I shook my head, staring at the fucking system window. If Adrian’s route was destroyed, the penalty would be his death, and there’s no way I’d choose that.

“Rian, come and wash up with me.”

With a regretful sigh, I refused to have sex with Adrian, and twisted the tap.


The stream of water pouring into the bathtub heated up.

“All you have to do is wash up. You don’t have to do this to me.”

At last, Adrian nodded his head carefully and settled down in the bathtub. I somehow washed his skinny body, which seemed to have calmed down.

‘Fuck it, I’m getting hornier at this rate…’

Once I’d escape the game, I’d make sure to leave a single star or half a review. I ground my teeth and continued to wash Adrian and myself.

* * *

“Well, I’ll apply some medicine, so stay calm.”

Having Adrian toweled and dried after washing thoroughly, I put my index finger on his forehead as he sat on the floor with a large towel around him.

“Sigh. Don’t move.”

When I sternly warned him from trying to leave, he pouted his lips and scratched the floor with his fingernails.


I smiled at Adrian’s whining, the sound like a deflating balloon. Do people like this?

“I know it hurts, but please be patient. Otherwise it won’t heal properly.”

I glanced at Adrian’s tearful face and began to apply a lot of ointment to his back. My heart ached from just looking at it.

“Phew. This wound will scar.”

I breathed a sad sigh at the huge wound which didn’t scab yet. Even I wouldn’t be able to resist scratching that.

“You were born beautiful. Your mother must be very upset if she ever saw this.”

Fortunately, his face was untouched as I guess they feared his value would fall. However, the empress must be very upset that the noble body of the crown prince was this hurt and damaged.

‘Come to think of it, was there an empress in this empire?’

“Mother? Mother? Master?”

Rian tilted his head at my words and pointed at me with her fingertips. I frowned with a straight face at his gesture.

“Oh, no. Not me. I’m not Rian’s mother. Never,” I shook my head firmly.

To think Rian and I did that in the bathroom earlier and he’d mistake me for his mother… Rian thought I rejected him, and discouraged, he got down and hit his head again on the floor.

“Huuu… Huuuu…”

I stared blankly at the floor puddled with his tears and cleared my throat.

“I have to say, since I’m practically in limbo, I might say I’m the master of the limbo.”

Adrian smiled broadly when he raised his head at my little murmur. I glanced at him smiling and scratching his cheek. He was really cute. So, so cute.

<QUEST> ‘Adrian von Bernhard’ is freed from the abnormal condition ‘pain’. His wounds slowly begin to heal.

10% of Adrian von Bernhard’s insinuation is canceled.

I was relieved to see Adrian’s bar slowly filled up. I was concerned if his insinuations weren’t lifted, but fortunately I was proven wrong.

According to the quest description, it seemed that if I fed Adrian well and let him rest well, the insinuation would be resolved.

‘The question is, how do you send him off without being attached…?’

Even now, the thought of sending him to the palace still hurts my heart, but it was a real problem to get attached. Adrian, who would become the arrogant crown prince again once this quest was done, would never stay with me and become my pet.

“Rian, shall we eat now?”

After washing and treating his wounds, it was time to eat and go to bed later.

‘We ate all the chocolate earlier… Oh, there must be potatoes from when I worked as a maid.’

The pockets of possession provided by the system weren’t infinite, but it felt like Doraemon’s pocket without physical restrictions.

I recalled putting in potatoes that I had gathered for the maid quest, so I was able to find ingredients and have a simply rough meal. As soon as I entered the kitchen with Adrian, a knock rang from the front door.


‘Who is it? Did he come to the wrong house?’

I’ve just moved in, so I’m pretty sure I wasn’t expecting any guests. I tried to calm down my startled heart, but the trembling of my fingers didn’t settle down as easily.

‘If I don’t open it, it’ll go.’

I listened far away from the door, but then I heard a familiar lively voice call out.

“Young Lady! Young Lady Abina!”



“It’s Jian! Please open the door!”