nonchalant expression is maintained in any situation. A useful item to target the regretful male lead, Curtis Caballero. ※Caution※ If you injure yourself in front of Curtis while wearing the mask, the route of confinement may be opened.


I should never use this mask then. determined, I picked up an ordinary looking pouch and mask.

“Hey, when did I say I wanted to enter the route?”

I glared as I ground my teeth at the status window that indicated I have entered the route. A slightly blurred system message came.

<SYSTEM> Route entry reward – Charm, Stamina, and Elegance increase by 20.

I felt like something was somehow trying to comfort me. It’s quite ridiculous that the system was looking at me, and I smiled in vain, but another message generated as if it knew I wasn’t appeased yet.

<SYSTEM> Route entry reward – Curtis’ erection level is increased by 1 pepper.

“No, I don’t need that!”

He had refused me with a straight face, but his erection level, once raised, didn’t go down.

* * *

Perhaps because of her reputation as a reward for entering Curtis’ route, Edith’s life as a maid had become much easier day by day.

‘Why do people seem to treat me better now than when I was a young lady?’

I bowed my head to the kitchen lady who was piling soft bread in front of me, saying that at my age I should be eating heartily.

“Thank you.”

The lady put a bowl of soup in front of me as if the bread wasn’t enough, and clicked her tongue.

“If it’s not enough, I’ll give you more. Hey, look at those skinny arms. So, what are you going to do? I’m worried.”

“Boy,” another kitchen lady refuted her words, “It’s because you don’t know how Miss Edith does her job so well.”

The lady with curly hair, Martha, slapped my back and smiled a toothy grin.

“The lady is a very talented woman, talented! You don’t know how fast her hands are. Didn’t you say you cleaned the mansion’s railings all by yourself yesterday?”

The corners of my mouth lifted awkwardly at Martha’s compliment. The reason why my hands were particularly faster than the others was because my stamina increased due to the reward after entering Curtis’ route.